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經過11天的艱苦奮戰,中國(江蘇)女子國家橄欖球俱樂部隊(以下簡稱江蘇國傢俱樂部)在六月中旬完成了法國圖爾的霍華德·辛頓7人制錦標賽(Howard Hinton 7s)和荷蘭阿姆斯特丹7人制錦標賽(Amsterdam 7s)兩站歐洲巡迴賽。



江蘇國傢俱樂部主教練查德·謝潑德(Chad Shephard)認為,相對於比賽結果,他更看重比賽過程。因為姑娘們在去歐洲之前已經進行了為期5周的強化訓練,而且連續兩個周末的高強度比賽對球員的體能消耗也很大。





Chinese(Jiangsu)Women』s 7 National Rugby Team Completes European Tour

The Chinese(Jiangsu)Women』s 7 National Rugby Team(CJWRT)completed an arduous 11 day tour in Europe this June, playing in the Howard Hinton 7』s in Tours (France) and Amsterdam 7』s over consecutive weekends.

Due to visa issues, the team only arrived inFranceon Tuesday and played the first tournament on Friday/Saturday so the team had to manage training loads to align with travel recovery protocols.

The Howard Hinton 7』s was a tournament of international standard featuring Women』s World Series teams includingRussia,SpainandFrance. The highlight of the weekend saw CJWRT beatSpain33-0, which was a great result as theChina7』s team had lost 19-17 a few months earlier at the Kitakyushu World Series stop inJapan.

For the Amsterdam 7』s the following weekend, it was always about the process and not the results, according to coach Chad Shephard. The squad had completed an intensive 5 week training block prior to departure to Europe and playing consecutive weekends was something new to the team.

「We had gone into Amsterdam with the plan of rotating players to get adequate game time that would put us in a good position for the games against Shandong (a few weeks from now)*. It was also a good opportunity to find out a bit more about some of the younger players in the group.」

In the pool stages in Amsterdam, CJWRT swept past a number of European club and invitational sides but ultimately fell to Almaty Ladies 7s fromKazakhstanin the quarterfinal 14-12. Almaty Ladies eventually lost in the final toScotland. CJWRT finished the weekend with 4 wins, 1 draw, and 1 loss.

For coach Shephard, the team a few good performances and a couple of poor performances - but the tournament it was more about the process and managing players to see if the systems were working.

「We got out of the tour exactly what we had intended- the opportunity to put our attack and defensive systems that we had been training for the last 5 weeks to test against quality opposition and also to get match fitness in a structured tournament. The whole tour was hugely beneficial as our primary focus was on the upcoming games against Shandong and it provided an opportunity for 21 players to get some much needed game time and also test combinations.」

*The tour ended up laying the foundation for CJWRT』s win over the Shandong women』s team at the Asian Games trials in Guangzhou on June 23. As a result, Jiangsu will form the core of the national team competing for the Asian Games in Jakarta in late August.




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