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5 facts about religion in India



India is home to 1.4 billion people – almost one-sixth of the world』s population– who belong to a variety of ethnicities and religions. While 94% of the world』s Hindus live in India, there also are substantial populations of Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains and adherents of folk religions.


For most Indians, faith is important: In a 2015 Pew Research Center survey, eight-in-ten Indians said religion is very important in their lives.


Here arefive facts about religion in India:


1. India』s massive population includes not only the vast majority of the world』s Hindus, but also the second-largest group of Muslims within a single country, behind only Indonesia.By 2050, India』s Muslim population will grow to 311 million, making it the largest Muslim population in the world, according to Pew Research Center projections. Still, Indian Muslims are projected to remain a minority in their country, making up about 18% of the total population at midcentury, while Hindus figure to remain a majority (about 77%).

1. 印度人口龐大,印度不僅擁有全球絕大多數的印度教教徒,而且也是全球穆斯林人口第二大國家,僅次於印度尼西亞。據皮尤研究中心的研究預測,到2050年,印度的穆斯林人口將增長至3.11億,到時印度將成為全球穆斯林人口最大國家。儘管如此,印度穆斯林人口在印度總人口中依然是少數,到本世紀中葉約佔印度總人口的18%,到時印度教人口依然占多數,約為77%。

2. India is a religiously pluralistic and multiethnic democracy – the largest in the world. Its constitution provides for freedom of conscience and the right to profess, practice and propagate religion. It has protections for minorities against discrimination on the grounds of religion or caste (a strict social stratification based on Hinduism). In 1976, the constitution was amended, officially making the country a secular state. At the same time,a directive in the constitution prohibits the slaughter of cows– an animal Hindus hold sacred – which each state has the authority to enforce.Currently, 21 out of 29 states have prison sentences for the act.

2. 印度宗教多樣,族群多元,是世界上人口最多的民主國家。印度憲法保障宗教信仰自由,保護國民信仰宗教、參加宗教儀式、傳播宗教的權利。印度憲法也保護少數族群免於因信仰或種姓而被受歧視。1976年,印度憲法進行了修訂,正式規定印度為世俗國家。與此同時,印度憲法中有一條指導性指令,禁止屠宰被印度教視為聖物的牛,不過,印度各邦有權各自決定是否執行此令。目前,印度29個邦中有21個規定,宰牛會被判監。

3. While there are legal protections for religious groups and minorities,

Indians still generally experience 「high」 levels of government restrictions on religion, according to an annual Pew Research Center study. There are legal restrictions on religious conversions in at least six states that have at times been used to arrest and intimidate Muslims and Christians who proselytize, according to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. Additionally, Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs are legally considered Hindus and are unable to access social services or employment and educational preferences available to other religious minority groups. Meanwhile, Christians and Muslims who identify as low-caste Dalits – some of whom are descendants of Hindu Dalits who converted to escape caste discrimination – are restricted from accessing educational and employment benefits traditionally reserved for Hindu Dalits. Despite these restrictions, India』s Supreme Court has upheld protections for minorities in some religious freedom cases.

3. 印度對宗教團體以及少數族群的保護儘管在法律層面做的還不錯,但據皮尤研究中心的一項年度研究報告顯示,印度國民在宗教信仰方面所面臨的政府限制依然「較高」。據美國國際宗教信仰自由委員會消息,印度至少有6個邦對改信宗教制定有法律限制條款,而這些法律條款,時不時地就會被用來抓捕、威逼改信伊斯蘭教或基督教的信徒。此外,在法律層面,佛教徒、耆那教徒、錫克教徒都被視為印度教教徒,因而也就不能享有其他宗教少數群體在社會福利、就業、教育等方面所能享受到的優惠政策。還有,低種姓「賤民」基督教徒、穆斯林,其中有些是改信基督教或伊斯蘭教以免於遭受歧視的印度教「賤民」的後代,也不能享有以往印度教「賤民」在教育、就業方面所能享受到的政策好處。儘管有著諸多法律性限制,但印度最高法院在多個宗教自由案子的判決上,都對少數群體的保護給予了支持。


India also has experienced high levels of religion-related social hostilitiesin the past decade, according to the same Pew Research Center study. In fact, since we began tracking this issue in 2007, the country has scored 「very high」 on the study』s Social Hostilities Index. Much of the hostility is directed against low-caste Dalits, according to the U.S. State Department. Religious minorities, including Buddhists, Christians, Jains, Muslims and Sikhs, also are harassed. In recent years there has been a surge in mob attacks by Hindu vigilante groups against Dalit and Muslim consumers and traders in the beef, dairy and leather industries. Additionally, Dalit women are disproportionately victims of sexual violence due to their caste, while Muslim women and girls also have been targeted due to their religion.

4. 據皮尤研究中心一項研究報告顯示,過去十年間,印度社會的宗教敵意水平也「較高」。其實,自皮尤研究中心於2007年開始持續跟蹤這個問題以來,印度的「社會敵意指數」一直都「非常高」。據美國國務院消息,印度社會的敵意主要針對於低種姓的「賤民」。不過,宗教少數群體,包括佛教徒、基督教徒、耆那教徒、伊斯蘭教徒、錫克教徒等,也會遭受攻擊。近年來,印度教治安團體對牛肉、奶業、皮革等行業的「賤民」和穆斯林消費者以及生意人的暴力襲擊已出現井噴勢頭。此外,「賤民」女性因低種姓而成為性暴力受害者的情況,也較為嚴重,穆斯林婦女和女孩也會因宗教信仰而成為襲擊對象。


Most Indians are concerned about religious tensions, but even larger shares are worried about several other national issues. India has experienced violent outbreaks between religious communities since its modern founding. In 1947, India』s borders were drawn by departing British colonial rulers to create a Muslim state in Pakistan, leading to mass violence, displacement and up to a million deaths. In the seven decades since, major religious tensions have flared at various times, including a campaign by Sikhs for a separate nation and deadly Hindu-Muslim riots following attacks on religious sites in the Indian state of Gujarat. According to a 2016 Pew Research Center survey, 54% of Indians said 「communal relations」 – between Indians of different faiths and/or different castes – are a very big problem in their country, while an additional 22% named this as a moderately big problem. But bigger shares of Indian adults named crime, lack of employment opportunities, corruption, terrorism and air pollution as major national problems.

5. 多數印度人表示,對印度社會宗教緊張這個問題感到擔憂,不過,對其他幾個全國性問題感到擔憂的人數更多。自近代獨立建國以來,印度就經歷過多次宗教間暴力動蕩。1947年,英國殖民統治者即將離開印度之時,把印度一分為二,成立了穆斯林國家巴基斯坦,當時就導致大規模暴力事件、大規模人員遷徙,並導致上百萬人死亡。自獨立建國以來的70年間,宗教間暴力動蕩也發生過多次,其中包括錫克教徒的獨立建國運動,以及古吉拉特邦宗教聖地遭襲後印度教教徒與穆斯林之間發生的暴力騷亂。據皮尤研究中心2016年的一項調查研究,54%的印度人表示,「族群關係」,包括不同信仰族群和/或不同種姓族群間的關係,是印度所面臨的一個「非常重大問題」,另有22%的印度人表示,該問題是一個「相當重大問題」。不過,有更高比例的印度成年人表示,社會犯罪、就業機會匱乏、腐敗、恐怖主義以及空氣污染是印度所面臨的「重大全國性問題」。



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