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Mercedes-BenzAutoFinance Co., Ltd.



Vehicles andCertificate Monitor

Response Document


Part 1 Company Introduction

一、基本情況General Information

1、公司簡介Company Profile

1.1公司品牌定位Brand Positioning


Logo ofShenzhen XX Financial Services Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as XX), by virtueof various elements of red & yellow ribbons of XX (English abbreviation of「China Financial Service」), 「bird shape」, etc., embodies the company』sdevelopment strategy of 「keeping a foothold on China and serving the financeindustry」, and service philosophy of having the courage to make innovation,forging ahead with determination, cooperating with absolute sincerity andrealizing win-win cooperation with clients.

1.2公司概況Company Profile


XXCompany, established in March 1996, is licensed to engage in financialsupporting services by means of service outsourcing with the registered capitalof RMB 100 million, and has independent legal person qualification. Through 20years』 hardening & perseverance, XX has become one of the largest companiesproviding financial supporting services in China.


TheCompany headquarters in Shenzhen with operating network covering most of theregions in China and Hong Kong area. It has set up branches in over 160 citiessuch as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Foshan, Dongguan, Zhuhai, Zhongshan,Jiangmen, Shantou, Zhaoqing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Fuzhou, Xiamen,Quanzhou, Qingdao, Zhengzhou, Jinan, Fuzhou, Suzhou, Ningbo, Taiyuan, Hefei,Wenzhou, Kunshan, Nanning, Changsha, Nanjing, Xuzhou, Changzhou, Guiyang,Xining, Hohhot, etc. with more than 30,000 employees.

1.3公司經營範圍Business Scope of the Company


Businessscope of the Company verified &approved by administration authority forindustry and commerce is as follows:


Generaloperating items: computer system integration, information consulting;development & sales of electronic equipment & computer software;management consulting; business agency, equipment leasing. (Except for theitems forbidden by laws, administrative regulations & the State Council,limited items shall be operated after obtaining permission) licensed items:engage in business process outsourcing by means of service outsourcing; providecash clearing; ATM cash replenishment, tour inspection, equipment operation& maintenance and trusteeship; delivery & pickup of bills of financialinstitutions; delivery & pickup of important certificates & materialsof enterprises & public institutions; scanning; type-in; materialverification; printing; business processing of credit card center; door-to-doorverification; account checking of banks and enterprises; pre-loaninvestigation; post-loan management; supply chain financial supervision;attestation service; bank card issuing service; credit & loan collection;warehousing leasing & warehouse trusteeship; storage of documents,information materials and various media (operating by virtue of SHP (2009) No.400732); archives management & retrieval; outlet post outsourcing, outletservice consulting, outlet training &tutorship and third party servicedetection of financial institutions; technological development related tobusiness process outsourcing; domestic express delivery services (excludingpostal franchise business); labor dispatching; training service; serviceoperation of call center.


Supplychain financial supervision of automobile trade is subordinate to the servicerange of 「risk management」 of our Company, which aims to control major risks insupply chain link for demanders by virtue of our high-quality service.

1.4公司服務客戶Clients of the Company


XXCompany exclusively provides business process outsourcing services forfinancial institutions such as banks, insurance companies, security companies,automobile financial companies, fund companies, etc., government, enterprises& public institutions. Clients of the Company include:


Governmentalagencies: People』s Bank of China, China customs, China taxation, etc.


Chinese-fundedbanks: ICBC,ABC, Bank of China, CCB, Bank of Communications, Postal SavingsBank of China, CMBC, China CITIC Bank, CEB, SPDB, CGB, CIB, China MinshengBank, Huaxia Bank, Ping』an Bank, Bank of Shanghai, Bank of Beijing, ChinaZheshang Bank, Huishang Bank, Bank of Jiangsu, Bank of Ningbo, Bank of Nanjing,Bank of Guangzhou, Bank of Dongguan, Bank of Chengdu, Rural CreditCooperatives, China Development Bank, EIBC, Agricultural Development Bank ofChina.


Foreignbanks: Citibank, Development Bank of Singapore, OCBC, Bank of Tokyo-MitsubishiUFJ, HSBC, Woori Bank, Chinese Mercantile Bank, Nanyang Commercial Bank, WingHang Bank, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Wing Lung Bank, Dah Sing Bank, BEA, HangSeng Bank, SCB


Securitycompanies: Qilu Securities, Guosen Securities, Essence Securities, GFSecurities, Haitong Securities, Shanxi Securities, Guotai Junan Securities,Dongguan Hualian Futures.


Fundcompanies: China AMC, Bosera Funds, E Fund, China Southern Asset Management,Harvest Fund, Dacheng Fund, China Merchants Fund.


Insurancecompanies: PICC, China Life Insurance, Ping』an Insurance, CPIC, China ContinentProperty & Casualty Insurance, New China Life, Sino Life, SunshineInsurance, Taikang Life Insurance, Chartis Insurance, AIA, Sino-US United MetLifeInsurance, Huatai Insurance.


Autofinancing companies: FIAT Financial, Mercedes-Benz Auto Finance, Beijing BenzAutomotive, GAC-SOFINCO Auto Finance, Toyota Financial Services, Fortune AutoFinance, BYDAuto Finance.


Otherclients: China Unionpay, Shenzhen Finance Electronic Settlement Center,Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

1.5公司服務體系Service System of the Company


XXCompany, as a professional financial BPO service provider, has five systems to ensurethe project service quality, namely, project management system, informationmanagement system, quality management system, risk management system andservice level management system.

項目管理體系:Project management system:


XXCompany has begun to carry out project management since 2006, and it publicizesimplements and applies the philosophy of project management practically at alllevels. After the project is launched, the Company will set up a project teamaccording to life cycle, complexity, risks and other factors of the project, configureproject manager, project supervisor, project coordinator, etc., submitdifferent reports during planning, executing, monitoring & ending stages,and keep good communications with clients. In addition, it will submit projectoperation quality assessment forms to the client monthly or quarterly andcollect client』s suggestions & advice to improve the work. Besides, theCompany develops its business from relatively simple delivery service toaccount checking service which needs elaborate design & control procedure,and to non-core business outsourcing by using systematic methods of projectmanagement to mange banks at present, successfully realizing the promotion ofmanagement mode and improvement of customer satisfaction.

信息管理體系:Information management system:


BringinISO27001 information security management system certification comprehensively,strengthen information security control measures, ensure the confidentiality,integrity & availability of client』s information assets, and carry outcertification procedure strictly.

質量管理體系:Quality management system:


XX Companypassed ISO9000 quality management system certification in December 2000, beingnational first company of the same type passing this certification. Besides, itpassed ISO9001:2008 certification in 2010. 「Standardize the service, showconsideration for clients」, put the quality management consciousness in dailyservice & operation and stick to using standardized & processized philosophy& means for management.

風險管理體系:Risk management system:


The Companyadopts risk control system to identify, analyze & assess riskscomprehensively, formulates risk handling measures, guides into businessoperation, realizes process control, and manages & transfers risks by legalmeans & commercial insurance.

服務水平管理體系:Service level management system:


Bring in-servicelevel management comprehensively. Establish service catalogue and confirmservice standard & service level. SLA (Service Level Agreement) representsthe intersection point of service expectation value of both service providerand client, realizing detailed management such as service dynamics andlayering, etc.

職業健康安全管理體系Occupational health & safety managementsystem


Introducein OHSAS18001occupational health & safety management system comprehensively,and reduce and prevent any loss of life, property & time arising fromaccident and environmental damage through management.


? XX公司倡導合作共贏的企業文化,給予員工有競爭力的工資、福利、培訓、人文關懷以及職業生涯規劃,員工歸屬感強烈,流失率低,服務質量穩定。

? XX Company encourages the corporate cultureof win-win cooperation, and provides employees with competitive wage, welfare,training, humanistic concern and career planning, so as to realize strong senseof belonging of employees, low loss rate and stable service quality.

? XX公司於2000年通過ISO9000質量管理體系認證,並於2009年通過ISO9001:2008新版認證,是國內同類企業中第一家通過此認證的公司。「規範服務,體貼客戶」,XX公司在運作中採取一系列的措施,保證項目服務的規範,確保服務品質。

? XX Company passed ISO9000 quality management systemcertification in 2000 and passed ISO9001:2008 new edition certification in2009,being national first company of the same type passing this certification.「Standardize the service, show consideration for clients」. XX Company takes aseries of measures during the operation to guarantee the standardization ofproject service and ensure service quality.

? XX公司嚴格執行經過ISO27001:2005信息安全管理體系認證的操作流程,用項目管理的方式全面識別、分析、監控風險,在規範服務、體貼客戶的同時有效地控制系統風險。

? XX Company strictly implements the operationprocedure passing ISO27001:2005 information security management systemcertification, identifies, analyzes & monitors risks by project managementmethod, and controls systematic risks effectively while standardizing theservice and showing consideration for clients.

? XX公司嚴格選聘合適的員工,與員工簽訂了責任承諾書,員工與公司共同承擔客戶委託的責任;公司與每位員工簽署保密協議並支付保密薪酬,確保信息安全。同時為每位員工購買社會保險、僱員忠誠險、人身意外險等險種,有效規避、轉移各類風險,並通過OHSAS18001職業健康安全體系。

? XX Company selects and recruits appropriateemployees strictly and signs responsibility letter with employees so thatemployees and the Company can undertake the responsibility entrusted byclients. The Company signs confidentiality agreement with each employee andpays salary for confidentiality to ensure information security. In addition, itpurchases social insurance, employee loyalty insurance, personal accidentinsurance, etc. for each employee to avoid and transfer various riskseffectively, and has passed OHSAS18001occupational health &safety systemcertification.

? XX管理專家團隊來自國內、外金融機構和專業公司,具有豐富的業務流程經驗和管理大規模運營、技術實施能力,有能力與客戶共同進行持續的流程改造乃至業務變革。

? Members of XX management expert team comefrom international & domestic financial institutions and professionalcompanies with abundant business procedure experience and ability in managinglarge-scale operation & technology implementation, and are capable ofcarrying out continuous procedure transformation and even business reformtogether with clients.

? XX公司擁有先進的項目管理系統,提升項目服務效率與質量。截止至今已取得銀企、票據影像、後督影像、集中作業、貸後管理等多項外包作業系統軟體著作權。

? XX Company has advanced project managementsystem to promote project service efficiency &quality. So far, it has gotthe software copyright of various outsourcing operation systems such as banks& enterprises, bill image, post-supervision image, intensive operation,post-loan management, etc.

? XX公司20年來從專註於運營外包,發展為提供綜合性、多元化、服務鏈齊全的金融BPO企業,服務項目包括:金融物流、數據處理、網點管理、風險管理、檔案管理、現金管理六個大類。目前與國內100多家銀行、保險公司、證券、汽車金融公司、基金公司結為合作夥伴,專業的服務水準得到了中國人民銀行、各商業銀行等金融機構及政府、企事業單位的高度認可。

? XX Company has developed into an enterpriseproviding integrated & diverse financial BPO services with sound service chainfrom dedicated operation outsourcing for 20years. Its service items includefinancial logistics, data processing, outlet management, risk management,archives management and cash management. At present, it has establishedpartnership with over 100 banks, insurance companies, security companies, autofinancing companies and fund companies in China with professional servicestandard obtaining high recognition of financial institutions such as People"sBank of China, various commercial banks, etc., government, enterprises andpublic institutions.

1.8.2公司資質Company Qualification


XX Companyhas the operation qualification of financial outsourcing service, beingprocurement supplier of Shenzhen Municipal Government and contract-keeping&trustworthy enterprise of Guangdong Province. It has passed ISO9001:2008quality management system certification and ISO27001:2005information securitymanagement system certification. As a national high-tech enterprise, it hasvarious computer software copyrights, specifically as follows:

1.8.3公司榮譽Company Honor


XXCompany has got high recognition and praise of bank clients and businessdepartment of government by good BPO service ability & high-qualityservice. Part of the representative awards and honors got by XX in recent yearsare as follows:


II.Service Advantage

2.1質量管理體系Quality Management System


To embodythe quality management philosophy of aiming at customer satisfaction, XXCompany passed ISO9000quality management system certification in December 2000,being national first company of the same type passing this certification. Forover 10 years, XX Company has insisted on ISO9000quality management system.Please refer to the latest edition of ISO9001:2008certification certificate.

2.2項目管理體系Project Management System


Managementpersonnel in headquarters and persons-in-charge of branches of XX Company haveparticipated in 「Project Management Professional」 (PMP) training held byProject Management Institute to get PMP certification certificate since 2006,so as to publicize, implement and apply the philosophy of project managementpractically at all levels. It focuses on personnel management, communicationmanagement, time management, cost control, risk management, quality management,etc. during the project management process to reduce the burden of bank』s managementpersonnel greatly while ensuring service quality. After the project islaunched, the Company will set up a project team according to life cycle,complexity, risks and other factors of the project, configure project manager, projectsupervisor, project coordinator, etc., submit different reports during planning,executing, monitoring & ending stages, and keep good communications withclients. In addition, it will submit project operation quality assessment formsto the client monthly or quarterly and collect client』s suggestions &advice to improve the work.

2.3風險管理體系Risk Management System


Financialenterprises such as banks, etc. also transfer part of the operational riskswhile providing business outsourcing. Therefore, XX Company strictly carriesout the certified operation procedures during the whole project operationprocess such as employee recruitment & training, articles handover &acceptance, setting of flexible supervision, continuous procedure improvement,control & emergency measures, etc., to identify, analyze & monitorrisks by project management method, so that it can control systematic riskseffectively while standardizing the service and showing consideration forclients. The Company purchases social insurance, personal accident insurance,etc. for each employee to avoid and transfer various risks effectively. Inaddition, it signs confidentiality agreement with each employee and pays salaryfor confidentiality to ensure that they』ll not disclose the client』s&company』s business secret. XX Company passed ISO 27001 informationsecurity certification in 2010.

2.4 XX服務宗旨:規範服務、體貼客戶

ServiceTenet of XX: Standardize the Service, Show Consideration for Clients.


Mainmanagement personnel of XX Company have work experience in finance &service industries and are good listeners of clients in finance industry. Theyhave take a series of measures during the operation to guarantee thestandardization of project service, such as unified uniform, language courtesy,operation procedure, supervision mechanism, etc., and also set up flexibleposts for special flexible treatment in emergency, or for replacing theemployees in holiday to work to prevent any impact of emergencies on clients』 workefficiency & external service quality.

2.5XX合作理念:合作共贏Philosophy of Cooperation of XX: Win-winCooperation


For 20years, XX Company has adhered to the enterprise culture of 「win-wincooperation」. By win-win cooperation, it is no longer limited to puredemand-supply relation, investment relation, management relation, employmentrelation, etc., but focuses on client』s benefits actively & practically toestablish partnership to create value, save the cost, improve the efficiency,simplify the management, avoid risks and share value together.

2.6汽車合格證監管項目案例Cases of Automobile Certificate SupervisionProjects


ByFebruary 2016, XX Company had provided automobile certificate supervisionservices for over 400 automobile dealers—nationwide partners of the followingfinancial institutions in automobile financing business.



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