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隕石怎麼鑒定,How to identify the meteorites


Meteorites are small bodies that enter the atmosphere outside the earth. Most of them are asteroids. But there are very few meteorites from the moon and Mars. The members of the family of small celestial bodies collide with each other, and in the space of space, if they come to the earth by chance, they will be attracted by the gravity of the earth and begin to fall to the earth. The small ones burn out in the atmosphere, and the ones that do not burn fall to the ground. Meteorites are asteroids originally. Because of this, they are the most direct and valuable materials for studying the history of the solar system.


Most of the iron meteorites come from the core parts of the planets. They usually have friction with the atmosphere when they enter the earth, so they have certain outward appearance. 1, there is a black melt shell, 2, the sample is a dense solid, 3, heavier than the ordinary stone of the same size, 4, can be attracted by the magnet, 5, is made up of metal or in the broken surface of the sample, the cutting surface or the polishing surface can see the metal spots.


Iron oxides, magnetite and hematite are often recognized as iron meteorites on earth. Simple identification methods: 1, take a white porcelain plate, portrayed on the porcelain plate with rock, white porcelain plate will leave a typical mark, hematite will leave red brown marks, magnetite will leave a gray black mark, and the meteorite will not leave a mark; 2, if you can see the internal structure of the fresh rock, inside the iron meteorite There will be a bright silver white, while magnetite and hematite have no such characteristics as black or gray black. If the standard probe light is made, the magnetite or hematite will be highly priced in the electron probe test. The iron meteorite has an atomic state of iron and a high content of nickel, while the rocks on earth contain almost no atomic state of nickel unless it is synthesized artificially.


1、形態特徵:許多鐵隕石具有似波紋狀的表面,而許多石隕石的表面有更多的低的指印紋或氣印,隕石樣品一般呈不規則狀,但具有圓的邊緣,人工鐵或不鏽鋼則具有直的邊或呈90°的角。2、熔殼:由於隕石高速進入大氣層與空氣分子發生摩擦,新降落的隕石都有一層覆蓋表面的黑色(或黑灰色)熔殼,石隕石的熔殼厚約1毫米,而鐵隕石由於其物質緻密度高,其熔殼厚度要薄得多。由於隕石穿過大氣層時熔融物質的剝蝕作用而使其表面具有流紋狀或流線狀結構。密度:岩石在密度上表現不同,因此密度是一個用來區別隕石和地球岩石的重要工具,但是不能作為鑒定的決定因素,鐵隕石密度非常大,可達7-8g/cm3。大部分隕石是普通球粒隕石,密度範圍3.0-3.7 g/cm3,密度稍大於地球岩石,例如石灰岩(密度約為2.6 g/cm3),石英岩(2.7 g/cm3),花崗岩(2.7-2.8 g/cm3),是地球上最普通的低密度岩石。但是一些隕石密度也很低

The following is a simple method for identification of iron meteorites:

1, morphological characteristics: many iron meteorites have a ripple like surface, and many stone meteorites have more low fingerprints or gas prints on the surface of the meteorites. The meteorite samples are usually irregular, but have a circular edge, and the artificial iron or stainless steel has a straight edge or a 90 degree angle. 2, molten shell: as meteorites enter the atmosphere and air molecules at high speed, the new falling meteorites have a black (or black gray) shell covering the surface. The thickness of the molten shell of the stone meteorite is about 1 millimeters, and the iron meteorite is much thinner because of its high density. Because the meteorite passes through the atmosphere, the surface of the molten material has a streamlined or streamlined structure due to the erosion of molten matter. Density: the density of rock is different in density, so the density is an important tool to distinguish meteorites and earth rocks, but it can not be used as a determinant of identification. The density of iron meteorites is very large, up to 7 to 8 g / cm 3. Most meteorites are ordinary chondrites with a density range of 3.0-3.7 g/cm3 and a little larger than the earth"s rock, such as limestone (about 2.6 g/cm3), quartzite (2.7 g/cm3), and granite (2.7-2.8 g/cm3), which are the most common low density rocks on earth. But some meteorites are also very low in density,


The stone iron meteorite has most of the characteristics of the iron meteorite, but it is weak in magnetism. It is located at the second level of the planetary structure outside the iron core of the iron meteorite, which can be identified as a reference to the iron meteorite.


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