首頁 > 最新 > 皈依了金剛上師你就被安置在金剛乘的修行中?



現在我們很多人有一個混淆的地方,剛皈依了密宗上師就說我是學密的,我是密宗,這是現身毀謗。人家一 看你是密宗啊? 一般的知識都沒有。讓別人誤解你,也誤解密宗。嚴格來說你只是被密宗的上師所攝受,攝受了之後安置在哪裡? 不是安置在金剛乘的修行中,不是安置在菩薩乘的修行中,甚至也不是安置在聲聞緣覺的修行中,有時候只讓你反省,多反省反省哦,懺悔業障哦,能夠棄惡修善,實際還是人天道所攝。寧瑪教法有九乘次第,不是說你一進佛門,上師一攝受,就把你安住在阿底約嘎法的修行當中,或者說修托嘎什麼的,那個你還遠得很呢!

Nowadays, common confusion prevails and many people claim to be practitioners of the Vajrayana after only just having taken refuge in a lama. This can be a severe fault: the fact that they do not even have basic understanding of Vajrayana while declaring themselves to be practitioners will make other people develop wrong views towards them, and more importantly towards Vajrayana. Strictly speaking, they have been accepted by a lama of the Vajrayana but are not really granted the practice of Vajrayana. In effect, they may not even be granted the practice of Bodhisattvayana, Sravakayana or Pratyekabuddhayana.

They are more likely to be asked to reflect upon themselves, repent of their negative karma, avoid evil and practice virtue. These actions all relate to the practice that will eventually lead them to be reborn in the human and celestial worlds. The Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism has nine 『yanas』 and one will not likely be granted the practice of Atiyoga after they are accepted by a lama – there』s still a long way to go!

賢劫千佛心 響崖大德知

現後中救我 脫輪到菩提

回 向

文殊師利勇猛智 普賢慧行亦復然

我今迴向諸善根 隨彼一切常修學

三世諸佛所稱嘆 如是最勝諸大願

我今迴向諸善根 為得普賢殊勝行



如昔諸善逝 先發菩提心

復此循序住 菩薩諸學處

如是為利生 我發菩提心

復於諸學處 次第勤修學


分享喜樂 智慧



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