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Meteorites refer to meteorite debris falling to the ground, consisting of iron, nickel, silicate and other minerals, also known as meteorite. Also referred to the more or all stony meteorites. In high carbon content of meteorites also found a large amount of ammonia, nucleic acid, fatty acid, pigment and 11 kinds of amino acids and other organic matter, therefore, it is considered that the origin of life on earth have considerable relationship with meteorites.


People in observation found that planets in the solar system, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter has an asteroid belt, it is the home of meteorites, the asteroid in their orbits, and constantly clash, sometimes will be bumped out of orbit toward the earth, into the atmosphere, and the friction of sunlight is a shooting star. Meteorite rain occurs when a meteorite enters the atmosphere, creating a high temperature, high pressure, and internal imbalance. When an unburned person lands on earth, it becomes a meteorite. A 170-meter deep crater with a diameter of 1,240 meters was found in Arizona. There is also a large crater 300 kilometers in diameter at the South Pole. In the middle of the Atlantic, a huge crater with a diameter of more than 1,000 kilometers was found.


Scientists say our planet receives 50,000 tons of such gifts every day. Most of them burn up 10 to 40 miles above the ground and are hard to find even on the ground. They operate in the universe, and because there is no other protection, they are directly affected by the radiation and catastrophe of various cosmological lines, and their own radioactive heating cannot make them change greatly. So its own record is reliable. It has been studied in a wide range of fields, such as high energy physics, celestial evolution, geochemistry and the origin of life.


The world"s largest preserved iron meteorite is the Hoba iron meteorite in namibia, Africa, weighing about 60 tons. Next came Greenland"s jojiao 1 iron meteorite, which weighed about 33 tons. China"s xinjiang iron meteorite, weighing about 28 tons, is the world"s third largest iron meteorite. The largest stone meteorite in the world is jilin meteorite. The total weight of the collected samples is 2,550 kilograms.


Another type of meteorite is called the glass meteorite. It is black or dark green, somewhat like stone, but not stone. It"s kind of like glass, but it"s a very special glassy substance that doesn"t crystallize. It comes in a variety of shapes, usually small, ranging in weight from a few grams to dozens of grams. The identification of glass meteorites mainly depends on the discovery site and chemical isotope characteristics of the samples, and the chemical isotope characteristics are the final basis. So far, hundreds of thousands of suspected glassy meteorites have been found, and oddly enough, they have been found in distinct regions, where the cause of their emergence has not been determined.









For some meteorites set gravel through observation, we learned that small objects in space, the evolution of the space environment is: there are a large number of small celestial bodies revolve around the sun, these small objects to tens of kilometers in diameter, hundreds of kilometers, small to tens of centimeters, the scale of a few centimeters, even like pebbles, sand dust particle size. Small objects often collide with each other in the course of their operation. Generally speaking, small objects with a scale of more than 10 centimeters will be hit by thousands, tens of thousands of gravel or sand and dust particles.


Because these small objects travel at cosmic speed in space, they travel much faster than bullets and shells. Therefore, the impact force produced by the collision of small bodies with each other is very large. Under the action of this impact force, the impact surface between the small bodies will generate high temperature and high pressure and the mineral rocks will be fused and metamorphic to form the molten body. The shape of the melt is manifold. In a nutshell, the metamorphic melt left over from the outer surface of the small body is the shell, crater and trough of the small body. The metamorphic molten body left behind in the inner part of the small celestial body is the molten cave wall and belt. Observations of meteorites have shown that each impact creates a shell between one millimetre and ten millimetres thick.


When a small body is hit by thousands of gravel or sand and dust particles, a large number of local small melts are created, which will be superimposed to form the outer shell of the small body. Generally speaking, the greater the impact force, the greater the molten body produced, and the thicker the outer shell of the constructed small object. The outer shell of small objects we see on meteorites is usually several millimeters thick and several centimeters thick. Take a look at the massive meteorite in xinjiang. The thick crust was built by the impact of thousands of gravel and sand and dust particles.


Collisions between small bodies often change the structure and structure of their interior. For example, the spheroid structure will be transformed to the spheroid structure, and of course, the spheroid structure can also be transformed to the spheroid structure. Meteorites are small objects that fall to the ground. As it passes through the earth"s atmosphere, with a strong friction with the air, under the effect of high pressure high temperature, its appearance is often fused metamorphism, after cooling, will be on the surface of meteorites gives birth to a layer of fusion crust thickness is about a millimeter.



隕石在高空飛行時,表面溫度達到幾千度。在這樣的高溫下,隕石表面融化成了液體。後來由於低層比較濃密大氣的阻擋,他的速度越來越慢,融化的表面冷卻下來,形成一層薄殼叫"熔殼"。熔殼很薄,一般在1毫米左右,顏色是黑色或棕色的。在熔殼冷卻的過程中,空氣流動在隕石表面吹過的痕迹也保留下來,叫"氣印"。氣印的樣子很像在麵糰上按出的手指印。 熔殼和氣印是隕石表面的主要特徵。若是你看到的石頭或鐵塊的表面有這樣一層熔殼或氣印,那你可以立刻斷定,這是一塊隕石。但是落下來的年代較長的一些隕石,由於長期的風吹、日晒和雨淋,熔殼脫落了,氣印也就不易辨認出來了,但是那也不要緊,還有別的辦法



在鐵隕石上切割一個斷面,磨光後,用5%的硝酸酒精侵蝕,光亮的端面會呈現出特殊的條紋,像花格子一樣。這是因為鐵隕石本身成分分布不均勻,有的地方含鎳量多些,有的地方少些,含鎳量多的部分,化學性質穩定,不易被酸腐蝕,而含鎳量少的部分受酸腐蝕後,變得粗糙無光澤,這樣就由這些亮的和暗的部分組成了花格子一樣的條紋。除了極少數含鎳量特多的隕石外,都會出現這些條紋。這是辨認鐵隕石的一個主要方法。 石鐵隕石極少見,由石和鐵組成,它含有大致相等的鐵和硅酸鹽礦物。

在3類隕石中,石隕石最多,1976年3月8日,在我國吉林省吉林地區降落的一場大規模的隕石雨,便是一次石質的球粒隕石雨。這次隕石雨散落的範圍達四、五百平方公里,搜集到的隕石有一百多塊,總重量在2600公斤以上。其中,最大的一號隕石重1770公斤,是目前世界上搜索到的最重的一塊石隕石。第二位的是美國諾頓石隕石,重1079公斤。 鐵隕石比石隕石要重的多,最重的一塊在非洲納米比亞,名字叫戈巴隕石,有60噸重。在我國新疆的一塊大隕鐵重30噸,是世界的第三位。



















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