PHPStorm從2018.2版本起將啟用新的License Server加密演算法和通信協議,請不要再升級
今天使用Toolbox App升級PHPStorm到2018.1.6的時候,忽然彈出了這麼一個警告:
License Server的ticket從一個已經過期的License Server中獲取的,Jetbrains要求用戶儘快升級到新的License Server。
但到目前為止,筆者找到之前的License Server下載網站,最新版本的License Server也是提示過期的,這意味著什麼呢?意味著如果你把現有的PHPStorm升級到2018.2.x及以上版本,將無法使用之前的License Server的ticket獲取演算法來免費使用破解並使用PHPStorm。
當然,除非你有實力自己買一份JetBrains系列產品的Product秘鑰並利用破解官方的License Server的Ticket獲取演算法,否則千萬不要升級到2018.2.x及以上版本,PHPer小夥伴們,千萬要注意啦。
JetBrains License Server is a web application that enables the administration of floating licenses. The new license server will feature a fully revised user experience including easier installation, integration with the JetBrains Account service for license management, and a new communication protocol between the product and the license server.
If you are currently using an outdated license server, you should update it to the latest version immediately.
Please note that if you are using product versions older than 2018.2, it will be still possible to use an old license server.
Am I affected?
If you are currently using a JetBrains license server version older than 14441 (released on August 31, 2017), you are affected.
To find the version number of the license server, look in the log of the license server or in the web interface. Alternatively, all clients (JetBrains IDEs and .NET tools) that obtain license tickets from an outdated license server will show a notification indicating that an outdated license server is being used with a link to this page and a request to report the issue to your license server administrator.
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