首頁 > 最新 > 漫威電影經典語錄-《鋼鐵俠》


1. 你可以說擁有一切,也可以說一無所有。

You can say that you have everything, you can say nothing.

2. 只有你的棍子比別人粗,才能保衛和平。

Only if your stick is thicker than others can you defend peace.

3. 我不能死,我要活著,因為我只有活著我才能贖罪。

I can not die, I want to live, because I only live to make atonement.

4. 是令人恐懼,還是令人尊敬,我想二者兼得。

It"s frightening or respectable. I think the two have both.

5. 有時候,做事必須要有超前意識。

Sometimes, you have to have a preconsciousness to do things.

6. 今天就是你餘生的第一天。

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

7. 我更喜歡只需動用一次武器。

I prefer to use only one weapon.


I"m Tony Stark,I built neat stuff,I got a great girl,And occasinally,saved the world.So I Can"t tight sleep.



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