首頁 > 時尚 > 屆時新聞報道,舉世雷動誕生新的隕石拍賣紀錄--中國以及隕石貢獻




By the time of the news, the world"s Thunderstorm is the birth of a new meteor auction record - China and meteorite contribution.



At present, all kinds of meteorites are popular in the meteorite market, and the price varies according to the main components of meteorites. It is reported that the price of stone meteorites is generally ranging from 860 yuan to 2600 yuan 1 grams, and the price of iron meteorite and stone iron meteorite varies from 1600 yuan to 3700 yuan, 1 grams. This price is due to the development of Chinese countries, the exchange of red wine and wine wine taster, the situation of red wine consortium, and the real estate in 2003. The experience of real estate speculation, the old Mob: according to the status of the current Chinese home in the international position to observe, the future in the space of the development of this meteorite, there is an immeasurable harvest, if you can see the eyes of today"s house prices in 2003, you are the real estate.









Introduce oneself to

Name: Mo Luoyang (French name: Germany)

City: Zhanjiang (native place of Lianjiang)

Industry: Ding Yi Feng equity investor (founded in March 30, 2017, founded in Zhuhai, Fu Li, art collection investment company, itself as the company"s legal representative. In April, the turnover was 1 million 830 thousand yuan, and the follow-up turnover had been steady and in the stage of rising. In the second half of the year, there was no big color. In December 2017, it was officially released. Now, it is specialized in equity investment in Shenzhen.

Hobbies: reading celebrities, learning, running, Buddhism, the book of changes, tea, fragrance, vegetarian food and health preservation.

Expertise: communication, listening, marketing, career and health, and learning.

. Birthday: November 9, 1980

Faith: Buddhism


Motto: old man"s motto is that life is its own, do not live in other people"s eyes and saliva.

<屆時新聞報道,舉世雷動誕生新的隕石拍賣紀錄--中國以及隕石貢獻 >


隕石拍賣市場令人期待 山西收藏家意外得到隕石


Now you have the courage to do that. Do you see the future of meteorites? If you do not, come to the old moo research, the old Mo can let you on the TV station, can make you make the unexpected, the wealth of life, the first bucket of life.



At that time, we will witness the news of the global strength, and the world"s major buyers will compete with each other.




How great is the contribution of China to the national meteorite

The meteorite that has recently fallen in Yunnan is constantly being reported, that is, the state is concerned about meteorites and is being promoted internationally. It can also show that if we Chinese, in the future, if you do not go according to the policies and steps of the country. The boss of business business has said some classic dialogues, saying, "if you haven"t flickered to the boss of Ma Yun Ma, you don"t have the eye for making money like that, in Taobao"s bosses, to Ma Yun to Tmall, and to the other and unexpected fortune of life." It can be explained that with what kind of people, it is really important, the platform is the same important, like the art professional market trading of the same mob, if you do not have the fate of the old moo, your next life, how may a story tell your descendants of future generations! Even if you don"t make money on a platform like this, you can also get a blessing from all over the country, because moo has helped you to do volunteer work, or public welfare, if you do not make money on a platform like this.



How many meteorites are there in China? We don"t know, meteorites. Do you know what the effect is? Why do people like to collect it? Or because the market is alive, the country has recommended in the country, the benefits of meteorites, do not know you regret it. No matter what kind of business we do, wolf nature, wolf nature is usually considered a kind of team spirit, mainly emphasizing the spirit of innovation and hard work spirit. It is an initiative to pursue the rules of the survival of the fittest, optimize the collective sense of crisis, and seek survival and development under the conditions of limited or inferior environment and resources. Exhibition.


1995年6月8日,蘇富比拍賣行以44.27萬美元拍成交一塊0.33克的月球隕石;1998年3月12日,紐約菲利普斯拍賣行以7333美元拍過一塊火星隕石,這個價錢相當於同樣重量黃金的1000倍! 2008年4月17日,巴黎佳士得以7.825萬歐元成交一塊43厘米、45千克的非洲納米比亞隕石; 2010年10月5日,巴黎蘇富比拍賣的一塊非洲納米比亞隕石拍得2.235萬歐元。2013年,在烏魯木齊,一塊「拳頭大」的隕石,卻標出8千萬的天價。隕石交易給收藏界帶來一股強大的熱流。隕石現在市場價值之高,令人難以想像。

In June 8, 1995, the Sotheby"s auction sold a 0.33 gram of lunar meteorite for $442 thousand and 700; in March 12, 1998, the Phillips auction in New York took a Martian meteorite for $7333, a price equivalent to 1000 times the same weight of gold! In April 17, 2008, the Paris Christie had to deal with a 43 CP of 78 thousand and 250 euros. Rice and 45 kilograms of African Namibia meteorite. In October 5, 2010, an African Namibia meteorite sold by Sotheby"s in Paris took 22 thousand and 350 euros. In 2013, in Urumqi, a "fist" meteorite marked 80 million sky high price. Meteorite trading brings a strong heat flow to the collectors. It is hard to imagine the high market value of meteorites.

從隕石的機制、管理、管理體制和現狀都會有一個分析,...在獲得世界上幾百年的突出貢獻獎獎項後,容志行感慨萬千...雲南一村民聲稱,加上雲南這次天上居然發來了,天外之客,好像在 相信熟知星爺的粉絲都知道,私底下的星爺並不像電影中一樣搞笑幽默,而是一個正經的人,甚至可以說沉默寡言,而這樣低調的個性,或許也造就他為何選擇 New Balance 的原因。如同 New Balance 給人的感受一般,總是帶給人不同於外表的舒適感。

There will be an analysis from the mechanism, management, management system and status of the meteorite. After winning the prize award of the outstanding contribution award for hundreds of years in the world, a villager in Yunnan claimed that, in addition to Yunnan, the sky was sent, and the guests of the sky seemed to know, in private, that the fans who were well acquainted with the stars knew it. Star is not as funny as the movie is, but a decent person, or even a few words of silence, and such a low-key personality may also bring up the reason why he chose New Balance. Just like New Balance gives people a sense of comfort, it always brings people different comfort from appearance.



The vast universe, vast expanse, too much unknown waiting for mankind to explore. For a long time, meteorites, known as "Tian Shi Shi", have been praised by many astronomers and geologists for their high scientific value.


Today, meteorite collection is hot all over the world. Collecting meteorites becomes a symbol of the status of collectors. The meteorites all over the world can be divided into three kinds of stone iron meteorite, stone meteorite and iron meteorite, of which the stone iron meteorite has been chased by the collection of new expensive people for its unique historical value and scientific research value.


In May 2018, the company was lucky to collect an iron meteorite, which weighed 986.8g. The iron of the iron meteorite was identified by the national expert expert group as atomic, high nickel, and the rock on the earth was almost no atom of nickel, unless it was synthetic. At the details of the iron meteorite, it is not difficult to see that there are some yellowing stains in its sag.


In fact, this is the result of the ten thousand years of water and fire baptism, and belongs to the most primitive rock prototype. Generally speaking, meteorites can be divided into three categories, such as stone meteorites, iron meteorites and stone iron meteorites, whether they appear in the irregular historical form, whether there are streamlines or streamline ornamentation, iron meteorites are the most valuable and the most market market. Although the formation of a natural phenomenon of meteorites, but the annual landing on the earth has been found or collected few, many unseen land, even more unknown, not to mention collection and collection.


It is reported that there are no more than six meteorites of the same type since 1990, and several of them have been used in national scientific research or in museums. In view of the current market demand, the commercial value of the stone iron meteorite is immeasurable, even as a large collector, few can be collected to the stone iron meteorite.


Next, our precious meteorite will go through the world exhibition and make it famous. We can let more consortia understand the profound and profound Chinese traditional culture and art culture. China has opened the diversified market exchange of art from ancient times.



Finally landed in Singapore in July 2018, the 2 largest auction site, hidden in Tibet, but the market is known to be expensive. Collection of art three points collection, seven points certification, Ma Ma all said theory, is the original courage and vision. Only later did Mr. Ma talk about history, talk about culture, and talk about all aspects of art. Since the teacher of Ma Du Du is talking about theory, he is talking about the analysis of the market, and there are many suggestions for it, which is very rare. All yes, if it is to talk about market transactions, or not to say, because the old Mo is real and real things, want to be on television, to understand some of the consortium"s interpersonal relationship, can do deep understanding, can come to the old moo, because you want to do business, want to do life and meaning, you need to focus on the path to understand collectors The inner thoughts, they really like our Chinese history and culture, like the ideas of our Chinese celebrities, and worship to what extent. Only in this way can you make a good business. From ancient times to the present, if you don"t have credit, you don"t want to do anything important, nor do you want to be a leader. Wolves are also separated from wolves. They are also divided into some individual partners of the team.



If Lao Mo says that we can know all over the world, it is a fate. Because all the people or things we see in the world can not be separated from samsara. Because our earth is round, the cycle of cause and effect begins with our ancestors, and arranges resources and arranges our future events. If you have benefited many people in your last life, their descendants will come to help you achieve great cause.



Think you know we Molina Qiqi huanghuang, before the family to do much for society? To make a big contribution? In the end there is no contribution? We do not know the descendants fall. Is really made a great contribution to the offspring is very good, everything is a smoothly. Molina: people! Herringbone herringbone well is good writing, now in the society, how many people can understand that our ancestors wish? You can understand it? We ask ourselves, Molina is experienced the vicissitudes of life drifting profusely and disorderly, groundless talk journey.


At the age of 38, I became vegetarian, and I read and read all kinds of books. From different angles, I also feel different points of view. I always stand in front of the mirror and reflect on myself every moment. I often ask myself to stand on others" standpoints and think about problems before I can understand others slowly. Because others are busy when they do not see the old man, but others in the rest of the rest of the rest of the rest, or do something bad. There are so many things to do for others to misunderstand. Lao Mo only said such things, was in the wrong time, met the wrong people. This is the case when we are more leaders. I have never heard of Professor Yu Shiwei"s course. The professor said that he was the boss before, and the next management said he needed to be fired. If he needs to be late, he will start developing his information in his office drawer. Wait until the second day, think again, how much can such talent help to our enterprises? It is only after considering all aspects of employees that decisions can be made. The professor said that whatever decisions we make, we should not make decisions when we are impulsive. If we do not come to the future, we may regret it.


Do not know that the life of the old man did not benefit human, benefit others not, this life needs good repair, good good public welfare, do good volunteer work, do the things you like, do not have you who think so great, the old Mo is like boastful, is like the style of one"s own, do not It doesn"t matter if people understand or not understand. I understand myself. It can also help others to be happier.

At the same time, we will witness the global competition for the world"s major power buyers.





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