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New narratives in contemporary photography,

China – Switzerland




In the second chapter, the focus lies more on a territory or an environment that holds an important place in the biography of the artists. Lau Wai and Anne Golaz investigate physical spaces as a form of individual expression. The traces which people have left behind, objects and even the specific ambiance of a room reveal themselves as part of the photographers" identity. The story presented by Zeng Yi Cheng is a love story, a very personal visual poem. All these works also deal with the passing of time and try to find coherence or meaning imatchn a world full of incomprehensible fragments. Past and present are mixed in an intricate way.

安妮·格拉茲Anne Golaz

安妮·格拉茲1983年出生於瑞士,2013年畢業於赫爾辛基阿爾托藝術設計學院,完成了攝影碩士課程並提交畢業論文《論攝影書與敘事》(Photobooks and Narratives)。此前,她曾就讀於瑞士韋威(Vevey)攝影學院,並於2012年前往紐約視覺藝術學院參加了6個月的學習。

她的作品表現的主要是鄉村社會,探索人與自然的關係、以及對於某個地方難以描述的歸屬感。2010年,她的《狩獵》系列由Infolio出版社出版,併入選紐約光圈基金會攝影作品組合獎(Aperture Portfolio Prize)。她的芬蘭語作品系列《來自森林》由Kehrer Verlag藝術出版社出版,併入圍2012年巴黎光圈基金會攝影書獎(Aperture-Paris Photo First Book Award)最佳攝影書。安妮·格拉茲是芬蘭藝術團體「星期一」(Maanantai)的成員,曾參與團體共同項目《九座無名山》(2013年出版)。


Born in Switzerland in 1983, Anne Golaz graduated from the Photography Masters Program of the Aalto University of Art and Design, Helsinki in 2013, where she completed her thesis On Photobooks and Narratives. She also studied at the Photography School in Vevey and in 2012 spent six months at the School of Visual Arts in New York.

Her work deals mainly with the representation of rural communities, exploring our evolving relations with nature and our complex sense of belonging to a place. Her seriesChasses(Hunting Games) was published by Infolio in 2010 and was selected for the Aperture Portfolio Prize in New York. Her Finnish seriesMets?st?(From The Woods) was published by Kehrer Verlag and was selected as one of the best Photobooks of 2012 by the Aperture-Paris Photo First Book Award. Anne Golaz is also a member of the Finnish artists』 collective Maanantai, and has contributed to their common projects,Nine Nameless Mountains, published in 2013.

She currently has several projects ongoing mainly between Switzerland and the North of Finland, where she lives. In 2016 she was nominated for the Deutsche B?rse Photography Prize and her new book,Corbeau(Raven), will be published by MACK in summer 2017.

● 安妮·格拉茲作品《烏鴉》OCAT深圳館展覽現場

Corbeauby Anne Golaz in OCAT Shenzhen


永 不 復 還 Never be Anymore


Corbeauis an enigma, an invisible but omniscient character, a mediator between life and death, an observer coming and going from one world to another, from one temporality to another. As in Edgar Allan Poe"s poem, The Raven is a symbol of what will never be anymore. Likewise, photography seems to be bound to a moment that is forever gone.

他 的 雙 手 His Hands


This body of work covers the period of time from 2004 till today. It comprises about 150 images from the same place, but from a variety of photographic materials, together with drawings and texts and videos – tracing Anne Golaz"s artistic exploration till today. The work follows a narrative construction with a story line built in a circumscribed sphere around a central character, a young man who seems sometimes not to be completely out of childhood, sometimes absorbed or exhausted by responsibilities and work. A man looking down at his hands, that seem too big for him, or appearing unsure what those hands are useful for.

命 運 Destiny


The story tells of a transitional time, corresponding to the passing of two generations. And above and beyond the rural world that these images depict, they suggest fundamental themes, such as the inescapable passing of time, life and death, mixed feelings of belonging to a place, heritage and complex family links, both supportive and destructive. And destiny, that perhaps takes shape somewhere in the claire-obscure nooks of childhood.

本 周 講 座

正 在 展 出



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