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建造十天倒計時,一起了解The WHAO House



Design concept

Design for Dezhou是The WHAO House設計的出發點。


「Design for Dezhou」 is the foundation of our design approach.

Dezhou is not only conveniently located, but also is a thriving hub for business, tourism, and logistics. The integration of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei and the construction of the Xiongan New Area not only promotes the development of regional economy, but also creates a great opportunity for Dezhou』s future development. High-speed railway, internet and big data technologies provide suburban residents with as much convenience as living in megacities, while also allowing them to stay away from the noise, pollution and other disadvantages of big cities.

我們的設計關注「社區——家庭——輩代」三個層次關係,通過靈活空間,場地布局,模塊建築,智能家居,達成高價值Worthy、健康Healthy、美觀Aesthetic、有機Organic的目標,這就是The WHAO House的理念。

「新朝陽族」,即將迎來退休與自由生活的中產階層。在北京打拚了大半輩子的他們,擁有北京市內一套還過得去基本生活的住房,有了令人羨慕的職位和積蓄,但似乎他們並未真正享受過自己理想中的那種親近自然、嚮往陽光、怡然自得的生活方式。The WHAO House為新朝陽族提供了可以自由拓展的居住空間。他們可以用北京市內住房抵押,輕鬆全款購買一套The WHAO House的基礎模塊;未來可以根據需求替換或增加擴展模塊。或者還可以採用租住的方式,其租金將明顯低於新朝陽族的退休工資。

Our architectural design is based on the relationships between three groups with different scales - communities, families and generations. By offering flexible space, an integrated site, and a modular building with a smart home system, we build a worthy, healthy, aesthetic, and organic home for the future.

「The youthful seniors」 are a group of middle class people who are expecting retirement and a free life. Though they have worked hard for several decades to earn an apartment, an enviable job and some savings in Beijing, they never get to enjoy their ideal life with nature, sunshine, and free time. However, Beijing, the capital of China, has almost denied them such possibilities. They are looking for a new place to enjoy their retirement years. The WHAO house is located in Dezhou with convenient transportation, picturesque scenery, profound cultures and abundant resources, which makes it an exemplification for ideal sustainable housing. She can provide 「the youthful seniors」 with flexible living space. They can easily afford a set of basic modules of The WHAO House, simply by mortgaging an apartment in Beijing. In the future, they can expand or replace modules according to their needs. They can also rent a house, and the rent would be much lower than their pension.



What is WHAO?

1. W - Worthy


The WHAO House是模塊化的住宅,居住者可根據自身的生活習慣、經濟實力、個性喜好定製每個房間模塊,選配空間並選擇內外裝修配飾風格。The WHAO House為居住者提供了三個可以選配的模塊層次:核心資源模塊、功能擴展模塊、生態表皮模塊。

The WHAO House is a modular house. The users can customize their own modules, spatial combination and decorative styles according to their personal lifestyles, economic ability and preferences. The WHAO House provides users with three levels of modules: the central resource module, the additional program modules and the ecological facade modules.

The WHAO House的各個模塊單元

The different modules of the WHAO House


The sunroom adjusts temperature in the winter


Ecological facade modules

2. H - Healthy


The WHAO House的健康策略以動態熱舒適、節律光環境和均衡的空氣品質為目標。The WHAO House整合當前先進靈敏的感測器,輔以自學習的智能化系統,服務於居住者的日常生活。此外,The WHAO House還配備了無障礙設施和人性化的集成衛生間,並為用戶定製諸多健康生活的空間,重點關注老人的行為心理需求。

The health strategy of the WHAO House aims to achieve dynamic thermal comfort, melanopic lighting environment, and balanced air quality. Through researching on controlling policies, integrating state-of-the-art sensitive sensors, and self-learning intelligent systems, the WHAO House aims to create a better life for the users. Furthermore, the WHAO House is equipped with barrier-free facilities and integrated bathrooms with humanized design. We customize multiple healthy living spaces for clients and regard the mental need of the elderly as our first and foremost concern.


The technological system of modules

3. A - Aesthetic


The WHAO House的外觀追求和諧。基於模塊化的建造邏輯,相似形的坡屋頂,效仿自然村落的生長機理,綠化景觀穿插滲透期間;每個房間均可以享受庭院的風景。The WHAO House的內裝追求精緻,照明設計緊密結合居住者行為習慣與視覺感受,從各個細節著手,為客戶打造美觀與科技結合的居住體驗。

The WHAO House is designed with a pursuit for harmony and aesthetics. The construction follows the logic of modules. The roofs are accordantly sloped. The growing pattern learns from natural villages. landscape design is integrated organically. All rooms can enjoy a views towards the courtyard. The interior design of the WHAO House is in pursuit of exquisite workmanship, while the lighting design takes adequate consideration of user behavior and visual experience. Based on the delicacy of detailing, we create a living experience that combines aesthetics and technology.


Master bedroom

4. O - Organic


The WHAO House可以在其全壽命周期的形成可持續的有機生長。生產與建造、使用與更新都十分快速便捷,在拆卸與重建階段也十分環保。The WHAO House,不只是一棟房子,她為德州提供了具有設計美學、定製空間、廣闊市場、綠色建造的可持續住區。

The WHAO House can grow organically in its whole life cycle. The processes of manufacture, construction, usage, and update are all fast and convenient. The demolition and reconstruction are also eco-friendly. The WHAO House is not only a house. She creates a vision for a future sustainable community for Dezhou, which is a combination of design aesthetics, flexible space, a broad market, and green construction technologies.


The growth of modules


Replacement and addition


Installation and demolition without damage to the site



Technology application

The WHAO House集成了諸多成熟而先進的技術系統,實現高價值、健康、美觀、有機的居住環境。預設專家決策並學習居住者行為習慣的智能系統,主被動式結合的智能窗通風和智能百葉遮陽的圍護系統,動態人體熱舒適的空調策略,節律人工光的照明策略,實時空氣品質管理的新風策略,並採用全裝配化集成內外裝模塊建造。全裝配化集成內外裝模塊產品,其中的關鍵工程技術包括綠色無痕集束鋼結構、雙層立面免維護被動式表皮、裝配化裝修系統、水暖電集成連接體、模塊化配電拓撲結構、全面無線控制的弱電系統、人工濕地技術。

The WHAO House incorporates various mature technologies in order to achieve our 「worthy, healthy, aesthetic, and organic」 goal: a smart system with preset strategies that can study user behavior, an active and passive fencing system with intelligent windows and shading blinds, a dynamic AC system which regulates users』 thermal environment, a biological artificial lighting strategy, a real-time central ventilation system which manages air quality, as well as a custom modular assemblage system. The WHAO House is a prefabricated modular home inside and out. Its key construction technologies include: a bundled reinforcing steel structural system, a passive cooling double-skin fa?ade system, prefabricated interior modules, MEP integrated connector modules, a modular structure of power distribution, a wireless control low voltage system, and artificial wetland technologies.


Installation of modules



Our Vision

Design for Dezhou

Care for the Elderly

Build for the Future










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