首頁 > 最新 > 很多話,單獨理解不存在毛病,但是放在一起就會產生矛盾





一.When I taught English in the Greek port of Piraeus, a colleague and I used to spendidletimein the staff roomspeculatingonwhat the hardest language in the world might look like. Perhaps there would be different verb endings for each day of the week. Or possiblythe form of addressmight vary according to the height of the person you were talking to.The idea of a hardest language is, of course,nonsense. How difficult a language is depends on yourstarting point.


Idle time閑暇時間

In the staff room在辦公室

Speculate(on) 推測,考慮

The form of address稱呼


Start point起點


句子一:When I taught English in the Greek port of Piraeus, a colleague and I used to spend idle time in the staff room speculating on what the hardest language in the world might look like.

主語: a colleague and I used to spend idle time in the staff room .同事和我習慣於在辦公室閑談。

When I taught English in the Greek port of Piraeus .當我在piraeus 的希臘港口教英語的時候,

Speculating on what the hardest language in the world might look like .邏輯主語是a colleague and I ,猜想世界上最難得語言難在哪裡。

完整翻譯:當我在piraeus 的希臘港口教英語的時候,同事和我習慣於在辦公室閑談,猜想世界上最難得語言難在哪裡。

句子二:Perhaps there would be different verb endings for each day of the week. 或許一周的每一天動詞結尾都不相同。

句子三:Or possibly the form of address might vary according to the height of the person you were talking to.稱謂可能根據你談話人的地位發生改變。

句子四:The idea of a hardest language is, of course, nonsense.當然,最難語言的想法屬於無稽之談。

句子五:How difficult a language is depends on your starting point. 一門語言有多難取決於你的起點。


二.There are aspects of English that aredevilishlycomplex. The spelling fails to provideconsistent guidanceto pronunciation. There are theirregularpast tenses。There are also phrasal verbs — verbs followed byprepositions, withwild swings in meaning. Learners have every right to feelput outwhen theyput upsomeone for the night, only to discover that they can』tput up withthem. They may want toput offlearning English for another time.



Consistent guidance統一的指導


Past tenses過去式


Wild swings in meaning意思擴大

Put out厭煩,打擾

Put up提供……住宿

Put up with忍受……

Put off推遲


句子一:There are aspects of English that are devilishlycomplex. 英語有些方面非常複雜。

句子二:The spelling fails to provide consistent guidance to pronunciation. 拼寫和發音並不一致。

句子三:There are the irregular past tenses。有不規則的過去式。

句子四:There are also phrasal verbs — verbs followed by prepositions, with wild swings in meaning. 也有動詞短語——動詞和介詞搭配,意思擴大。

句子五:Learners have every right to feel put out when they put up someone for the night, only to discover that they can』t put up with them. 當他們為某人整晚提供住宿,卻發現他們並不能同這些人相處時,學習者們整晚就會感到厭惡。

句子六:They may want to put off learning English for another time.他們在任何時候都想推遲學習英語。

三.Some researchers have found that native speakers of Germanic languages, which also have phrasal verbs, find the English versions easier tomaster, but that Chinese learners of English do everything they can to avoid them.

As English is theunchallengedlanguage of business and politics, those who want to rise to the top jobs have no choice but to overcome these obstacles. If, as a non-native speaker, youmanage toread the FT, you are among the most impressive of the lot— and will have your own views on what makes English easy or hard.




Manage to設法達成,


句子一:Some researchers have found that native speakers of Germanic languages, which also have phrasal verbs, find the English versions easier to master, but that Chinese learners of English do everything they can to avoid them.

主句:some researchers have found that……研究人員就發現,

從句:native speakers of Germanic language find the English versions easier to master. 說德語的德國人很容易去掌握英語短語。

Which also have phrasal verbs.它們也擁有動詞短語。

But that Chinese learners of English do everything they can to avoid them .但是說英語的中國人就儘可能的避免他們。


句子二:As English is the unchallenged language of business and politics, those who want to rise to the top jobs have no choice but to overcome these obstacles.

主句:those have no choice 這些人沒有選擇

As English is the unchallenged language of business and politics ,隨著英語成為商業和政治上通用的語言,

Who want to rise to the top jobs想升職的人

But to overcome these obstacles =those have to overcome these obstacles.但是必須要克服。


句子三:If, as a non-native speaker, you manage to read the FT, you are among the most impressive of the lot — and will have your own views on what makes English easy or hard.

主句:you are among the most impressive of the lot.你是眾多人當中最令人欽佩之一。

If you manage to read the FT ,如果你能輕鬆閱讀《金融時報》,

As a non-native speaker,作為一個不是說母語的人,

And will have your own views on what makes English easy or hard.你將對學習英語對的難易程度擁有自己的見解。




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