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法國音樂人Cléa Vincent中國巡演

Cléa Vincent

法國官方樂隊 克萊·文森特

Cléa Vincent


《Non Mais Oui 1/2 不要但好吧1/2》和《Non Mais Oui 2/2 不要但好吧2/2》兩首優秀EP分別於2014年2月和10月發行後,克萊爾文森清澈又盈動的流行音樂又將我們帶到她備受期待的首張專輯《Retiens MonDésir請記住我的願望》中。


法國知名歌手Michel Berger,荷蘭搖滾歌手Dick Annegarne和美國歌手Ariel Pink等甚大的影響範圍,Cléa正挑戰著他們所定下的法國流行音樂的代碼,並與之從法國走向世界。

After two excellent EPs (Non Mais Oui 1/2 & Non Mais Oui 2/2) released February and October 2014 respectively, Cléa Vincent』s luminous, demystified pop brings us to her highly anticipated debut album 「Retiens Mon Désir」.

A pianist with a background in jazz, Cléa Vincent breathes anew the French chanson tradition mixing different colours synthetic and organic alike, producing a modern sound unique to her songwriting.

Her songs catwalk a false light-heartedness that evolve into addictive danceable tunes like in her songs 「Chateau Perdu」 or 「Retiens Mon Désir」.

With a spectrum of influences ranging from Michel Berger, Dick Annegarn & Ariel Pink, Cléa is challenging the codes of French pop & evolving it from a national secret to an international groove.

Cléa Vincent 巡演詳情

15.06.18 (CN) WUHAN - TBC

16.06.18 (CN) WUHAN (Caidian) - Campus Universitaire

17.06.18 (CN) WUHAN (Hanjie) - TBC

19.06.18 (CN) BEIJING - Institut Fran?ais

21.06.18 (CN) BEIJING - Yue Space

22.06.18 (CN) SHANGHAI - Minsheng Art Museum

23.06.18 (CN) CHENGDU - TBC

24.06.18 (CN) NINGBO - Ningbo Cultural Plaza - other contract, already confirmed




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