首頁 > 新聞 > JP摩根中國地方政府融資平台研究:中央政府可以接受一個或幾個違約 搖號限售搶人:地方政府發展房地產不動搖

JP摩根中國地方政府融資平台研究:中央政府可以接受一個或幾個違約 搖號限售搶人:地方政府發展房地產不動搖











由於房地產已經成為中國老百姓最大的財富儲備,就如美國老百姓的最大儲備是股票一樣,在美國,股市指數神經病一樣的沒有頂,在中國,則是房地產神經病一樣的 沒頂。因為中國的房地產的泡沫保持的重要性和美國股票的泡沫保持的重要性一模一樣。



The emergence of LGFVs and their growing representation in the USD bond markets continues to catch investor interest. Major policy shifts have raised questions as to whether all LGFV can be considered provincial debt, and this is further underscored by recent onshore defaults, including some SOEs, leading to more muted supply and wider spreads for the LGFV sector. In this report, we present an update on recent policy changes as well as our views on their impact on the LGFV sector. In an environment where onshore default rates are rising and transparency stays low, we remain cautious on the sector as a whole, preferring to own stronger SOEs rather than LGFVs. That said, we do make exceptions for a few LGFVs that play strong policy roles (willingness) and backed by stronger provincial governments (capacity). We also believe that while one or a few LGFV defaults would be acceptable to the central government, widespread defaults are unlikely given the larger implications for the financial sector. We initiate coverage of Wuhan Metro and its 『19s with OW, Neutral on BJSTAT and its 『20s and 『25s, on Yanzhou Coal and its perps 『c20s, "22s with OW with the bonds trading wider than even Indika, which we think does not make complete sense.


?The central government would continue to make LGFVs more marketoriented, as part of the ongoing deleveraging drive. Since the budget law revision in 2014, the government has released a number of documentations around LGFV operations and their funding, which we discuss in this note.

作為持續的去槓桿化進程的一部分,中央政府將繼續使地方政府融資平台更加以市場為導向。 自2014年修訂預演算法以來,政府已經發布了一些關於地方融資平台運營及其資金的文件,我們在本文中討論。

? Pace of issuance has slowed down in recent times. The issuance of LGFVs USD bonds had increased substantially over 2015-2017 due to onshore issuance policy tightening as well as LGFV』s funding diversification. However, this has slowed drastically in recent months, due to the central government』s tightening policy to address debt overhang problems in the system. In addition, recent onshore defaults have given further apprehension about exposure to the sector, where underlying information flow remains very limited.

近期發行速度放緩。 由於在岸發行政策收緊以及融資平台融資的多元化,發行地方金融體系美元債券在2015-2017年期間大幅增加。 然而,近幾個月來,由於中央政府採取了緊縮政策來解決系統中債務懸置問題,因此這個數字在近幾個月急劇放緩。 此外,最近的在岸違約引發了對該行業的暴露的進一步憂慮,因為潛在的信息流動仍然非常有限。

? Staying cautious on sector and preference for LGFVs with clear policy role only. While LGFVs have risen to be a 『too big to ignore』 sector in JACI, the lack of information flow and opacity in underlying businesses remain key concerns, especially in the current environment. We would stick to LGFVs with clear strategically important roles and ideally with decent standalone credit profiles.

只保留對部門和地方政府融資平台的偏好具有明確的政策作用。 雖然地方政府融資平台在JACI已經上升為「太大而無法忽視」的行業,但基礎業務缺乏信息流通和不透明仍是主要問題,尤其是在目前的環境中。 我們堅持地方政府融資平台具有明確的戰略重要作用,理想情況下有獨立信貸記錄。

? Having said that, there are certain LGFVs that are quite wide in the 1-2yr duration bucket, which present investors with the conundrum of missing out on better yields if not invested but having a high 『jump risk』 if any of these LGFVs widen materially due to financial constraints, which are difficult to monitor given inadequate underlying information flow.

話雖如此,但在1-2年持續時間期限內存在相當寬泛的地方融資平台,這給投資者帶來了如果沒有投資就錯失良好收益的難題,但如果任何這些地方基金融資平台具有實質性拓展的「高風險」 由於財務限制,由於基礎信息流量不足,難以監控。

? Hence, in this note, while we categorize LGFVs based on factors such as policy role, social and economic importance, etc., given that most LGFVs are trading as a 『group』 in different yield buckets, we would look to take selective exposure in LGFVs through credits in the 『preferred』 and 『some comfort』 categories, while for exposure to higher yields, we are more comfortable with the risk-reward and information flow in other China SOEs and HY corporates as presented in this report.

因此,在本文中,雖然我們基於政策角色,社會和經濟重要性等因素對地方政府融資平台進行了分類,但鑒於大多數地方融資平台在不同收益率桶中交易為「集團」,我們會考慮選擇性地 LGFV通過「優先」和「一些舒適」類別中的信用獲得,而為了獲得更高的收益率,我們更加樂於接受本報告中介紹的其他中國國有企業和HY企業的風險回報和信息流。



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