首頁 > 最新 > 平凡美國人#從死亡谷到道奇體育場—5個我最喜歡的地方



Doug F.,36歲



地方1:內華達州的黑石市。黑石市不是一個真正的城市。實際上,它只不過是一個乾涸的湖床,被認為是美國最平坦荒涼的地方之一。然而,每年當該地舉辦一年一度的火人節(Burning Man festival)時便會成為一個臨時設立的城市(這又是另外一個故事)。還有哪個地方可以讓你驅車10英里而不用手握方向盤?





My Favorite Places

Doug F., 36

Business Lawyer

Los Angeles, California

Place 1: Black Rock City,Nevada. Black Rock City isn』t a really acity at all. It is actually a dry lakebed known as one of the flattest and most desolate places in the UnitedStates. Once a year, however, it doesbecome a temporary city as it happens to be the location of the annual BurningMan festival (that』s another story all together). Where else can one drive for 10 miles withouttouching the steering wheel?

Place 2: Dodger Stadium, EchoPark, California. Since 1962 it has beenthe home of the Los Angeles Dodgers. Watching a game with friends and family while the sun lights up the SanGabriel Mountains out beyond center field is a true joy!

Place 3: The Sierra NevadaMountains, California. The Sierrasinclude Mount Whitney, the highest mountain in the continental UnitedStates. Personally, I love spending timein the Sierras because they are also the native home to the rare and beautifulGolden Trout. Very little is better thaneating fresh-caught trout next to a high mountain lake.

Place 4: Death Valley,California. Death Valley National Parkis huge and offers hundreds of miles of dirt roads and trails to explore. Some of my favorite places in the park areNative American rock art sites that aren』t on any map and are pretty hard tofind.

Place 5: Mojave NationalPreserve, California. The Mojave Road isa dirt road that follows the original path Native Americans used to cross fromthe Colorado River to the Los Angeles basin. The road was abandoned in the 1800s when the railroad chose a differentroute, but it can still be traversed with a high clearance 4x4 vehicle like aSports Utility Vehicle (SUV).



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