首頁 > 最新 > 人類一說話,上帝都害怕——從語言學窺探人類心靈





本次講座於2011年9月於The Floating University舉行,由哈佛大學語言學教授Steven Pinker主講,原題為Linguistics as a Window to Understanding the Brain,由東南大學張曉雨和哈爾濱工業大學王錫尊總結整理,由馬里蘭大學語言學博士楊雨岸校注並推薦。






(Steven Pinker)








每次入境檢查時,邊防警官看到我的專業是linguistics 都會問我 How many languages do you speak?這個問題總讓我很尷尬:第一,我實際上只會兩門語言;第二,語言學研究並非語言學習——語言學更像是編寫語法講義。而這個語法講義要用最簡單的規則概括最多的語言現象,並留下最少的特例。



(1)Mary gave John a book.

(2) Mary gave a book to John.

(3)*Mary donated John a book.[1]

(4)Mary donated a book to John.

[1] 在語言學中不合法的句子用星號標出。

其中,(1)和(2)句符合英文語法,而(3)句則不合語法。Give和donate的意思相似,為什麼 give 既可以用在 __someone something 這個句型里,又可以用在 __something to someone 這個句型里呢?


但是語言學就會追根究底:如果兒童碰到give這種動詞,記住了它的兩種用法,那他們碰到 donate 的時候,會不會把這兩種用法都用上呢?如果他們不會,那麼他們是怎麼學到 donate 和 give 是不一樣的呢?更要命的是,萬一他們一輩子都碰不到 donate 這個詞,難道他們的語法里就沒有這個規律了嗎?Pinker教授最早期的發現之一就是,give這一類動詞源於日耳曼語,而donate這一類詞源於拉丁語,而英語母語者(雖然說不上為什麼)能夠區分這兩類動詞。當然就像每一個研究一樣,這個結果也被後面的學者不斷挑戰,但在這個過程中,我們對英語動詞的理解越來越深刻(Pinker 1989, Tomasello 1992; for a more recent discussion of the debate, see Yang 2016)。



Pinker, S. (1989) Learnability and cognition: The acquisition of argument structure. MIT Press

Tomasello, M. (1992) First verbs: A case study of early grammatical development. Cambridge University Press.

Yang, C. (2016) The Price of Linguistic Productivity: How Children Learn to Break the Rules of Language. MIT Press.









史蒂夫·平克(Steven Pinker)

我叫史蒂夫·平克(Steven Pinker),是哈佛大學心理學教授。今天我要和你們談談語言。其實我不是語言學家,而是一名認知科學家。我對語言的興趣不在其本身,而是視之為 「觀察人類心靈的窗口」。

在人文科學領域,「語言」 是一個基本話題——它是區分人類和其他物種的最明顯的特質,是實現合作的基礎。通過分享我們的知識、用言語協調我們的行動,人類取得了驚人的成就;這也引出了一系列科學上的問題,比如,語言是怎麼在特定物種——人類中演變的?大腦如何處理語言信息?同時語言也有許多實際應用,這一點不足為奇,畢竟它對人類生活至關重要。



從這種噪音流中獲得信息的能力使我們能夠分享想法。現在,我們分享的想法是 「語言」;但只要我對發出的聲音做一些細微的改變,我就可以讓你聯想到其他事物——從你喜歡的真人秀到宇宙的起源,無所不包。





查爾斯·羅伯特·達爾文(Charles Robert Darwin) ,英國生物學家,進化論的奠基人。


[2] 語法:辭彙、短語和句子的組合規則。

[3] 音系學:對語音系統的研究。

[4] 語義學:對意義的研究。

[5] 語用學:語言在對話中的研究。

除了語言本身,對語言學感興趣的科學家們還會研究心理語言學(psycholinguistics)[6]、語言習得(language acquisition)[7]以及神經語言學(neurolinguistics)[8]。

[6] 心理語言學:研究語言是如何實時轉化的。

[7] 語言習得:兒童如何掌握一門語言。

[8] 神經語言學:語言是如何在大腦中轉化的。



· 書寫系統 ≠ 語言

不同於貫穿於人類歷史始終的 「口頭語言」 ,「書寫系統」 的歷史非常短,只有大約5000年。並且在人類歷史上,一個字母代表一個母音或者輔音的書寫方式只出現過一次,大概在3700年前由迦南人(Canaanites)發明。正如達爾文所言,孩子們沒有本能的寫作傾向,他們必須通過學校教育來掌握書寫。

· 正確的語法 ≠ 語言

語言學家將語法分為兩種:描述性語法(descriptive grammar)[9]和規定性語法(prescriptive grammar)[10]。語言學的一個小秘密是,這兩種語法不僅不同,而且相當一部分規定性語法完全說不通。

[9] 描述性語法 : 人們約定俗成的說話方式。

[10] 規定性語法 : 規定人們在嚴謹寫作時應該如何組織語言。

比如柯克船長(Captain Kirk)說企業號的使命 「to boldly go where no man has gone before(勇敢地去沒有人去過的地方)」時,他其實犯了一個嚴重的語法錯誤——不定式to do中間不能插入副詞;他應該說 「to go boldly where no man has gone before(勇敢地去沒有人去過的地方)」——然而這樣與英語的韻律節奏又產生了衝突。

Take one of the most famous of these rules, the rule not to split infinitives. ?According to this rule, Captain Kirk made a grievous grammatical error when he said that the mission of the Enterprise was 「to boldly go where no man has gone before.」 He should have said, according to these editors, 「to go boldly where no man has gone before,」 which immediately clashes with the rhythm and structure of ordinary English.

實際上,這條語法是強行模仿拉丁語制定的。然而,拉丁語中的不定式就是一個詞,根本沒法插入一個詞——比如 facere[11]——即使是尤利烏斯?凱撒[12]也不能把它分開。這條規則被生搬硬套到英語里,根本不符合實際。

[11] facere : 拉丁語中的to do。

[12] 尤利烏斯?凱撒 : 羅馬共和國末期傑出的軍事統帥、政治家。

In fact, this prescriptive rule was based on a clumsy analogy with Latin where you can』t split an infinitive because it』s a single word, as in facere- to do. Julius Caesar couldn』t have split an infinitive if he wanted to. That rule was translated literally over into English where it really should not apply.

另一個語法規定是所謂的雙重否定[13]。米克·賈格爾(Mick Jagger)不應該唱 I can』t get no satisfaction(我無法得到滿足) ,他應該唱 I can』t get any satisfaction(我無法得到滿足) 。這個規定甚至被視為合乎邏輯要求。但是實際上, can』t 和 any 就像 can』t 和 no 一樣是雙重否定的。 can』t…any… 被視為正確而 can』t…no… 不合語法,唯一的原因就是17世紀時英國南部說的是 can』t…any… ;如果當時英國首都在北方的話,那麼 can』t… no… 就會是現在的正確用法。

[13] 雙重否定:或否定疊加。

Another famous prescriptive rule is that, one should never use a so-called double negative. Mick Jagger should not have sung, 「I can』t get no satisfaction,」 he really should have sung, 「I can』t get any satisfaction.」 Now this is often promoted as a rule of logical speaking, but 「can』t」 and 「any」 is just as much of a double negative as 「can』t」 and 「no.」 The only reason that 「can』t get any satisfaction」 is deemed correct and 「can』t get no satisfaction」 is deemed ungrammatical is that the dialect of English spoken in the south of England in the 17th century used 「can』t」 「any」 rather than 「can』t」 「no.」 If the capital of England had been in the north of the country instead of the south of the country, then 「can』t get no,」 would have been correct and 「can』t get any,」 would have been deemed incorrect.

一種語言被選作一個國家的標準用語並沒有什麼特別之處,標準用語和方言都有他們各自的複雜性。舉個例子,美國黑人英語[14]中有一個用法 He be working ——這並不是一個錯誤或者對標準英語的錯用,實際上,它傳達了一個微妙的區別。與 He working 不同, He be working 意味著他 「被僱傭」 ,有一份工作;而 He working 則表示,在你我講話的那一刻,他正在工作。

[14] 美國黑人英語即非裔美國人的白話英語(African-American vernacular English),也被稱為黑人英語(Black English)或埃伯尼語(Ebonics)。

There』s nothing special about a language that happens to be chosen as the standard for a given country. In fact, if you compare the rules of languages and so-called dialects, each one is complex in different ways. Take for example, African-American vernacular English, also called Black English or Ebonics. There is a construction in African-American where you can say, 「He be workin,」 which is not an error or bastardization or a corruption of Standard English, but in fact conveys a subtle distinction, one that』s different than simply, 「He workin.」 「He be workin,」 means that he is employed; he has a job, 「He workin,」 means that he happens to be working at the moment that you and I are speaking.


· 想法 ≠ 語言



[15] 非語言生物:比如還不會說話的嬰兒,或者其他動物。

(拓展閱讀:一歲幼童也會推理:邏輯產生或與語言無關 | 前沿)

還有 「不牽涉語言的思考類型」。我們知道,即使是會說話的成年人,很多思考也不是以語言的形式進行的。例如,視覺圖像。看下圖右側最上面的兩個圖形,它們的形狀一樣嗎?你不會通過 「用語言描述這些立方體」 的方式來解決這個問題,而是會在腦海中旋轉一個圖形來匹配另外一個——這就是一種非語言思維(non-linguistic thinking)。

認知心理學的又一重大發現是,我們會使用隱性知識(tacit knowledge)來理解語言並記住要點——當你理解了一段話的時候,你並不是逐字逐句記住它們;人的長期記憶儲存的是要點或內涵,而不是具體的詞句。例如,我相信在這十分鐘里,你記住了一些我所說的內容,但是如果我讓你複述任何一句我的「原話」,估計幾乎沒有人能做到。記憶中的東西遠比確切的語句抽象,我們可以管他們叫意義或語義(semantics)




在理解這個非常簡單的說明時,你自然而然地就會明白,第二次洗的時候你不需要再次打濕頭髮,因為它已經濕了;你也不會一遍又一遍地重複、無限循環下去,因為你知道這裡的「重複」是「重複一次」的意思。這些 「隱性知識」 是理解說明書意圖的關鍵,但它們本身並不是語言。

And I』ll illustrate this with a classic bit of poetry, the lines from the shampoo bottle. 「Wet hair, lather, rinse, repeat.」 Now, in understanding that very simple snatch of language, you have to know, for example, that when you repeat, you don』t wet your hair a second time because its already wet, and when you get to the end of it and you see 「repeat,」 you don』t keep repeating over and over in infinite loop, repeat here means, 「repeat just once.」 Now this tacit knowledge of what the writers of that bit of language had in mind is necessary to understand language, but it itself, is not language.

最後,退一步說,如果人們無法脫離語言而思考,那麼語言從何而來?假設語言即思想,那麼就會出現上述這個悖論——畢竟英語不是被什麼火星委員會設計然後專門跑來地球送給我們的。相反,語言是一種底層現象(grassroots phenomenon)。語言可以說是最原始的維基百科,它集合了成百上千的人的創造——術語、俚語和新的結構;隨著人們尋找新的表達思想的方式,各種用法愈積愈多——這就是語言的源起。

說了這麼多,並不是為了否認語言會影響思想,語言學家們一直對語言相對論假說(the linguistic relativity hypothesis)[16]——即語言決定思維——非常感興趣。雖然語言相對論假說的地位還相當有爭議,但是沒有人相信語言就等同於思想、我們的精神生活就是背誦句子。

[16] 語言相對論假說,或者說是薩丕爾-沃爾夫假說(the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis),以最初制定它的兩位語言學家的名字命名。




第一部分是辭彙。作為句子的基本組成部分,它們被儲存在長期記憶中,我們可以稱它們為心理辭彙(mental lexicon)或心理詞典(mental dictionary)。


[17] 句法:從詞到短語再到完整的句子。

[18] 形態學:給簡單的詞根加上前綴和後綴,組成更複雜的單詞。

[19] 音系學:將母音和輔音結合成為最小的單詞。

第三部分是介面(interfaces)。所有這些語言知識通過 「介面」 與現實連接,讓我們可以理解、產出話語,達到互相交流的目的。

· 辭彙(words)

讓我們從辭彙開始。100多年,瑞士語言學家費迪南德·索緒爾(Ferdinand de Saussure)注意到了字元的任意性,從而提出了辭彙的基本原理。

費爾迪南·德·索緒爾(Ferdinand de Saussure),瑞士作家、語言學家,結構主義創始人,現代語言學理論的奠基者。

舉個例子, duck(鴨子)這個詞,它長的不像只鴨子,也不像鴨子一樣走路,當然也不會嘎嘎叫;但我可以用它來讓你聯想到一隻鴨子,因為我們所有人都在某個時間點中記住了那種叫聲與這個字含義之間的強力聯繫——這意味著它必須以一種非常簡單的形式、按照某種格式存儲在我們的大腦中。


Take for example the word, 「duck.」 The word」duck」 doesn』t look like a duck or walk like a duck or quack like a duck, but I can use it to get you to think the thought of a duck because all of us at some point in our lives have memorized that brute force association between that sound and that meaning, which means that it has to be stored in memory in some format, in a very simplified form. And an entry in the mental lexicon might look something like this. There is a symbol for the word itself, there is some kind of specification of its sound and there』s some kind of specification of its meaning.

心理詞典的一個顯著特徵就是 「容量巨大」。使用詞典抽樣技術,讓被測者選擇它們的正確詞義,校正模糊猜測的誤差,再乘以詞典的總頁數,可以得到一個正常高中畢業生的辭彙量約為6萬。也就是說,從一歲開始,一個人每兩個小時就能學習一個新單詞。想想你永遠記不住的電話號碼或者歷史年代,你大概就能感受到人類長期記憶在存儲辭彙發音和含義方面的巨大容量了——這些單詞也是任意的啊。

·規則——語法( grammar)


現代語法的研究與一位語言學家的貢獻密不可分——著名學者諾姆·喬姆斯基(Noam Chomsky),語言學領域過去60年的發展都與他密切相關。

諾姆·喬姆斯基(Noam Chomsky),麻省理工學院榮譽教授,有史以來全球論文被引用數量第 8 的學者。

首先,喬姆斯基認為,我們在理解語言時必須解釋的難題是「創造力(creativity)」——也就是語言學家所說的「能產性(productivity)」問題,即 「產出和理解新句子的能力」。因為除了少數慣用語外,幾乎所有你說的和理解的句子都是你這輩子第一次見到、甚至是人類歷史上第一次出現的。人們是如何做到這一點的?

To begin with, Chomsky noted that the main puzzle that we have to explain in understanding language is creativity or as linguists often call it productivity, the ability to produce and understand new sentences.

Except for a small number of clichéd formulas, just about any sentence that you produce or understand is a brand new combination produced for the first time perhaps in your life, perhaps even in the history of the species. We have to explain how people are capable of doing it.


It shows that when we know a language, we haven』t just memorized a very long list of sentences, but rather have internalized a grammar or algorithm or recipe for combining elements into brand new assemblies. For that reason, Chomsky has insisted that linguistics is really properly a branch of psychology and is a window into the human mind.

其次,喬姆斯基指出,語法和意義可以毫無關聯。舉個例子,喬姆斯基在1956年所說的 Colorless, green ideas sleep furiously(無色綠思狂怒睡) 幾乎毫無意義,然而任何一個英語使用者都會同意這句話是符合語法的;可是,當面對另一個同樣沒有意義的句子, furiously sleep ideas dream colorless(瘋狂地睡思想無色)時,我們就會挑刺說這句話語詞雜拌(word salad)[20]了。

[20] 語詞雜拌:言語缺乏思維聯想內容和結構上的連貫性和邏輯性,不僅句子間沒有聯繫,而且言語中的細微語法結構也出現混亂,片語或詞之間沒有聯繫,形成互不相關的詞的堆砌。

A second insight is that languages have a syntax which can』t be identified with their meaning. Now, the only quotation that I know of, of a linguist that has actually made it into Bartlett』s Familiar Quotations, is the following sentence from Chomsky, from 1956, 「Colorless, green ideas sleep furiously.」 Well, what』s the point of that sentence? The point is that it is very close to meaningless. On the other hand, any English speaker can instantly recognize that it conforms to the patterns of English syntax. Compare, for example, 「furiously sleep ideas dream colorless,」 which is also meaningless, but we perceive as a word salad.

最後,喬姆斯基特別指出,句法不是人們對刺激的反應,也遠非字與字的關聯。在此之前,心理學的刺激反應理論(stimulus response theories)認為,一個句子的第一個詞的產出是對初始刺激的回應,而句子中接下來的詞又是對前一個詞的回應,這樣一個又一個接連蹦出單片語成句子。

A third insight is that syntax doesn』t consist of a string of word by word associations as in stimulus response theories in psychology where producing a word is a response which you then hear and it becomes a stimulus to producing the next word, and so on.

讓我們再回到這句話, Colorless, green ideas sleep furiously(無色綠思狂怒睡) ,如果你逐字分析這個句子,無論是 green(綠) 和 ideas(思),ideas(思)和sleep(睡),還是sleep(睡)和furiously(怒),這些詞語之間都毫無關聯。這句話中的任意兩個詞同時出現的幾率都幾乎為零,但是這不妨礙整個句子結構的語法正確性。

Again, the sentence, 「colorless green ideas sleep furiously,」 can help make this point. Because if you look at the word by word transition probabilities in that sentence, for example, colorless and then green; how often have you heard colorless and green in succession. Probably zero times. Green and ideas, those two words never occur together, ideas and sleep, sleep and furiously. Every one of the transition probabilities is very close to zero, nonetheless, the sentence as a whole can be perceived as a well-formed English sentence.

一般而言,語言具有長距離依存性(long distance dependencies),句子前面用的詞可能會決定後面該用什麼詞。例如,如果一個句子用 「either」 開頭,那後面就肯定會有一個 or ;如果開頭用了 if ,後面一般就會有個 then 。孩子可以對爸爸說:「Daddy, what did you bring that book that I don』t want to be read to out of, up for(爸爸,你把我不想讀的那本書拿來做什麼)?」在這個句子裡面,就包含了多個長距離依存的關係。

Language in general has long distance dependencies. The word in one position in a sentence can dictate the choice of the word several positions downstream. For example, if you begin a sentence with 「either,」 somewhere down the line, there has to be an 「or.」 If you have an 「if,」 generally, you expect somewhere down the line there to be a 「then.」 There』s a story about a child who says to his father, 「Daddy, why did you bring that book that I don』t want to be read to out of, up for?」 Where you have a set of nested or embedded long distance dependencies.


Indeed, one of the applications of linguistics to the study of good prose style is that sentences can be rendered difficult to understand if they have too many long distance dependencies because that could put a strain on the short-term memory of the reader or listener while trying to understand them.

與其說句子是由詞-詞關聯的集合組成,不如說它其實有一個倒置的、樹一般的層次結構。舉例來說,英語有一條基本的規則,即 「一個句子一般由一個作主語的名詞短語和一個作謂語的動詞短語組成」。我們還可以利用另一條規則轉寫動詞短語,即動詞作賓語的名詞短語,另外可以加上一個作補語的句子,最後我們得到 I/ told /him /that it was sunny outside(我/告訴/他/外面陽光明媚)。

Rather than a set of word by word associations, sentences are assembled in a hierarchical structure that looks like an upside down tree. Let me give you an example of how that works in the case of English. One of the basic rules of English is that a sentence consists of a noun phrase, the subject, followed by a verb phrase, the predicate.? A second rule in turn expands the verb phrase. A very phrase consists of a verb followed by a noun phrase, the object, followed by a sentence, the complement as 「I told him that it was sunny outside.」

那麼為什麼語言學家堅持認為語言必須依照短語結構規則(phrase structural rules)來組織呢?

Now, why do linguists insist that language must be composed out of phrase structural rules?



Well for one thing, that helps explain the main phenomenon that we want to explain, mainly the open-ended creativity of language.

It allows us to express unfamiliar meanings. There』s a cliché in journalism for example, that when a dog bites a man, that isn』t news, but when a man bites a dog, that is news. The beauty of grammar is that it allows us to convey news by assembling familiar word in brand new combinations.


Also, because of the way phrase structure rules work, they produce a vast number of possible combinations. Moreover, the number of different thoughts that we can express through the combinatorial power of grammar is not just humongous, but in a technical sense, it』s infinite. Now of course, no one lives an infinite number of years, and therefore can show off their ability to understand an infinite number of sentences, but you can make the point in the same way that a mathematician can say that someone who understands the rules of arithmetic knows that there are an infinite number of numbers, namely if anyone ever claimed to have found the longest one, you can always come up with one that』s even bigger by adding a one to it. And you can do the same thing with language.

事實上,世界上最長的句子確實是存在的。誰敢誇這樣的海口呢?當然是吉尼斯紀錄了。你可以去查一下,世界上最長的句子出現在威廉·福克納(William Faulkner)的一本小說里,一句話中共含有1300個詞。讓我們讀一下它的開頭:「They both bore it as though in deliberate flatulent exaltation(他們都覺得好像在蓄意誇大其辭)……」

As a matter of fact, there has been a claim that there is a world』s longest sentence. Who would make such a claim? Well, who else? The Guinness Book of World Records. You can look it up. There is an entry for the World』s Longest Sentence. It is 1,300 words long. And it comes from a novel by William Faulkner. Now I won』t read all 1,300 words, but I』ll just tell you how it begins.

「They both bore it as though in deliberate flatulent exaltation…」 and it runs on from there.

然而現在我要告訴你,下一秒這就不是世界上最長的句子了;我完全可以在原句之前加一句 Faulkner wrote(福克納寫道),世界上最長的句子就變成了 Faulkner wrote, they both bore it as though in deliberate flatulent exaltation(福克納寫道,他們都覺得好像在蓄意誇大其辭)……

But I』m here to tell you that in fact, this is not the world』s longest sentence. And I』ve been tempted to obtain immortality in Guinness by submitting the following record breaker. "Faulkner wrote, they both bore it as though in deliberate flatulent exaltation.」

遺憾的是,這條記錄最多也就能保持十五分鐘,因為你已經學會了這招。你可以說 Guinness noted that Faulkner wrote(據吉尼斯紀錄記載,福克納寫道)…… 或者Pinker mentioned that Guinness noted that Faulkner wrote(平克說,據吉尼斯紀錄記載,福克納寫道)…… 。

But sadly, this would not be immortality after all but only the proverbial 15 minutes of fame because based on what you now know, you could submit a record breaker for the record breaker namely, "Guinness noted that Faulkner wrote" or "Pinker mentioned that Guinness noted that Faulkner wrote", or "who cares that Pinker mentioned that Guinness noted that Faulkner wrote…"


This is best illustrated in ambiguous sentences. Sentences where the same string of words can be grouped into phrases in different ways, each of which has a different meaning.

舉個例子,看這條節目預告: On tonight』s program, Conan will discuss sex with Dr. Ruth(在今晚的節目中,柯南將和露絲博士討論 「性」 )。 這句話本來是很純潔的, discuss 後面跟著的是「將要討論的話題『sex』」和「參與討論的人"Dr.Ruth"」。但是如果你皮這麼一下,重新斷個句, sex with Dr. Ruth 就成了討論的主題。

Take for example, the following wonderfully ambiguous sentence that appeared in TV Guide.

「On tonight』s program, Conan will discuss sex with Dr. Ruth.」 ?Now this has a perfectly innocent meaning in which the verb 「discuss」 involves two things, namely the topic of discussion,「sex」 and the person with who it』s being discussed, in this case, with Dr. Ruth. But is has a somewhat naughtier meaning if you rearrange the words into phrases according to a different structure in which case 「sex with Dr. Ruth」 is the topic of conversation, and that』s what』s being discussed.

所以說短語結構不僅能解釋我們為什麼能創造那麼多不同的句子,它對我們理解句意也至關重要。「主謂賓的結構層級」 幫助我們弄清楚到底是 「誰」 對 「誰」 做了 「什麼」。

Now, phrase structure not only can account for our ability to produce so many sentences, but it』s also necessary for us to understand what they mean. The geometry of branches in a phrase structure is essential to figuring out who did what to whom.


Another important contribution of Chomsky to the science of language is the focus on language acquisition by children. Now, children can』t memorize sentences because knowledge of language isn』t just one long list of memorized sentences, but somehow they must distill out or abstract out the rules that goes into assembling sentences based on what they hear coming out of their parent』s mouths when they were little. And the talent of using rules to produce combinations is in evidence from the moment that kids begin to speak.


比如,孩子們有時候說,more outside(多外面) ,意思是「帶我出去」,或者「讓我待在外面」;但是成年人不會說more outside,所以這種話不是孩子背下來的,而是他們使用規則創造的新的詞語組合。

再比如,一個孩子洗掉手指上的果醬,對他的母親說:「all gone sticky(粘的都沒了)」;同樣,這也不是一個可以從父母那學來的短語,而是一個兒童自創的短語。

At the two-word stage, which you typically see in children who are 18 months or a bit older, kids are producing the smallest sentences that deserve to be counted as sentences, namely two words long. But already it』s clear that they are putting them together using rules in their own mind. To take an example, a child might say, 「more outside,」 meaning, take them outside or let them stay outside. Now, adults don』t say, 「more outside.」

So it』s not a phrase that the child simply memorized by rote, but it shows that already children are using these rules to put together new combinations. Another example, a child having jam washed from his fingers said to his mother "all gone sticky". Again, not a phrase that you could ever have copied from a parent, but one that shows the child producing new combinations.

兒童對過去式的使用能很好的說明,他們從一開始說話就無意識地使用了語法規則。例如,兒童會經過一個「過度概括」的發展階段。比如,他們會說「我們拿了(holded)小兔子」或者「他撕了(teared)紙,然後把它粘起(sticked)來。」這個例子里,他們過度使用了 「加ed形成動詞過去式」這一規律。

An easy way of showing that children assimilate rules of grammar unconsciously from the moment they begin to speak, is the use of the past tense rule. For example, children go through a long stage in which they make errors like, 「We holded the baby rabbits」 or 「He teared the paper and then he sticked it.」Cases in which they over generalize the regular rule of forming the past tense, add 『ed』 to irregular verbs like 「hold,」 「stick」 or 「tear.」

Wug 測試能很有效地測試兒童對語法規則的使用。把孩子帶到實驗室,給他們看一張小鳥的照片,告訴他們說:「這是一個 wug 。」然後給他們看另一張照片,說:「現在有兩個了。」還沒等你說完有兩個,孩子們會搶答道 wugs 。他們不可能靠記憶回答,因為這個詞是為了實驗而編造的。這個實驗表明他們已經能夠掌握英語的一般複數規則。



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