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「水蜜桃」的漩渦Leica Summitar 50/2 鏡頭



「水蜜桃」的漩渦Leica Summitar 50/2 鏡頭

攝影達人Steve Huff在2011年5月有一篇對Leica Summitar 50/2的評測,他開門見山寫到:

「Are you one of those Leicashooters that CRAVE that creamy classic Leica look but there is no way in hellyou can or even want to shell out crazy dollars for a classic50 Noctilux F1or even a 50 Summilux PRE-ASPH lens?

What if I told you that youcan get that crazy, classic, swirly look for anywhere between $200-$300 with aclassic lens that not too many Leica shooters know about or would even thinkabout buying? A true classic in every sense of the word, theLeica 50 Summitaris a 1940』s lens that can be found for $300or so in pretty decent shape.」

翻譯過來大概意思就是:好些徠友渴望獲得奶油般細膩的經典徠卡影調,卻囊中羞澀,不能或不想不惜血本買一顆Noctilux50f1,甚至非球面之前那代Summilux 50f1.4,你也是這種人嗎?若我告訴你:你僅花200-300美元(這只是2011的價格,現在價格應該不止這些)就能買到一款經典徠卡鏡(且成色過得去),你就能獲得那種令人瘋狂的、經典的旋渦狀焦外,而這款鏡頭很多徠友根本沒聽說過,更別說想買了。你會怎麼想?它就是LeicaSummitar 50f2。

還有另外一篇評測這樣寫道:「The lens isn』t the sharpest in the world atf/2—there』s a bit of a dreamy glow around highlights—but drop it down to f/2.8and it sharpens up nicely. The lens can also create some really niftybokeh—which is a fancy way of talking about the out of focus blur behind aphoto. Its aperture blades form a hexagon as you stop it down, and in certainsituations the lens creates a rather trippy, swirly pattern behind yoursubject.


顯然Steve Huff的評論更客觀一些,他還強調:為感受其成像特質,用此鏡時,永遠用F2。所以我們看他的實拍,就可很真切的感受到此鏡在光圈全開時的銳度和焦外。




Summitar的鏡片動用了含鉛的flint glass (鉛玻璃),尤其是第一片。因此,大多數面鏡常被擦得一塌糊塗,因鉛玻璃硬度低。但鉛玻璃的運用,令畫質大幅飛躍,且頗能捕捉神韻。其早期為白鏡,後期鍍膜。Summitar的光圈葉早期為10片,近正圓形開孔;後期改為六邊形開孔。目前市場流通的多為六邊形開孔,「圓形光圈+鍍膜」版頗少。專家對此褒貶不一。攝影達人StephenGandy曾論述到:

「The LEICA SUMMITAR 50mm f/2 is an extremely sharp lens in the center, and softer onthe sides compared to LEICA"s newest lenses. In most cases, no one will noticeany difference.

7elements in 4 groups. Herein lies the secret of the SUMMITAR"s performance:most other 50mm f/2 lenses, like Nikon"s 5cm f/2 for their contemporaryrangefinder cameras, have never used more than 6 elements.

Thediaphragm used 10 blades in 1939, and oddly went back to 6 blades in 1950.

The6-bladed diaphragm is a mechanic"s nightmare, deliberately designed to mushroomforward inside the lens.」










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