首頁 > 最新 > 讀外媒:世上僅存雄性北方白犀牛被實施安樂死





據報道,「蘇丹」生活在肯亞的佩傑塔自然保護區,最近一直由武裝警衛進行保護。佩傑塔自然保護區一名代表桑佩雷(Elodie Sampere)表示,「他是一頭溫柔的巨獸,個性非常好。由於他的體型巨大,很多人感到害怕,但他並不在意。」

桑佩雷表示,研究者已設法保存了「蘇丹」的部分遺傳物質,希望對餘下兩隻雌性之一成功實現人工授精。世界野生動物救援協會CEO奈彼德(Peter Knights)表示,「我們只希望,世界能從失去『蘇丹』的不幸中得到教訓,採取一切措施停止犀牛角的所有貿易。儘管犀牛角的價格在下降,但針對犀牛角的偷獵行為仍然威脅著所有犀牛物種的生存。」


「蘇丹」出生在南蘇丹,1歲時被抓之後被運到了捷克的Dvur Kralove動物園。2009年,蘇丹和另外1頭雄性北方白犀蘇尼、2頭雌性北方白犀Najin和Fatu從捷克動物園搬到了肯亞的奧爾佩傑塔自然保護區中,開始了「最後生存機會」繁殖計劃。不幸的是,雄性北方白犀牛蘇尼於2016年10月死去,繁衍後代的任務只能靠蘇丹。



With the weight of between three and five tons, the white rhinoceros checks in as the planet"s second largest land mammal.

AZUZ: And the sub species of the white rhino known as the northern white rhino is now just two animals away from complete extinction and both of the living ones are females. The last male who was named Sudan lived on a conservancy in the African nation of Kenya. He was 45 years old, which is elderly for a rhinoceros and he had a lot of health issues related to his age. So, a conservation group announced yesterday that Sudan had been put to sleep.

As Sudan lived out his last years, he was protected 24 hours a day by armed guards. Just as conservationists prized Sudan for being the last male northern white rhino, poachers, people who illegally kill animals, prized rhinos for their horns because especially in Asia, they"re believed to cure different problems in humans.

Researchers have saved some of Sudan"s DNA and they"re hoping to use it to keep the sub species alive. If they"re unsuccessful, they say the two remaining female northern white rhinos will probably die over the next decade, making these unique animals extinct.

ARAI SEVENZO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: He just couldn"t carry his weight anymore. I mean, these beasts you see behind me, one of them is his daughter, Fatu, his granddaughter, I beg your pardon, and his daughter, Najin, are over there. They"re the two only northern white rhinos, which is distinct from the southern white rhinos because they have shorter legs, heavier ears.

But basically, Sudan was the last male rhino. And because of crippling old age, he could no longer carry himself. And we"ve spoken to the vets here and the feeling, while you"re asking, is one of sadness, as if they really lost someone they knew for a long time and they did know him for a long time.

Born in 1973, many of his relatives were massacred and killed mainly for their horns in poaching, in this part of the world. And at the moment, they"re trying, the scientists and the conservationists, to find some way of conserving Sudan"s lineage by an incredible, fascinating system of harvesting the eggs of the last two females here. This is absolutely sort of cutting edge of science and conservancy.

So, all is not lost, but, of course, the blame has to go to us, as people and mankind. Remember, rhinos have been on this earth for 55 million years and it took out two centuries to wipe out a complete sub species of the northern white rhinos.














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