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Han News| 他說:武漢是中國最朋克的城市!

原標題:Han News| 他說:武漢是中國最朋克的城市!


Wuhan is the first city where punk music has appeared. Punk genes have rooted deeply in the city. There is no such a city like Wuhan that has so many punk elements in China.


In Wuhan, taxi drivers are the most bold and forthright people, just as straightforward as the punk music .


In Wuhan, the hot dry noodles on the streets and lanes coincide so perfectly with the hot weather of the city.


In Wuhan, it』s always your first choice to ask the neighbors for help rather than googling for answers when troubles come.


In Wuhan, graffiti walls are everywhere, clamoring the flamboyant style of the city.


It is not rock, yet it is the purest rock.

朋克 Punk


Punk was born in the mid-1970s. It is the most original rock music. It consists of a simple and melodious theme and three chords. After evolution, punk has gradually moved out of rock and become an independent music. Punk music does not pay much attention to musical skills but is more inclined to emancipate the mind and stand sharply against the mainstream music. Punk music is very popular and loved among young people.




It is getting warmer in Wuhan in May, but the hot weather has not exhausted the vitality of the city because Wuhan has "punk" to back it up!

喜歡搖滾和朋克的朋友絕對聽說過「The Cribs」的大名。三個拒絕平庸的英國兄弟加上英國家喻戶曉的搖滾樂隊史密斯(the Smiths)的前吉他手Johnny Marr(現已離團),這種奇妙的組合給武漢帶來前所未有的痛快節奏。

Those who like rock and punk music have definitely heard of "The Cribs". The three bold British brothers, plus Johnny Marr (now is out of the band), the former guitarist of the well-known rock band The Smiths, have brought unprecedented joy to Wuhan.


「Wuhan is the punkest city!」


「Before coming to China, my friends told me that Wuhan is the punkest city in China. He didn』t lie!」

來武漢演出的The Cribs毫不吝嗇的告訴我們,在武漢的演出,是他們有生之年最希望達到的一種演出狀態,甚至可以入選他們演出生涯最精彩的Top 1!

The Cribs told us that the performances in Wuhan are the kind of performances they hope to achieve in their lifetime, and they can even be selected as the Top 1 in their best performing career!

The Cribs



"We are the highest in Wuhan!"

雖然已經離團的Johnny Marr對於國內的搖滾愛好者名氣可能更大一點。這位傳奇式的英國吉他大神為何曾經選擇加入The Cribs?看完他們的表演你會發現,這樣一支如此有幹勁有想法的年輕團體,誰不想加入呢?

Although Johnny Marr, who has already left the band, may have a bigger reputation for domestic rock lovers. Why did this legendary British guitarist choose to join the Cribs? After watching their performances, you will find that for such a young band with such enthusiasm and ideas, who does not want to join?

The Cribs告訴我們,雖然他們一起演出很棒,但是沒了Johnny Marr的The Cribs更嗨,來了武漢可以說是「天時地利」,一下子把他們的「朋克靈魂」激發到了火力全開的狀態。

The Cribs told us that although they performed great together, but without Johnny Marr"s, the Cribs had much more fun. Coming to Wuhan is the right thing to do in the right place at the right time! Wuhan has stimulated their "punk soul" to the fullest.

Han News記者張晶(右一)和王榮基(左二)與The Cribs成員合影


The "independence spirit and cultural collision" in punk is the embodiment of Wuhan"s vitality. This is the most enthusiastic 「Wuhan version of punk」.


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Han News is here to witness an increasing international new Wuhan.

《Han News》



Debut: 20:00 p.m.



Rebroadcast: 21: 54p.m.

(the same day)

13:18p.m. (the following day)


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編輯:葉科 章婷婷 朱青

記者:張晶 王榮基



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