首頁 > 遊戲 > 《老外怎麼看》MSI特輯RNG奪冠戰:ADC這位置簡直是為Uzi量身打造


that was one hell of a windows 11 update powerplay


Without Faker to stop Uzi, the road is clear


The real loser of this game is Fnatic. They looked a lot better vs RNG than KZ is.


League of tanks and teleports


league of tanks and pauses


baron just did more dmg to RNG than KZ did


IG isn"t even here. This really might be the year China beats Korea.


Hello 2015 ?



After all these years, we finally know what B D D stands for


I need 3 more games like that.


Holy moly that was a crazy 8 minutes at the end


Kz bringing the skt special, turning teamfight while behind


Never think korea is out of the game until its actually over.


Ready for the nashors Varus in your next soloq game ?


Khan"s cho"gath looking better than his carries. What a time to be alive


LMAO what is this Game. High tier clown fiesta


Man, Rift Rivals will be sexy


Is KZ a wildcard team? Because it looks like RNG smashing some WC team currently :D


Uzi is light years ahead of the best ADCs in the world.


After getting 2nd place for so long Uzi had enough, nothing going to stop him from getting his international win.


It"s like Dicaprio finally getting the Oscars win.


Uzi is so good at playing frontline


Idk why i just read frontline as fortnite


The difference between Woong and Uzi on Ez is Woong E in and die, Uzi E in and kill everyone.

——Woong公子和Uzi的EZ區別就是Woong公子E進去就死了,Uzi E進去把所有人殺了。

Gj Kingzone I actually miss s3 Samsung Ozone.


Khan: yes the issue is ive been playing with a grey screen all this while


Report Peanut, AFK.


Please never compare Khan to Smeb. Thanks


Peanut is the opposite of MLGX on Olaf, 0 ganks vs 0 farm.


Holy shit Kai"Sa was made for Uzi


ADC was made for Uzi.


Seriously that last teamfight I literally fell from my chair TWICE


Uzi is BY FAR the best adc in the world

——BY FAR Uzi是世界第一ADC。



Without SKT MSI is FREE.




Wondering if Khan still believes that "5 Chineses can"t win" LMFAO


I Khan"t believe it!



Uzi"s going to go from never winning anything to winning MSI and Worlds in one season.


MLXG: Easiest Bo5 of my life.


Khan: All the toplaners of the world kneel before me

Uzi: LUL, hold me Letme i can"t stop laughing

Bdd: Same.




Holy shit if kz go back and dominate Korea im more excited for 2018 as a whole


Depends if korean fans decide to lowkey destroy their self esteem or not after this


2 more seconds and we could be listening to silver scrapes.

——只需要再2秒,我們就能聽到silver scrapes了。(silver scrapes是BO5第五場的賽間音樂)



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