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Take Shelter 託庇

So Prahlada Maharaja said "People do not know the aim of life." The aim of life is here, amrtatva, as good as Krsna, as good as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Blissful, full of knowledge and eternal. That is the aim of life. But people do not know. Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum [SB 7.5.31]. Visnu means the Supreme Lord who is eternal, full of bliss and full of knowledge. So our aim should be how to approach Visnu. Then we get the same power, same eternity, same blissfulness. Just like a motorcar is running at the speed of sixty miles, and if a cyclist someway or other catches the motorcar, he can also go at the speed of sixty miles. Sometimes boys do that. Similarly, you approach Krsna. You approach Visnu. You get all the powers because you become under protection.

所以Prahlada Maharaja(帕拉達瑪哈拉佳)說「人們不知道生命的目標」。人生的目標在這裡了,amrtatva,和Krsna(奎師那)一樣好,和至尊人格首神一樣好,即:極樂、充滿知識和永恆。這才是生命的目標。但是人們不知道。Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum [SB/ 《聖典博伽瓦譚》,7.5.31]。「Visnu」(維施努)的意思便是「至尊主祂是永恆的、全然極樂的和全知的」。所以我們的目標應該是如何接近Visnu。那麼我們可以獲得同樣的力量、同樣的永恆、同樣的極樂。就好像一輛以每小時60英里(96.56公里)賓士著的汽車,而如果一個騎自行車的人通過某種方式抓住了這輛汽車,那麼他也能以每小時60英里的速度飛奔。有時候一些男孩子敢那麼做。[ 譯者註:切勿盲目模仿!]同樣地,當你接近Krsna,當你接近Visnu,你就能獲得所有的力量,只因為你已經身處保護之下了。

Protection of the... That... Tulasi dasa has said that in the ocean, the waves of the ocean, if you put one elephant very powerful, very strong, the elephant will be washed away by the waves. But a small fish, a teeny fish, it is swimming against the waves. They take pleasure. The fish, when the waves are coming this way, the fish go in that way. Now see. You put against the waves an elephant. It will be washed away. Why elephant? Any strong thing you give. Even big, big ships, oh, it will be washed away. But a small fish, it doesn"t care the waves; it goes against the waves. Why? It has taken the shelter. It has taken the shelter of the ocean. Similarly, all power belongs to Krsna. Yatra yogesvarah harih. But if anyone takes shelter of Krsna, he becomes as powerful as Krsna. This is the process.

保護……那個……Tulasi dasa(圖拉斯 達薩)曾經說過,在海洋里,在有洶湧波浪的海洋里,如果你把一頭非常有力量的、非常強壯的大象放進去,這頭大象馬上就會被波浪沖走。但是如果是一條很小的魚,一條渺小的魚,它可以頂著波浪遊泳。它們會享受其間。魚類,當海浪從這裡來,它們會向那裡遊走。現在我們再來看,如果你頂著波浪把一頭大象放進去,它馬上就會被沖跑了。何止是大象,你放進去任何強大的生物體,即便是像輪船一樣大的,它也會馬上被沖走。但是一條小魚,它不在乎那個波浪,它可以逆流而進。為什麼?因為它已經託庇了,它已經託庇于海洋了。同樣的,所有的力量都屬於Krsna(奎師那)。Yatra yogesvarah harih。但是,如果一個人一旦託庇於Krsna,他就能變得與Krsna一樣的有力,這就是程序。

——Srila Prabhupada,"Don"t Cheat Others",Bhagavad-gita 2.15, London, 21/08/73/聖帕布帕德,「不要欺騙他人」,《博伽梵歌》 2-15,倫敦,1973年8月21日



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