Journal of Virology:哈獸研發現內質網應激調控冠狀病毒TGEV感染的新機制
導 讀
豬傳染性胃腸炎病毒(Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus,TGEV)屬於α冠狀病毒,是引起規模化養豬場新生仔豬腹瀉性死亡的重要原因,給我國養豬業造成了嚴重的經濟損失。近日,中國農業科學院哈爾濱獸醫研究所馮力研究員團隊在國際期刊Journal of Virology發表了題為The PERK Arm of the Unfolded Protein Response Negatively Regulates Transmissible Gastroenteritis Virus Replication by Suppressing Protein Translation and Promoting Type I IFN Production的論文。研究闡明了內質網應激(ER stress)抑制TGEV複製的分子機制,為研發抗冠狀病毒藥物靶點和制定抗病毒新策略提供了重要理論依據。
Fig .TGEV感染通過PERK通路激活導致eIF2α磷酸化模式圖
豬傳染性胃腸炎病毒(TransmissibleGastroenteritis Virus,TGEV)屬於α冠狀病毒,能引起豬嘔吐、脫水和嚴重腹瀉等癥狀,2周齡內的仔豬死亡率可達90%-100%。TGEV是引起規模化養豬場新生仔豬腹瀉性死亡的重要原因,給我國養豬業造成了嚴重的經濟損失。
Fig. 1.TGEV infection induces ER stress in ST and IPEC-J2 cells
Fig 2. TGEV infection activates all three UPR signaling pathways in vitro.
Fig 3. TGEV infection activates all three UPR signaling pathways in vivo.
Fig 4. The activated PERK-eIF2? pathway of the UPR inhibits TGEVreplication.
Fig5 . Model depicting the viral suppression by PERK-eIF2α pathway 1027 activation during TGEV infection
結 語
Coronavirus replication is closely associated with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), the primary cellular organelle for protein synthesis, folding, and modification. ER stress is a common consequence in coronavirus-infected cells. However, how the virus-induced ER stress influences coronavirus replication and pathogenesis remains controversial. Here, we demonstrated that infection with the alpha coronavirus transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) induced ER stress and triggered the unfolded protein response (UPR) in vitro and in vivo, and ER stress negatively regulated TGEV replication in vitro. Although TGEV infection activated all three UPR pathways (ATF6, IRE1, and PERK), the virus-triggered UPR suppressed TGEV replication in both ST and IPEC-J2 cells primarily through activation ofthe PERK-eIF2α axis, as shown by functional studies with overexpression, siRNA,or specific chemical inhibitors. Moreover, we demonstrated that PERK-eIF2αaxis-mediated inhibition of TGEV replication is through phosphorylated eIF2α-inducedoverall attenuation of protein translation. In addition to direct inhibition of viral production, the PERK-eIF2α pathway activated NF-κB and then facilitated type I IFN production, resulting in TGEV suppression. Taken together, our results suggest that the TGEV-triggered PERK-eIF2α pathway negatively regulates TGEV replication and represents a vital aspect of host innate responses to invading pathogens.
1. Mei Xue, Fang Fu, Yanlong Ma, XinZhang, Liang Li, Li Feng* and Pinghuang Liu*.The PERK Arm of the UnfoldedProtein Response Negatively Regulates Transmissible Gastroenteritis VirusReplication by Suppressing Protein Translation and Promoting Type I IFNProduction. Accepted manuscript posted online 16 May 2018, doi: 10.1128/JVI.00431-18
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