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17-year-old Cleopatra married her ten-year-old brother, Ptolemy, taking the throne together. Three years later, she was ousted by her own legal husband and his partisan. Though the 20-year-old queen was clever, it was still not enough to resist the opposition"s framing, and she could no longer stay in Alexandria, so she took a small group of people to flee to the red sea, where she started to recruit followers and accumulate power.


At the age of 21,Cleopatra returned with her army, a battle for the world"s oldest crown was on the verge of breaking out. The war between brother and sister attracted the world"s attention, but while the siblings were ready to pulverize each other, a bigger battle was just over - Caesar defeated Pompey. Pompey, the former overlord, was taking his remnants to the city of Alexandria for protection. A month later, when Pompey arrived at the coast of Alexandria, the Egyptians cut off his head and presented it as a gift to Caesar.


After three days of Pompeii』s death, the messenger of the new king Caesar came to Alexandria and ordered two armies under the opposing siblings to retreat to their own barracks and to listen to the orders. Cleopatra noticed that the chance was coming. In order to be faster than her brother to get the support from Caesar, she must get into the palace without anyone』s attention, and impressed Caesar deeply.


At one night in the Egypt Palace, there was an invaluable carpet sent to the room of Caesar. When he opened this gift, Cleopatra was in it. They talked with each other during the whole night and until the coming morning when Caesar invented Ptolemy into the palace. When the 14-year-old little king saw his sister sitting in the room, he totally lost the plot and yelled at his sister.


In this round of the game, Cleopatra won a temporary victory, but this situation did not last long. The Ptolemaic faction made the bold decision that they would kill Caesar and rid Egypt of Rome forever. When Caesar ordered the disbanding of the Nile Delta army in the name of Egypt"s supreme ruler, the Ptolemaic general Aquilas killed the messenger, marched immediately to Alexandria. Caesar"s trip to Egypt only took more than 30 ships and a corps, and the Egyptians" 20000 infantry and cavalry quickly besieged them in the city of Alexandria. Caesar was completely in trouble. The Ptolemaic home secretary, Podinos, attempted to poison Caesar, who killed him outright, while constantly asking for reinforcements along the Mediterranean coast. During this time, Caesar tried to break through the encirclement by sea and ordered his soldiers to throw torches at Egyptian ships, which inadvertently set fire to buildings on the shore. The fire destroyed the Library of Alexandria, and Caesar"s ship was sunk, but Caesar himself survived


The situation only got severer afterward. In Rome, those who used to support Pompeii decided to stand on the side of his son. In Egypt, just after Caesar conferred the title on Cleopatra"s sister, Arsinoe, she immediately turned to help Ptolemy. At the critical moment, Jewish and Persian』s reinforcement came and began a fight with the Egyptians on the Nile river. Roman had the advantage again. At last, Ptolemy was drowned in the Nile, and Alcino』s henchmen were also executed without exception.


The war which lasted for a winter has eventually ended. After the war, Caesar helped Cleopatra ascend the throne so that she could govern the country together with her youngest brother while as her sister was imprisoned after defection. So far, Egypt, the country which should be part of Rome, was still independent as a country. Just before spring came, Cleopatra told Caesar that she was pregnant with Caesar』s son.




翻譯:Emilyyy, Esteban Chao, 科爾森, 邱珂

校對: 歐文, Olivia, 簡妮, Selena, Crystal, 葉若愫





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