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The best order to watch the Marvel Cinematic Universe

For 10 years, Marvel Studios has been doing what once seemed impossible: accurately recreating the complex and intertwining stories of traditional comic books on the big screen. Kicking off in 2008 withIron Man,Marvel has released 18 films across nine separate series, each a piece of the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe.


The problem with recreating the complexity of comic book storylines is they』re, well, complex. Audiences aren』t trained to scour the background of movies for hints about the future. While it became apparent Marvel was building a bigger universe, if you』ve missed a piece it can be confusing to know where to catch up.


The MCU is only getting bigger, with every hero from previous films making an appearance inAvengers: Infinity War,hitting theaters April 27, 2018. Now is the perfect time to catch up on the story arc, if you want a clear understanding of what』s going on when you walk into the theater. And our handy guide is here to help.


Marvel films come in phases, each telling a segment of the greater story of the Marvel Universe. Marvel popularized the use of post-credit sequences to set up the next part of the storyline, starting withIron Man.Even when the idea of a vast comic book movie universe was still in the early stages, Marvel knew it was building towards something. When it comes to picking the order you watch these movies in, it』s important to remember these post-credit sequences. Sometimes the placement of a film is the result of what that post-credit sequence reveals.


This order is not chronological, but merely the best way to enjoy the unfolding story. We』ve done our best to avoid major spoilers, but if you』d like to remain completely in the dark, watch the films in this order and ignore the explanations.


1.Iron Man(鋼鐵俠)


3.The Incredible Hulk(無敵浩克)

4.Iron Man 2(鋼鐵俠2)



Phase 1 of the MCU is the loosest this super-franchise has ever been. While the movies afterAvengersquickly get wrapped up in establishing the future story, the original five films build our heroes』 universe. At the beginning of the first three films, none of the characters are aware the others exist. Iron Man thinks he』s the first hero of his kind, Captain America is a legend, and the Hulk is a monster on the run.Iron Man 2sets up the idea that our heroes aren』t as unique as they think, and greater threats abound in daylight and the shadows alike.



The world-building continues with the introduction of both magic and space inThor. Interdimensional beings from beyond are about to become a big theme in the MCU, andThordoes a sound job establishing the idea. Asgard is a place where magic coexists with high technology. As Thor』s people protect the universe, Loki makes a deal with an alien race to subjugate Earth.


Just like Iron Man』s appearance escalated the rate of super crime, Thor』s exile to Earth brings unwanted attention to our little blue planet. Phase 1 ends with the heroes coming together to face their first threat that can』t simply be punched into submission. There is a big dark universe out there, and it just turned its eyes on Earth.


Phase 2: What』s the deal with infinity stones, and is everyone OK?

7.Guardians of the Galaxy(銀河護衛隊)

8.Thor: The Dark World(雷神2)

9.Iron Man 3(鋼鐵俠3)

10.Captain America: The Winter Soldier(美國隊長2)

11.Avengers: Age of Ultron(復仇者聯盟2)


Phase 2 of the MCU takes a decidedly darker turn than the first films in the series, which is why we』re starting with the one that』s the most fun.Avengersintroduces the idea of Thanos in its post-credit sequence, butGuardians of the Galaxydemonstrates why he』s a threat to be concerned about. It also further expands on the MCU, showing us there are millions of worlds beyond Earth. However, the main reason to watchGuardians of the Galaxyfirst is its clear explanation of the Infinity Stones.


The Infinity Stones are significant factors inAvengers, Thor: The Dark World, Doctor Strange, Age of Ultron,and the upcomingInfinity War.WhileGuardians of the Galaxywas technically the fourth film to be released in Phase 2, watching it first raises the stakes ofThor: The Dark World, while adding a layer of background dread to the more grounded problems of Iron Man and Captain America.


While Thor and the Guardians are dealing with untold powers beyond imagination, our Earth-bound heroes are struggling with the last few years of their lives. Post-AvengersIron Man is dealing with PTSD from his battles and the sudden realization that we are not alone in the galaxy. Meanwhile, Captain America, lost in time, finds out that not only is his childhood best friend still alive, but the people he trusted most have been keeping that information from him.



It all builds toAvengers: Age of Ultron, where the absurd power of the Infinity Stones and Tony Stark』s paranoia finally collide to threaten the world. Phase 2 of the MCU establishes two major threats: the impending rise of Thanos and, more importantly, the fissures that have started to form within the Avengers as a team. Thankfully the original team has picked up some new blood in the form of Scarlet Witch and Falcon. They』re going to need it in Phase 3.


12. Ant-Man(蟻人)

13.Captain America: Civil War(美國隊長3)

14.Spider-Man: Homecoming(蜘蛛俠:英雄歸來)

15.Black Panther(黑豹)

16.Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 2(銀河護衛隊)

17.Doctor Strange(奇異博士)

18.Thor: Ragnarok(雷神3)

19.Avengers: Infinity War(復仇者聯盟:無限戰爭)

Before purists cry foul, let』s establish that, officially,Ant-Manis part of Phase 2 of the MCU. For this viewing guide, however,Ant-Manfits better in Phase 3, the next generation of Marvel heroes. With the world shaken by the destruction we witnessed inAge of Ultron, Winter Soldier,andDark World, the MCU is in a strange place when Phase 3 begins. The Avengers are fractured, working together but always at each other』s throats. New heroes like Ant-Man and Doctor Strange are flying under their radar, while Iron Man has taken notice of Spider-Man.



Phase 3 establishes the future of the MCU, introducing new characters while simultaneously showing why they』re necessary. Thankfully it』s a joyful experience.Ant-Manis a brilliant heist movie even if you take it out of the context of the MCU.Civil Waris a thoughtful spy film that just so happens to include robot suits and reality-altering magic powers. Meanwhile,Doctor Strangefurther explores the vastness of this universe, introducing near-Gods beyond the concept of human understanding.



When watching Phase 3, ignore the release order.Spider-Man: Homecomingmay have just come out, but it directly follows the plot ofCivil War, literally starting during Spider-Man』s first adventure with the Avengers.Homecomingalso deals with Tony Stark』s struggles to train up a new generation of heroes, questioning when they』ll be ready to join the Avengers. Back in space, our friends in theGuardians of the Galaxyare learning more about their place in the greater universe, making new allies and powerful enemies that are sure to pop up again in the future.



We suggest closing with the one-two punch ofDoctor StrangeandThor: Ragnarok. Even thoughDoctor Strangewas released beforeGuardians of the Galaxy 2andSpider-Man,it ties nicely into director Taika Waititi』s critically acclaimed thirdThorinstallment.Doctor Strangeis our first real introduction to the broader world of magic in the MCU. Sure, Loki has powers, but Doctor Strange』s sorcery is beyond even Asgard』s imagination, literally enough to go toe to toe with an alternate dimension』s God. It also puts the final Infinity Stone in play.



Thor makes a brief but important appearance during the post-credits sequence that sets up the plot ofRagnarok. While the rest of theAvengershave been bickering on Earth, Thor has been on task searching the cosmos for the infinity stones that big-baddie Thanos is trying to get his hands on. While Thor』s story veers into an adventure involving the Hulk and Jeff Goldblum』s trash planet, it also contains important plot points (we won』t spoil them for you) that lead intoInfinity War.



Black Panther, which debuted to broad acclaim in February 2018, also directly follows the events ofCaptain America: Civil War,but it stands apart fromSpider-Man Homecoming, Doctor Strange, andThor: Ragnarok. Villain Ulysses Klaue is introduced inAvengers: Age of Ultron, so as long as you』ve seen that andCivil War, you』re ready to watchBlack Panther.

2018年初次搬上大熒幕的《黑豹》,劇情也是緊接《美隊2》,但是和《蜘蛛俠:英雄歸來》,《奇異博士》和《雷神3》沒多大聯繫。而反派Ulysses Klaue 已經在《復聯2》中露面,如果你也看了《美隊2》,那你已經可以看《黑豹》了。





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