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佛是純凈的世界,我們是雜染的世界,純凈是因為心純凈,雜染是因為心雜染,我們要轉變這個心就要聽經聞法。 人這一生,選對方向很重要,信很難生, 信有正信和邪信,有迷信和智信,我們取其正,舍其邪,取其智,舍其迷,這個是要聽經聞法才會明白的,所以聞思修很重要。經是有真實義的,佛法無人傳,雖慧亦難了,猶如暗中寶,無燈不能見。 佛說一切法,都是我們眾生自性本具的德,怎麼與佛經相應,發掘出自性的德, 這是非常重要的,修行的過程就是聞思修,戒定慧。

The Buddha is pure whilst we are contaminated, especially regarding the mind. In order to purify this contaminated mind, we need to learn Buddha-dharma. In our life, it』s very important to find the right direction. It』s very diffcult to arouse genuine faith. There are good beliefs and evil beliefs, confused beliefs and wise beliefs. We need to opt for the good and avoid the evil, opt for wisdom and avoid confusion, and we won』t be able to do this without learning the Dharma. It』s very important to learn, think and practice.

Each sutra has its own profound meaning. Without being taught by a wise teacher, even people of great intelligence won』t understand – it is like a jewel in the dark that no one can see without light. Buddha-dharma is about exploring our inherent Buddha-nature and quality. The key is to practice in accordance with the Buddha』s teachings. The practice of Dharma involves learning, thinking and meditation; it relates to the observation of precepts and the cultivation of concentration and wisdom.

賢劫千佛心 響崖大德知

現後中救我 脫輪到菩提

回 向

文殊師利勇猛智 普賢慧行亦復然

我今迴向諸善根 隨彼一切常修學

三世諸佛所稱嘆 如是最勝諸大願

我今迴向諸善根 為得普賢殊勝行



如昔諸善逝 先發菩提心

復此循序住 菩薩諸學處

如是為利生 我發菩提心

復於諸學處 次第勤修學


分享喜樂 智慧



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