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Journey deep into the InnerLife


By Lek Kittikunadul




This is the story of a man who used to suffer from low self-esteem and feel isolated from his family. He grew up in the city of Bangkok amongst a Chinese-Thai family feeling he was constantly a disappointment. Whatever he did, he felt inferior to others. In PE he was always a sub as his body was small and skinny and lacking in any sport skills. In his other classes he was bullied and rebuked.





Then one day, he found yoga. He could feel right away a connection and pulse drawing him to what he loved. From that day, yoga became a part of his life and gradually, his life began to change. He trained in yoga until he became competent enough to teach. He began to feel self-value.





This is my story.

Prior to yoga, I studied life energetics which has made me see yoga differently. I also combine yoga with other studies including Chinese medicine and connective tissue especially focusing on the connection between the connective tissues and the subconsciousness.







Our mind is an amazing thing that builds of body and controls the functions of our tissues and internal organs. Our body acts according to our state of mind and if the mind is stressed, our body will become tense. If our mind is relaxed, our body will be relaxed as well. I』ve noticed a pattern with my students who suffer from back and shoulder pain—when I ask them about their lifestyle and work, 80% of them are feeling stressed at work. This is what is called 「office syndrome.」 Most people think that office syndrome is from doing the same habits for a long time like sitting in certain chairs, but pain persists even when we change our position. Try to observe yourself when your boss is near you at work, most people tend to feel more stress in this situation. This is felt as energy accumulation in your shoulders or neck. If this kind of stress occurs frequently, it will become a physical symptom requiring therapy. We can』t treat this syndrome only by changing the body, we must treat the mind as well.





When we talk about the state of mind, it』s often difficult to picture because it is something we can』t touch or feel. Our mind sends messages throughout the body in order to tell us what is actually going on in the body. Any symptoms present in the body indicate

our internal mental state. This is like a car we are driving, we can only put in gasoline to encourage the car to work, but we won』t know the state of the engine inside until symptoms begin to show. It』s the same in our body, we eat in order to nourish our body so we will have energy to do activities. We generally start to look after it once it begins to show sighs of illness. However, there are only a few people who really care about the state of the mind. Most illness comes from an unbalanced mind.




Our mind records our experiences starting from the moment of birth and learns the outside world through the five senses: taste, smell, sound, sight, touch. When the senses receive information from the external world, they send messages to the brain. Then our brain processes the information and stores it in the mind. When our senses face a new event, the mind uses old data to inform how our body will react to it. But how does this relate to yoga?





Let』s divide our mind into two sections: the thinking section or conscious mind and the doing section or subconscious mind. Whenever we cause pain to our body, the mind relates dislike, pain





and insecurity. The subconscious will send a message to our body to react and our body will become contracted in order to avoid feeling more pain. The next day, when we try the same posture, we will feel resistance in our body because the muscles have contracted to protect the mind. For example, while practicing Paschimottanasana forward fold, those who lack elasticity in the hamstrings will feel irritation in this posture. The more force we apply, the more the body will resist, especially if a teacher comes to press on us, we will feel more pain. The next time we see the teacher we may notice our body contracting on impulse.


Vanda Scaravelli在她的書《喚醒脊柱》說過,「運動是身體的歌曲」,「...身體想唱歌而不是嘶喊」。



Vanda Scaravelli said in her book, Wakening the Spine, 「Movement is the song of the body」 and 「[…] the body wants to sing, not scream.」 Many yoga trainings today focus sole on overcoming difficult asanas without concern for the outcomes. Our yaga trainnig manifests in our off the mat reality as well.If we are an inactive person, we will do yoga that is convienent for us and comfortable. If we are competitive and ambitious, we may choose to train with power yoga. We all have free will to choose how we want to live and practice yoga, I just want to point out that we do yoga according to our own personal targets, not always for health.





Why must we torture our bodies over and over again with yoga based on achievement? I once was like that in my own practice. I chose to practice advanced asanas to prove to myself that I am no longer weak and seek the approval of my peers. I started yoga with a perfect body and began to find myself struggling with health issues. I wanted people to accept me physically but didn』t feel the approval internally. That』s when I found the study of the sub conscious. I learned the habits that I did unvoluntarily and began to understand how the mind works in connection with our habits. I began to change my methods and focus more on the internal landscape of yoga. This leapt beyond the limits of muscles and tissue into the connection between mind and body.






This is how I created 「Inner Life Yoga」 a course that aims to change our life both physically and internally. It helps us change the way we think and how we interact with our body.

InnerLife Yoga is a rediscovery of self by way of a yoga training that addresses our lifestyle and attitudes. This yoga focuses on the energetic levels and their function at the physical level. Once we

understand how energy works, we gain the power to change all aspects of our lives. From Quantum physics we know that energy always attracts energy with the same quality. If our energy is low, we will become inactive and lack motivation to pursue life experiences. However, if our energy is too high, we will get angry easily and act out towards others. If we have sufficient energy, our life will be balanced and we will be able to interact with the world positively.





If we consider the Laws of Attraction, we know that energy attracts other energy. Our low energy will attract negative thinking and problems will start to occur. If we hold this energy for a long time, it will become our habit and thus our experience. In our brain, Reticular Activating System (RAS) receives information from the five senses and sends such information to our brain to be processed and expressed in the body as habits. When RAS repeatedly receives the same information and causes the same habits, the system will be able to detect the information more quickly.





For example, if we like to complain about what annoys us, our RAS is likely able to find this information more quickly than information on things that make us happy. Someone who likes to complain a lot will often find everything around them annoying. In order for RAS to help us find what we truly want, we must change the way we see things in our life. If we want good things to happen to us, we must think about those things more often until they become our habits. Then these desires will start to enter our reality. If we understand how RAS works, we will be able to forsee how our habitual thinking interacts with our reality.




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