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青少年NLP課程/導師顧問/美國航天發明家/工程師Don Shaw





習力!第一期8.27-28 第二期8.29-30順壹精英「學霸養成記」思維導圖收心訓練營 正招生中......


Don Shaw Bio:

Mr. Don Shaw(CEO & Chief Technology Director of Advanced Tactics Inc.) over the last decade spearheaded the successful design, building and testing of numerous UAV systems. He is the inventor and conceptual design lead of the companies』 leading UAV and UGAV systems. He has experience in government contracting procurement, requirements and procedures and has successfully program managed contracts from the US Army, Marines, Navy and Air Force. The most recognized achievement to date has been the development and testing of the world』s largest RPM-controlled vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) multicopter called the 「Black Knight Transformer」. This achievement has placed the company as leaders of large-scale multicopter technology. Along with the Black Knight Transformer, he has developed a series of modular 「Transformers」 that include an electric flying and driving UGAV system that has a payload capability of up to 55lbs (cargo, robotic arm, sensors etc) and a VTOL Transporter that has a heavy cargo pod transport capability. For example 0.5 to 2.5 metric tons can be carried by Transporter aircraft. Along the patents lines of the Transformers he has also been developing and testing VTOL cargo pod transporters and unique helicopters with rotors or propellers for manned and unmanned applications. In 2014, Don has lead the effort on the world』s first VTOL helicopter and V-22 internally transportable aircraft to fly that can carry 800 lbs of cargo internally or externally. Don has also designed and lead the development of the VTOL long endurance aircraft known as the Barracuda. The Barracuda is the next generation tilt rotor with 50 % more efficiencies over todays existing tilt rotor aircraft. The rotor can change direction according to the need and air flow while keeping obtaining the most lift in hover and more efficient forward flight. The Barracuda has many commercial, civil and defense applications and have been reviewed by industry experts as viable needed game changing technology.

The Transporter is scalable. The small size can carry the heaviest payloads and would be ideal for spraying pesticides on farms. This would be the best agricultural spraying helicopter for China. A larger Transporter would be the best for carrying heavy large quantities of pesticides for very large farms. The vehicles are both designed to fly with a fraction of the cost of anything comparable on the market today. The largest Transporters can be used to carry heavy cargo or up to 20 passengers like a shuttle bus at the lowest cost possible by air. All Transporters are the most ideal aircraft for fighting forest fires and saving lives in disasters with is low cost and unique capability features that competitors just do not have.The Barracuda aircraft is the world』s most efficient and lowest cost, longest range and highest speed VTOL aircraft due to its extremely clean design. The aircraft can be used to carry cargo or people more efficiently than any other types of aircraft and it needs no runways.Advanced Tactics aircraft designs focus on being the most cost effective aircraft in the world and with additional capabilities that no other competitors have as well.

Don Shaw also has engineering and design expertise in submersibles, spacecraft and powered parafoil vehicles. In January 2016 Don jointly presented a VTOL airplane package delivery paper along with Dr. Dan Schrage of Georgia Tech at the American Helicopter Society』s (AHS) Aeromechanical meeting.In September 2016, he also spoke at the AIAA Space 2016 conference on his patented VTOL flight system for the planet Mars. He has a number of pending and awarded patents on these technologies. Mr. Shaw received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Alaska Fairbanks and while supporting NASA sounding rocket payload development for studies on the Aurora Borrealis form the Universities Poker Flats Rocket Research Facility. He has worked at Hughes Space and Communications Company as a Mechanical Systems Engineer, at Lockheed Martin as a Senior Systems Engineer, and under contract to the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory as a space vehicle preliminary design engineer. Mr. Shaw also served in the US Marine Corps as a reconnaissance Marine in a Deep Reconnaissance Platoon in Alaska.

Don Shaw司徒丹尼先生的故事

司徒丹尼先生(Don Shaw)是 洛杉磯先進技術公司Advanced Tactics(Inc.)(以下簡稱AT公司)的首席執行官和首席技術總監。在過去的十年中他率先成功地設計、建造和測試了無數的無人機系統。他是AT公司(Advanced Tactics Inc.)無人機(UAV)和無人陸空系統(UGAV系統)的發明家和概念設計領軍人。他的經歷中有,美國政府出資的,按政府要求和標準設計製造的無人機陸空運載救援機的購買;並成功地從美國陸軍、海軍陸戰隊、海軍和空軍獲得購買合同。至目前為止公認的最大成就是該公司(Advanced Tactics Inc.)開發並測試成功的世界上最大的RPM控制的垂直起降(VTOL)多旋翼陸空無人機(multicopter),命名為「黑騎士變形金剛」(Black Knight Transformer)。這一成就使該公司成為世界上大型多旋翼技術的領導者。隨著「黑騎士變形金剛」(Black Knight Transformer)研發,他已經開發了一系列智能化的陸空機器人,包括電動飛行和無人陸空航空器(UGAV系統),其有效載荷能力可大於25公斤(可運載貨物、機械臂、感測器等貨物)。還有具有重型貨物吊艙運輸能力的陸空兩用機,其有效載荷能力可達0.5噸-2.5噸。在陸空兩用機的專利研發路上,他還開發和測試了垂直起降吊艙式機及非常獨特的有旋翼和螺旋槳的無人直升車,可垂直起降,有人駕駛或無人駕駛,可載人或貨物。2014年,司徒丹尼Don Shaw主導開發了世界上第一架垂直起降陸空兩用機和V-22機,V-22機其內部或外部可運攜帶365公斤貨物。司徒丹尼Don Shaw還設計和主導開發了垂直起降的長航時飛機,被命名為梭魚機。梭魚機是下一代未來的傾轉旋翼機,旋翼可按需要及氣流轉變方向,這樣的設計使飛行速度更快並且可消除由於氣流的顛簸。梭魚機比現有的傾轉旋翼飛機效率高出50%。這些陸空系統具有許多商業、民用和國防應用價值,已被業界專家認為可靠的並必須使用這些科技來改變未來。



梭魚機是目前世界上最高效,成本最低,飛行距離長和最高速度的直升機。由於其極乾淨的設計,梭魚機比任何其他類型的飛機更有效地運送貨物或人員,而且不需要跑道。AT公司(Advanced Tactics Inc.)專註於設計發明世界上最具成本效益的飛機,並使其飛機具有其他競爭對手所沒有的額外能力。公司目前擁有多項國際專利。

司徒丹尼Don Shaw還擁有潛水器、航天器和動力翼傘車輛的工程和設計專業知識。2016年1月,他與美國喬治亞理工大學的Dan Schrage博士一起在美國直升機協會(AHS)航空機械會議上共同展示了使用垂直起降陸空兩用機遞送包裹。2016年9月,他在2016美國航空航天協會AIAA太空研討會上發表了關於應用在火星上的直升飛行系統的專利演說。他在這些技術上有許多被授予的專利還有正在申請的專利。

司徒丹尼Don Shaw先生從阿拉斯加費爾貝克斯大學(University of Alaska Fairbanks)獲得機械工程學士學位,在此同時他主導參與美國宇航局(NASA)探空火箭有效載荷的開發,用於研究北極光的火箭系統設施研發。他曾在休斯航天與通訊公司(Hughes Space and Communications Company)擔任機械系統工程師;在洛克希德·馬丁公司(Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company)擔任高級系統工程師,並與美國宇航局(NASA)噴氣動力實驗室簽訂合同,作為航天飛行器總體設計工程師。司徒丹尼先生Don Shaw年輕時還曾在美國海軍陸戰隊服役,他在阿拉斯加的一個深偵察隊中擔任飛行員。

2018這一期由中國青少兒NLP學院亞洲專業培訓商學院主辦,順壹精英與鍾博士Dr Zhong心理導師團承辦,第十四屆暑期順壹精英心智與能力成長夏令營,導師顧問司徒丹尼先生會給孩子們什麼驚喜呢?

勤達升國際 順壹精英教育:專註於青少年心理素質、青少年記憶訓練、演講與口才、領導力等課程,以國際師資背景,專業領先教材,NLP美式教學法.有效提升孩子基礎學習力。興趣和個人軟實力.配以美國NLP導師團實用心理學技巧成為素質教育優勢領先機構,立足順德,輻射全國,影響亞洲。勤達升國際順壹精英讓精英更精英!定位為青少年提供自信心、演講、溝通、心理素質、人際關係訓練等個人軟實力提升的專業培訓機構。



《順壹精英鍾博士Dr Zhong學習能力特訓營》、《順壹精英心智與能力成長訓練營》、《順壹精英高效學習思維導圖班》、《順壹精英青少年國際EMBA班》、《中國夢哈佛演講文化之旅研學班》孩子夢想起航的地方!



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