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Art,Chagall & Angie


I have always known little about art. As for painting, Iused to think a painting is good only when it looks like athing or a person. This stupid idea has been a butt of myfriends』 jokes. After that I started to be discreet about art not to say anything wrong, as if my taste of life andaesthetic appreciation would lag behind for my words.


But the fact is, no matter how I pretend, I have no clue about what art is. I』ve asked people how they woulddefine art or an artist and got different ideas. I』ve walked through Vatican Museum, the palace of art, but whatamazed me most was the time I spent in waiting in lineand the massive size of the place. I』ve been to lots ofother museums and art shows, big or small, not beingable to appreciate made it nothing impressive to me. No matter how hard I』ve tried to enjoy a certain piece of art, I feel from the bottom of my heart that 「It』s good when it looks like a thing or a person.」 The concept of art hasalways been as hazy as steam, jumbled and confusing. I』m just ordinary.


I finished reading the autobiography of the artist Marc Chagall recently. There are lots of his works displayed in the book. I showed people some paintings in it before I read the book and asked what they think of them. Some said they』re good and some just ok. I can"t even have an idea what"s exactly in these paintings, let alone knowing what he intended to express with these bright and dark colors, disordered scenes, people and animals over the city or flying skulls. Same as other autobiographies, in his book Chagall wrote nothing but his life. Different from other autobiographies, he wrote about his life in the same way he did his paintings, imaginary and unconstrained.


Chagall was born in a Jewish family of great poverty in Vitebsk, Russia. His father, a porter, hoped his eldest son would get education so that he would be able to find a decent job to support the family. But Chagall, as a little kid, had shown keen insight in life and great interest in painting. When he first went to a painting school and later on moved to St. Petersburg for further development, his dad always threw a tiny amount of money, basically coins, on the ground. Chagall described it as 「Tears and dignity suffocated me.」 When he made it to move from Russia to France through unbelievable hardships, he finally became more widely recognized and got famous. This built my basic understanding of an artist: Do what you love and live what you want, no matter how hard it is.


As a Jew, Chagall had special affection for Jewish folk culture. His works are mainly about Jewish lifestyle. The book also described the major influence that the culture of Hasidic Judaism had on his life as an artist. This gave me a second idea about artists: they always have nostalgia.


Meanwhile, Jewish customs and religious tradition endowed him with endless imagination. He wrote in the book 「Art seems to me to be a state of soul more than anything else. Souls are free. They have their own mind and logic.「 Thus, it』s not difficult to understand why in his paintings he made the world float and colorful. Therefore, artists have free souls and imagination.


The Chinese version of this autobiography has a subtitle which is "My Paintings Are My Memories". In his hometown Vitebsk, in the battlefield, in Europe, he had always wanted to paint on his canvas what he saw and keep them there. He thought life is just as colorful as an artist』s palette and he also changed his painting style due to the sufferings and threatens his race went through. So I guess artists are a group of people who are able to record and express their life experience with a certain form of art.


As a painter, Chagall』s literary competence is not magnificent. For me his expressions are kind of primal but full of sincerity. He said in the book 「Souls can get to a high level where there』s no tricks.」 So is it another point to be real as an artist?


Chagall』s first wife, Bella, had always been a source of inspiration and the most important critic for him. Bella』s family looked down upon his career as a painter, thinking this job would never earn him enough bread. But Bella always brought him blue air, love and flowers the moment he opened his bedroom window and lit up his path of art. He said there is a single color that provides the meaning of life and art. It is the color of love. Is that to say artists can』t create without love?


To summarize, after reading Chagall』s autobiography, my idea about art and artists is that with free souls and imagination, artists record how they really feel about life with a form of art that they love. And it』s a type of life in which they don』t give in or make do and it might be hard but full of love.


If it sounds reasonable, I think many people can be artists without being well-known. As for me, this single fact that I』m not good enough at any artistic form has made me far away from being an artist. Yes I can cook kind of well, but I haven』t yet got the skill to show my anger with a tasty dish. If art really lies in life, the only thing that can bring me closer to being an artist is to live the life that I want and to enjoy its details, to earnestly read a book, record a journey, make a dinner, learn something new, try out ideas, to be real and to love.




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