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Amazon, Apple should avoid North Carolina over "racist" voter ID plan, advocacy group says


Amazon"s logo is pictured inside the company"s office in Bangalore, India, April 20, 2018.


Apple and Amazon are reportedly each considering North Carolina as an East Coast headquarters. But voting rights advocates, citing the state"s new voter ID proposal, are trying to convince the tech titans to go elsewhere.


The bill, announced Thursday by the state"s House Republicans, would establish a photo voter identification requirement in the state"s constitution, the News & Observer in Raleigh reported.


But Color of Change, a civil rights organization, launched a campaign this week to pressure Apple and Amazon to push back against the voter ID bill, arguing that it discriminates against African-Americans.

但是民權倡導組織『Color of Change』,發起了一項運動,旨在向蘋果和亞馬遜施壓,要求其抵制選民身份證識別法案,稱該法案歧視非裔美國人。

「REJECT RACISM … Make your Raleigh campus contingent on EQUAL RIGHTS for ALL your employees … Vote NO on racist voter ID laws!」 the advocacy group says in an ad.

該民權倡導組織在一則廣告說:「拒絕種族主義… 羅利的企業應該對旗下所有員工一視同仁… 對種族主義選民身份證識別法案說『不』。」

Two years ago, federal courts struck down a North Carolina voter ID law that was passed in 2013, hence this year"s effort by the House GOP to make the new bill a constitutional amendment, Think Progress reported.


The U.S. Supreme Court said last year that the law targeted African-Americans "with almost surgical precision,」 the report said.


Tell @Amazon & @Apple to reject racism and say "NO" to North Carolina』s racist attacks on voting rights https://t.co/qrNsMFbJDi pic.twitter.com/EcdKMIzr46

— ColorOfChange.org (@ColorOfChange) June 6, 2018


— ColorOfChange.org (@ColorOfChange) 2018年6月6日

Apple and Amazon have been looking at Raleigh, the state capital, for possible additional headquarters, Think Progress reported.

據Think Progress報道,蘋果和亞馬遜一直考慮在北卡羅來納首府羅利設立新的總部。

Brandi Collins-Dexter, senior campaign director for Color of Change, told the News & Observer that it"s time for companies to "show that disenfranchising the black vote should be bad for business."

Color of Change組織的高級總監Brandi Collins-Dexter,告訴《新聞與觀察家報》,「是時候讓企業看看,剝奪黑人的選舉權對商業不利。」

「We see this as a war that has been waged on these communities," she said.


The giant tech companies would bring billions of dollars in investments and as many as 60,000 jobs, Forbes reported.


Ironically, setting up shop in Raleigh could help with Amazon』s search for a diverse board director, as the Research Triangle of Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill make up a combined population that is 22 percent black, nearly double that of the national black population, Forbes reported.


Matthew Williams, who grew up in North Carolina, also launched a petition calling on Jeff Bezos and Tim Cook, the CEOs of Amazon and Apple, to 「say no to North Carolina』s racist attacks on voting rights,」 according to Think Progress.


State House Speaker Tim Moore is the lead sponsor on the voter ID bill.


Moore called the photo ID requirement a 「common sense measure to secure the integrity of our elections system,」 the Charlotte Observer reported in an editorial. He said it』s needed because 「protecting our democracy should be one of lawmakers』 highest priorities.」

《夏洛特觀察家報》在一篇社論中稱,摩爾將身份證照片識別要求稱為「確保我們選舉制度完整性的常識措施」 他說,這是非常有必要的,因為「保護我們的民主應該是立法者的首要任務之一。」

North Carolina is the last state in the Southeast to have no form of voter ID. This commonsense measure to secure the integrity of elections is supported by the vast majority of North Carolinians who deserve to vote on strengthening ballot protections.https://t.co/QtRKqkIjc5

— Speaker Tim Moore (@NCHouseSpeaker) June 7, 2018


— 蒂姆?摩爾(@NCHouseSpeaker) 2018年6月7日

However, the state Board of Elections released an extensive and objective audit of the 2016 election that found that out of almost 4.8 million votes cast, only one fraudulent vote probably would have been avoided with a photo voter ID law, the Observer』s editorial said.


A University of California at San Diego study found that 「strict photo identification laws have a differentially negative impact on the turnout of Hispanics, Blacks, and mixed race Americans in primaries and general elections,」 the Atlantic reported last year.


In the new voter ID amendment, it is not clear if student IDs or utility bills would count, and legislators would release the details after voters pass it, the Observer editorial reported.



網友Anthony Raynor:「為什麼身份識別會被視為種族主義?我只想確保是正確的人在投票。」

網友Kevin Schoonover:「表面上並不是種族主義,但有很多美國公民沒有身份證,那些沒有身份證的人往往是窮人、老人和少數民族。我支持一項選民身份證法,只要它包括一個程序,那就是使每一個合格的選民都有身份證。我們需要更多的人來投票。」

網友Anthony Raynor:「完全同意一個簡單或自由的身份證明程序,但我認為有必要保持投票過程的神聖性。」





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