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love is love.

And if there』s one thing we need, it』s more love.



Over the past years, I』ve had the chance to photograph some LGBTQ couples for portraits, engagement sessions, and, of course, weddings. But I』ve photographed plenty of straight couples as well, so why is this page labeled LGBTQ and Same Sex Photographer instead of just Photographer?


The short version is that non-traditional couples who need a photographer can find me quickly and easily,Which is why I』m making a special effort by creating this page to let other LGBTQ couples know thatI』m here.As a gay photographer, I like to offer a personal and discreet service tailored to meet your requirements, with empathy and sensitivity for every couple.After travelling around in Europe and Middle East countries for assignments by Canon,Getty,etc,seeking the beauty from people of different cultures and backgrounds is always the core essence of my photography,especially the LGBTQ group,which I belong to. That"s why I want to capture the unique elegance and beatuty of our group, which means,your love and stories.


In these polarized—let』s be honest, pretty much apocalyptic—times, there seem to be way too many people voicing loud, ignorant opinions about same sex marriage and LGBTQ rights. People like your Trump-loving uncle who always says something racist at Thanksgiving, or the jerky asshats constantly spouting off on Fox News. They can make shopping for a photographer—or florist, or baker—complicated, frustrating, and stressful. Really stressful. Which is why I』m making a special effort by creating this page to let other LGBTQ couples know I』m here.


And by 「here,」 I mean not only Beijing or even China, but also wherever you are, especially if it』s a place where not all couples might feel the most welcome. Where there may not be a ton of LGBT - friendly photographers to choose from.


Because the last thing you should have to worry about on your big day is whether the photographer you hired will accept you or not. Because you deserve someone who blongs to LGBT world and really understands your love and stories rather than just plug you and your partner into a tired old list of awkward, sexist, gender-normative poses.


Because now more than ever, we need to remember that love is love…and I feel incredibly lucky to have a job where I get to share in so many celebrations of love that are all so different and yet all so beautiful.


So if you』re on the hunt for a photographer who can put your emotions and love on images, go ahead and write me an email to get the conversation started. I can』t wait to hear all about your amazing stories and plans.


One day, the world will be different.


It』s already happening. But change comes faster to some places, and slower to other places. In the meantime, until the world is perfect, we need ways to cope and manage and live and celebrate our lives just the way we are. Whether you』re Sagittarius, hippie, hipster, traditional, gay, or all of the above… we all share so many things, including the need to belong.


Because love is love. And if there』s one thing we need, it』s more love.


It would be so awesome to hear from you! Please feel free to email me.

期待在你人生感覺到愛的時刻,需要一位攝影師的時候,請聯繫我, 每一份情感都值得被記錄。

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Getty Images簽約攝影師




Instagram: chalffychan


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