首頁 > 新聞 > 南京師範大學韓管助課題組在病毒進化領域取得系列重大進展


近日,來自南京師範大學生命科學學院韓管助教授課題組在多個病毒學權威期刊發文揭示病毒進化相關進展,其中在進化生物學領域權威期刊Molecular Biology and Evolution發表了「Insect retroelements provide novel insights into the origin of hepatitis B viruses」揭示關於乙肝病毒起源的最新研究進展;同時在微生物學領域權威期刊PLOS Pathogens和病毒學領域權威期刊Journal of Virology在線發表了生命科學學院韓管助教授課題組在古病毒學領域取得的系列進展。






該研究通過系統發生分析將逆轉錄病毒分為五個主要支系,並將其命名為「金」、「木」、「水」、「火」和「土」逆轉病毒支系。該研究還發現水陸界面並不是逆轉錄傳播的一個嚴格屏障,感染陸生脊椎動物的逆轉錄病毒可能為多次獨立起源。該研究豐富了我們對於逆轉錄病毒多樣性、分類系統和遠古進化的理解。這項研究以「Endogenous retroviruses of non-avian/mammalian vertebrates illuminate diversity and deep history of retroviruses」為題發表在微生物學領域權威研究期刊PLOS Pathogens上,並被PLOS Pathogens選為Featured Research Article。2015級碩士研究生許曉雨為該論文的第一作者,2014級本科生趙華瑤為該論文的第二作者,韓管助教授為該論文的通訊作者。

目前認為擬逆轉錄病毒僅可以感染被子植物。韓管助課題組通過大規模比較基因組學分析首次在蕨類和裸子植物基因組中發現了內源性擬逆轉錄病毒,證明了內源性擬逆轉錄病毒普遍存在於真葉植物基因組中,是真葉植物基因組的重要組成部分。該研究發現感染被子植物的擬逆轉錄病毒僅占植物擬逆轉錄病毒多樣性的很少一部分,並且具有多次獨立起源。該研究估測植物擬逆轉錄病毒至少有一億年的歷史,揭示了植物擬逆轉錄病毒的遠古起源。該研究豐富了我們對於植物擬逆轉錄病毒多樣性和宏進化的理解。該研究以「Euphyllophyte paleoviruses illuminate hidden diversity and macroevolutionary mode of Caulimoviridae」為題發表在病毒學領域權威研究期刊Journal of Virology上。2016級碩士研究生宮震為該論文的第一作者,韓管助教授為該論文的通訊作者。








1.Xu X, Zhao H, Gong Z, Han GZ*. (2018). Endogenous retroviruses of non-avian/mammalian vertebrates illuminate diversity and deep history of retroviruses. PLOS Pathogens doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1007072

2.Gao Y, Wang W, Zhang T, Gong Z, Zhao H, Han GZ*. (2018). Out of water: the origin and early diversification of plant R-genes. Plant Physiology177:82-89.(同期Plant Physiology的On the Inside對該論文進行了推薦)

3.Gong Z, Han GZ*. (2018). Euphyllophyte paleoviruses illuminate hidden diversity and macroevolutionary mode of Caulimoviridae. Journal of Virology92:e02043-17.

4.Wang W, Han GZ*. (2018). The expanding diversity of RNA viruses in vertebrates. Trends in Microbiology26:465-466.

5.Han GZ*. (2017). Evolution of jasmonate biosynthesis and signaling mechanisms. Journal of Experimental Botany 68:1323-1331.

6.Gong Z, Xu X, Han GZ*. (2017). The diversification of Zika virus: Are there two distinct lineages? Genome Biology and Evolution9:2940-2945.

7.Ren Q, Wang C, Jin M, Lan J, Ye T, Hui K, Tan J, Wang Z, Wyckoff G*, Wang W, Han GZ*. (2017). Co-option of bacteriophage lysozyme genes by bivalve genomes. Open Biology7:160285.

8.Gong Z, Xu X, Han GZ*. (2017). 『Patient 0』 and the origin of HIV/AIDS in America. Trends in Microbiology 25:3-4.

9.Han GZ*. (2017). A single substitution changes Zika virus infectivity in mosquitoes. Trends in Microbiology 25:603-605.

1o.Gao Y, Zhao H, Jin Y, Xu X, Han GZ*. (2017). Extent and evolution of gene duplication in DNA viruses. Virus Research240:161-165.

11.Gong Z, Gao Y, Han GZ*. (2016). Zika virus: two or three lineages. Trends in Microbiology24:521-522.

12.Du L, Han GZ*. (2016). Deciphering MERS-CoV evolution in dromedary camels. Trends in Microbiology 24:87-89.

13.Song J, Zhai P, Zhang Y, Zhang C, Sang H, Han GZ, Keller NP, Lu L. (2016). The Aspergillus fumigatus damage resistance protein family coordinately regulates ergosterol biosynthesis and azole susceptibility. mBio7:e01919-15.

14.Wang C, Li S*, Han GZ*. (2016). Commentary: Plant auxin biosynthesis did not originate in charophytes. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:158.

15.Chen R, Han GZ. (2016). Dengue in China: comprehensive phylogenetic evaluation reveals evidence of endemicity and complex genetic diversity. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene94:198-202.

16.Han GZ*, Worobey M*. (2015). A primitive endogenous lentivirus in a colugo: insights into the early evolution of lentiviruses. Molecular Biology and Evolution 32:211-215.

17.Wang C, Liu Y, Li S*, Han GZ*.(2015). Insights into the origin and evolution of plant hormone signaling machinery. Plant Physiology 167:872-886.(同期Plant Physiology的On the Inside對該論文進行了推薦,Current Opinion in Microbiology和Current Opinionin Plant Biology推薦為of special interest和of outstanding interest文章,入選ESI植物和動物科學高被引論文)

18.Han GZ*. (2015). Extensive retroviral diversity in shark. Retrovirology 12:34.

Worobey M*, Han GZ, Rambaut A*. (2014). A synchronized global sweep of the internal genes of modern avian influenza virus. Nature508:254-257.(Nature Reviews Microbiology作為研究亮點進行了推薦,Nature News對該論文進行了報道,入選ESI微生物學高被引論文)

19.Wang C, Liu Y, Li S*, Han GZ*. (2014). Origin of plant auxin biosynthesis in charophyte algae. Trends in Plant Science19:741-743.

20.Worobey M*, Han GZ, Rambaut A. (2014). The genesis and pathogenesis of the 1918 influenza pandemic. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America111:8107-8112.(帝國理工學院Steven Riley教授在同期PNAS撰寫了Commentary對該論文進行了推薦,紐約時報、國家地理等媒體對該論文進行了報道)

21.Han GZ*, Worobey M*. (2014). Endogenous viral sequences from the Cape golden mole (Chrysochlorisasiatica) reveal the presence of foamy viruses in all major placental mammal clades. PLOS ONE9:e97931.

22.Worobey M, Han GZ. (2013). The origins and diversification of HIV. In, Sande"s HIV/AIDS Medicine: Medical Management of AIDS 2013. Volberding PA, Greene WC, Lange J, Gallant JE, and Sewankambo N Eds. (Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia).

23.Han GZ*, Worobey M*. (2012). Endogenous lentiviral elements in the weasel family (Mustelidae). Molecular Biology and Evolution 29:2905-2908.

24.Han GZ*, Worobey M*. (2012). An endogenous foamy-like viral element in the coelacanth genome. PLOS Pathogens8:e1002790.

25.Han GZ*, Worobey M*. (2012). An endogenous foamy virus in the aye-aye (Daubentoniamadagascariensis). Journal of Virology 86:7696-7698.

26.Han GZ*, Worobey M. (2011). Homologous recombination in negative sense RNA viruses. Viruses 3:1358-1373.

27.Han GZ*, Boni MF, Li S*. (2010). No observed effect of homologous recombination on the evolution of influenza C virus. Virology Journal 7:227.

28.He C, Xie Z, Han GZ, Dong J, Wang D, Liu J, Ma L, Tang X, Liu X, Pang Y, Li G.(2009). Homologous recombination as an evolutionary force in the avian influenza A virus. Molecular Biology and Evolution 26:177-187.

29.Wang D, Fan W, Han GZ, He C. (2009). The selection pressure analysis of chicken anemia virus structural protein gene VP1. Virus Genes 38:259-262.

30.Sun X, Wu K, Zhao Y, Kong F, Han GZ, Jiang H, Huang X, Li R, Wang H, Li S. (2009). QTL analysis for kernel shape and weight using recombinant inbred lines in wheat. Euphytica 165:615-624.

31.Han GZ*, Liu X, Li S. (2008). Caution about Newcastle disease virus-based live attenuated vaccine. Journal of Virology 82:6782.

32.Han GZ, He C, Ding N, Ma L. (2008). Identification of a natural multi-recombinant of Newcastle disease virus. Virology371:54-60.

33.Han GZ*, Liu X, Li S*. (2008). Cross-species recombination in the haemagglutinin gene of canine distemper virus. Virus Research 136:198-201.

34.Han GZ*, Liu X, Li S*. (2008). Homologous recombination is unlikely to play a major role in influenza B virus evolution. Virology Journal 5:65.

35.He C, Han GZ, Wang D, Liu W, Li G, Liu X, Ding N. (2008). Homologous recombination evidence in human and swine influenza A viruses. Virology 380:12-20.

36.Li L, Wang J, Guo Y, Jiang F, Xu Y, Wang Y, Pan H, Han GZ, Li R, Li S. (2008). Development of SSR makers from ESTs of gramineous species and their chromosome location on wheat. Progress in Natural Science 18:1485-1490.





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