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Tier 4 學生簽證面試指導

哈嘍同學們~本期內容為大家來的是Tier 4 學生簽證面試指導。其實英國T4學生簽證現在是抽查面試。雖然目前為止被抽中的概率比較低,但是誰也無法保證自己就不是那個被命運選中的人(沒錯,就是拼RP的時候到了)。這裡為大家po一些面簽tips,希望對大家有所幫助。


UK Home Office將面試學生以減少學生簽證體系被濫用的情況。他們將會評估學生是否是真正的、可信的、能完成課程的學生。從如下四個主要方面評估,看學生是否有:



沒有長期的不能向UK Home Office解釋的學習空檔














1. Use English as much as you can. Read widely including newspapers and other journals, watch English movies, and TV programmes, have a note book with you and take notes from the TV try to get used to the way that everyday English is used.

2. Practice in front of a mirror, this will help you to improve your interview technique.

3. Learn all of the key terms in English!

Students should be able to say in English.

? The name of their course

? The full name of their college and/or university

? The dates they will start and finish each course

? The tuition fees

For example

Student A

I will study a 10-week pre-sessional English course at the University of Birmingham from 10 July 2014 until September 2014. In September 2014 I will start a full time master course studying MSc Marketing at the University of Birmingham.

Student B

I will study a Two Term Foundation Certificate in Art and Design at Nottingham Trent International College from 16 September 2013 until April 2014. In September 2014 I will start a full time 3 year undergraduate course studying BA Fashion Marketing and Branding at Nottingham Trent University.

All of this information can be found on your CAS Statement, your offer letter and the University website.

4. Research your College, University and City. Learn as much as you can about your future course in the UK. Information can be found on the College and/or University websites

5. Be prepared to talk about your reason for studying in the UK, what job you would like to do in the future and how this course will help your future plan.

6. Make sure you are clear on how you or your family will pay for the tuition and living fees for the course. Also learn how to translate large numbers correctly into English.

7. Learn some information on the modules you will study, these can be found on the College and/or University websites.

8. During the interview, do not be afraid to ask the interviewer to repeat the question if you don』t understand or did not hear clearly the first time.

9. Take your time to listen to the question properly and give a clear answer.

10. Don』t be nervous – try to relax on the interview date, have a good sleep the night before and have breakfast in the morning.


Please Confirm your name, date of birth and Nationality.


What type of entry clearance (visa) are you applying for?

——I am applying for a Tier 4 General Student Visa.

Where do you live in China.

——回答為City + Province

Where will you study in the UK


What course will you study in the UK and what is the course start and end dates?


What are the benefits of studying in the UK compared to your home country or USA/Canada/Australia etc.?


Why did you decide to study in the UK?


Why did you chose this course in particular and why at this College/University?


What will you study during the course? What are some of the modules you will study?


How many hours a day will you study?

——Around 4 to 5 hours.

How is your course assessed?

——這題是問課程以什麼方式考核,這個在學校的官網上可以查到,一般有exams. coursework, presentation.

What have you studied previously? Please describe your previous study and work experience


How much are your course fees and who is paying for you course?


How much are the living costs in the UK?


What do your parents do for a living? What is your parents』 annual income?


What are your plans once you finish the course?


What is the relevance of the course to your future career path?


Did anyone help you with your application?


Do you have any friends or family in the UK?


Where will you live in the UK and how far is it from your College/University?


Please tell me some information about the city you will live in.





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