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Over the last few years going to the penjing gardens, I』ve always enjoyed seeing the bamboo penjing. So I thought I』d give it a try.


This one above has larger leaves and I wanted to add some dwarf grass, but then I decided on the musician instead. It measures 23cms longand 20cms high. I』m happy with how it turned out!

這個竹子的葉比較大一點,所以我在地上添加了一些矮草,並放置了一個撫琴的古人。這個盆景長23厘米,高20厘米。 我很滿意這樣的搭配出了這種意境和效果。

This one above is quite recent. It measures 19cms long and15cms high. This bamboo whose name I』m unfamiliar with is a 『running』 kind of bamboo. The older, thicker bamboo is connected to the younger bamboo behind the rock and will gradually spread out, if not controlled properly.

這個盆景也是不久前製作的,它長19厘米,高15厘米。 這種竹子我不知道它的名字,但它看上去像是一個「奔跑」的竹子。 較老的較厚的竹子與岩石後面的較年輕的竹子相連,如果控制不當,它會逐漸擴散生長。

With all my penjing, I prefer to use mostly clay based dirt and a small amount of garden dirt mixed in. The clay based dirt will hold water longer, especially for those sultry summer days. From mid Spring to early autumn, cause it』sso hot here, I will water all the penjing twice a day and with all my penjing, I will give them some fertilizer every two weeks through out the year.

在我所有的盆景中,我更傾向於使用大部分以粘土為基礎土和混入少量花園土。粘土可以延長水分,特別是對於那些悶熱的夏季來說。 從春季到初秋,因為這裡太熱了,我會給所有的盆景每天澆兩次水,我會在一年中每兩周給所有的盆景一些肥料。

This one above measures 21cms long and 20cms high. There was a hole in the rock. I didn』t carve it, it was already there, either man made or natural and then I went onto making the penjing. The day I bought the rock, I was going out to the penjing market with my wife and stopped off at the rock store and there it was so I was carrying it around for most of the day. This one is a little big, but can still go on my big table, otherwise I』ll keep this outside with the bigger penjing.

上面這個長21厘米,高20厘米。 岩石上有一個洞,不管是人造的還是自然, 我都沒有刻意去雕刻它,就讓它在那裡,然後我就開始製作盆景。 這塊石頭是我和妻子去逛盆景市場時買下的,那天在岩石店,我們停下來選石頭,耗去了一天中大部分的時間。 這個盆景有點大,但仍然可以放在我的大桌子上,或者我會把它放在外面花園裡和其它大一點的盆景一起。




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