首頁 > 最新 > 同事總是無緣無故跟我過不去,我很苦惱,應該怎麼辦?







Question: My colleague always has difficulties with me for no reason, I』m very annoyed, what should I do?

Guru answers: Whatever situation we are facing, we need to know: first, all are present by karma and the responses to karma. There is nothing but the manifestation of mind, nothing but the transformation of consciousness. All are the shows of karma we committed before, and now the karmic obscuration matures. Second, owing to our impure mind, there are unpleasant manifestations and feelings.

If we don』t deeply understand and comprehend the causes and effects as well as samsara, it』s very hard to know our faults. If we really understand these truths, lots of problems are easily to be solved. Normally we only think about ourselves but not about others and even resent others when we suffer some misfortune. This is the thoughts of ordinary people.

If you are a practitioner, you should not look for reasons from outside or resent others, what you should do is to reflect upon yourself and search problems from yourself. From the view of causes and effects as well as samsara, these are all owing to the bad karmas you created and now the manifestations of your own karma. If you really want to solve the problem, you need to repent the karma of being greedy, hatred and lying,etc. All of these karmas are cleared through confession, the effect will stop and nobody will harm you anymore.

There are a lot of things make you unhappy now, the cause is not your surroundings or the people around you. All will be pure once your mind is pure. The impure manifestations and feelings are owing to the impure mind you have, the source of the problem is with yourself. Really understanding this truth is called knowing the fault. Really knowing of fault is a kind of enlightenment and wisdom, with which you will have no annoyance or misery.



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