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IBM Project Debater人工智慧AI能夠拓展人類的智慧嗎?

IBM Project Debater: Can artificial intelligence expand a human mind?




19 June 2018 BBC的標題是IBM』s machine argues, pretty convincingly, with humans《機器能與人辯論,且相當令人信服》

On a stage in San Francisco, IBM』s Project Debater spoke, listened and rebutted a human』s arguments in what was described as a groundbreaking display of artificial intelligence.


IBM Project Debater: Can artificial intelligence expand a human mind?

Soon, it will.

The world is awash with information, misinformation, and superficial thinking. Project Debater pushes the frontiers of AI to facilitate intelligent debate so we can build well-informed arguments and make better decisions.


What is Project Debater?

A system that brings AI to the art of debate.

Project Debater is the first AI system that can debate humans on complex topics. Project Debater digests massive texts, constructs a well-structured speech on a given topic, delivers it with clarity and purpose, and rebuts its opponent. Eventually, Project Debater will help people reason by providing compelling, evidence-based arguments and limiting the influence of emotion, bias, or ambiguity.



Why now?

We』re in the age of (mis) information overload.

The rise of one-sided and doctored narratives is challenging society and our platforms. Too often, we talk past one another. We need a smarter way. New developments in language and reasoning in AI can help shine a light in the darkness of distorted facts to provide diverse, well-informed viewpoints—both the pro and the con.






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