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「嫩齡」與tender age

在美國和墨西哥邊境安置進入美國的非法移民年幼子女的場所被稱為tender age shelters。近日看到一篇譯自《牛津詞典》網站,專門分析該表達的文章,文中將其譯為「嫩齡避難所」


但隨著對tender age shelter這一表述的了解越發深入,筆者對於「嫩齡」的看法也產生了變化。先介紹一些背景知識。tender age是一個常見表達,一般用在at the tender age of…這樣的結構中。《韋氏詞典》對其解釋的例句如下:

美國官方對於tender age的定義:

What classifies a child as "tender age"?

Border Patrol officials said children under 5 fall under the definition of "tender age."

Border Patrol chiefs in the field have generally referred to children "of less than 5 being tender age," Hastings said.

But according to an official from the Department of Health and Human Services, a "tender age" child can be up to 13 years old.(https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/tender-age-shelters/story?id=56028638)

將這些機構稱為tender age shelters,而不是young children shelters很可能不是隨便做出的決定。《牛津詞典》網站專門介紹這一表達的文章中提到:

… 『tender age』 – recorded in the 1400s – evoking youthful vulnerability in need of warm love and care.(https://blog.oxforddictionaries.com/2018/06/22/weekly-word-watch-tender-age-shelter-gaming-disorder-donug/)

也就是說,特朗普當局使用tender age很可能是想通過這個表達表明這些孩子很柔弱,需要這些shelters。另一方面,tender age的這一含義也引發了關於它爭議。在來自《牛津詞典》網站的那篇文章中,還有這樣一段話:

The public was not deaf to theOrwellian euphemismof tender age shelter. As linguist John McWhorter cut through for CNN: 『The purpose of such language is to mask the cruel detention of these bewildered children in internment compounds, done in an effort to penalize their parents for attempting to enter America, some illegally.』

在傳遞特朗普當局想要表達的「呵護」幼兒之意,為進一步的爭議做鋪墊上,「幼童」顯得有些平淡了,沒有體現與young children的差異。從這一角度考量,「嫩齡」更能激發人們對幼兒的同情,不過筆者認為這不足以彌補其在構詞上的生硬。

在自然與意思上尋求平衡,tender age shelter中的tender age或可譯為「稚嫩兒童」。另外一種筆者更偏愛的處理方式是把「稚嫩」挪到shelter里,將tender age shelter譯為「幼童關懷站」,從「關懷」體現「稚嫩」。除了比「稚嫩兒童避難所」簡潔外,在意思層面上,一方面原文在一些人眼中含有的Orwellian意味得到了保留甚至加強,另一方面,對於支持這些shelter的特朗普當局官員來說,這種處理也挑不出什麼問題,甚至更清晰地表達了他們對兒童的關愛。




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