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This is EU squads on weekends in a nutshell. How the hell is this in any way acceptable in a game that heavily relies on client-side calculations?




[–] Criamos[S] 15小時前*

So PUBG Corp., could we please have an update on the mentioned region-restrictions from several months ago?


[–] MyPotatoSenpai 14小時前

honestly they feel like they have been undone. I am finding more and more asian players in my game lately....


[–] morgecroc 8小時前

They just need to remove region selection entirely. When you log in or queue with a squad it came take your average ping to a number server locations and start match making there.

Right now I"m in OCE but play on Asia/NA because ever other OCE FPP player started doing the same thing I did when queues got too long. Removing region selection and auto detecting via ping will solve this issue.



[–] Archyes 14小時前*

you might have noticed that china is the vast majority of the playerbase nowadays.


[–] Aleks_1995 10小時前

You should check your ping as there is a soft form of ping lock and high ping players get matched with other high ping players.


[–] Criamos[S] 14小時前

China has been the majority of the playerbase ever since the game blew up over there so they had ample time to convey the "hey dudes, high-pinging is bad in a client-side game, mkay?"-message to their asian audience. I"m fully aware that not upsetting the chinese playerbase appears to be their main focus, but matchups like these have to stop.


[–] TaKeN-Uk 9小時前

Thank you for finding a way to show this properly, I constantly complain on here about how many chinese players I"m up against on the EU servers, yet you still get people commenting how that"s impossible due to the "Ping Matchmaking System" ....


[–] Sir_Moodz 10小時前

I don"t mind playing against chinese, they have high ping






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