首頁 > 教育 > 太心酸!詹姆斯走後除了拆海報,騎士官方是這樣說的!


Statement from Cavaliers...


Statement from Cavaliers Chairman Dan Gilbert

「We will always remember the evening of June 19, 2016 as the Cleveland Cavaliers, led by LeBron James, ended the 52-year drought delivering the long elusive championship that many thought they would never see... A championship that united generations of Clevelanders, both living and passed.

Virtually anyone with roots in Northeast Ohio paused and felt the memories of the past and the utter joy that the burden of the so-called 『curse』 was finally a thing of the past. Cleveland, Ohio was the home of a championship team for the first time since 1964. Words do not express the meaning and the feeling this accomplishment brought to the people of Northeast Ohio.

None of this would have happened if LeBron James did not agree to come back home and lead the Cavaliers to the promised land. The entire Cavaliers franchise thanks LeBron for that precious moment and for all of the excitement he delivered as he led our team to four straight NBA Finals appearances.

LeBron is a family man, first. We wish his kids, his wife Savannah, his mother Gloria, and LeBron himself nothing but the best in the years and decades ahead. LeBron』s connection to Akron, Cleveland and all of Northeast Ohio will most certainly endure as his commitment to the region and his support of many important causes has been impactful to so many kids and families.

LeBron, you came home and delivered the ultimate goal. Nothing but appreciation and gratitude for everything you put into every moment you spent in a Cavaliers uniform. We look forward to the retirement of the famous #23 Cavs jersey one day down the line...」

Dan Gilbert

Chairman Cleveland Cavaliers

原文翻譯: 有沒有


「我們永遠不會忘記2016年6月19日的晚上,勒布朗.詹姆斯帶領的克利夫蘭騎士隊結束了52年的乾旱, 帶來了許多人認為他們永遠不會看到的難以捉摸的總冠軍。這是克利夫蘭人的世世代代的總冠軍,不管是活著的還是去世的。



如果勒布朗. 詹姆斯不同意回家,帶領騎士隊向他們承諾的土地進發的話,這一切都不會發生。整個騎士系列感謝勒布朗,感謝他在帶領我們的球隊連續四次進入NBA總決賽的過程中所表現出來的興奮。






還有樂福也早已表示自己願意和詹姆斯一起在騎士打下去嗎,直到退役! JR近期也表示想加盟湖人和詹姆斯一起打球,不過被湖人婉拒!這一切的一切都有說不出的苦楚和淚目!




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