首頁 > 時尚 > Young Bird Plan 2018 Matrix天瑪行空模塊化辦公傢具系統設計競賽全球上線!

Young Bird Plan 2018 Matrix天瑪行空模塊化辦公傢具系統設計競賽全球上線!

原標題:Young Bird Plan 2018 Matrix天瑪行空模塊化辦公傢具系統設計競賽全球上線!



Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.

——Robert L. Peters"

工作的本質已經從根本上發生轉變。如何轉化工作空間使用率與提高工作效率成為時下辦公焦點。我們理應持續觀察影響辦公環境的文化動態,想像那些既能滿足現狀,讓人產生幸福感,還能讓人對不可避免的改變充滿期待的靈活產品。Young Bird Plan此次攜手瑪祖銘立MATSU共同發起的模塊化辦公傢具系統設計競賽,以「天瑪行空」輕鬆自由的方式,為移動辦公空間設計模塊化辦公系統傢具,期待著與靈活生動的辦公傢具不期而遇。

The nature of work has fundamentally shifted. Therefore how to increase office space utilization and users" productivity becomes a hot topic. We shall unceasingly pay attention to new ideas and trends in office culture. And we need to envision flexible products which are able to satisfy current requirements, people"s feeling, and future demands of change. This time, Young Bird Plan, cooperating with MATSU Group launches 2018 Matrix Modular Office Furniture System Design Competition. Participants are free to think and we are expected to meet with your flexible office furniture.



This competition invites all designers to conceive a collection of office furniture that consists of units which are able to be used with no less than four combinations. It shall be aesthetic, functional and delightful, and can make users』 work and life more ordely, productive, and efficient.

Meanwhile, all the materials, sizes, techniques and combinations applied to your projects shall be specified. A unique name of the design is important as well, because the winning entries will be further modified, produced and sold by professional teams of MATSU. Designer will retain the right of authorship.

▲ 與Jorge Pensi、Jean Nouvel、Luigi Colani等大師比肩,MATSU期待你的加入!

You are expected to join in MATSU Group to work together with great masters like Jorge Pensi, Jean Nouvel and Luigi Colani!


(Please follow our official Wechat account and website for latest information about MATSU)

■ 考慮實用性、功能性與辦公場景中的藝術性;

■ 設計的同時考慮材料與工藝成本,使作品本身具有可實現性;

■ 對命題的解讀和對移動辦公空間的模塊化辦公傢具系統的深刻解讀,以及對瑪祖銘立品牌文化及客戶群體的深刻理解。

■ Practical, functional and artistic;

■ Feasible cost of material and workmanship should be considered;

■Deep understanding of factors including the competition theme, modular office furniture system, MATSU』s brand culture and its clients』 demands.

▲ 谷歌、微軟、臉書、阿里巴巴、螞蟻金服、寶馬、賓士、保時捷等眾多品牌選擇的MATSU,還有誰沒加入?

Nearly all top brands choose MATSU including Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Alibaba, Ant Financial, BMW, Benz and Porsche. So who will be the next top brand?


(Please follow our official Wechat account and website for latest information about MATSU)

■ 方案需完整呈現於2張A2縱向圖紙上,要求圖紙清晰,標註可讀(頁面邊距10毫米),包含:



-參賽編號(以YB開頭):位於圖紙右上角。編號要求字體:Arial 字型大小:20;


■ 所有圖紙排布不可超過2張A2圖紙。提交格式統一為JPG,每張圖紙大小不超過10MB。

■ 參賽方案需自行命名。請按照「參賽編號-方案名稱」格式命名全部文件。

■ 作品提交語言:中英雙語或英語。

■ 所有圖紙和文字說明中,請勿透露個人信息,包括姓名、學校等。

■ 作品需上傳封面,封面為作品的主視覺,大小為1024×768,72 dpi,500KB以內。


■ A scheme should be presented on two pieces of A2 sheets, portrait orientation, in a clear and in readable format (with a 10mm page margin) and shall include following parts:

-Deion of project theme within 300 words (except notes);

-Brief introduction of materials, dimension, techniques and combination forms of a unit within 300 words (except notes)

-Registration No. (initial letters are YB) should be put in the upper right corner of the paper, in Arial 20pt font;

-Combination diagram should include plan, elevation, top view, combination forms, concept analysis, rendering for different space and other detailed drawings.

■ All drawings should be laid out on two piece of A2 sheets and submitted in JPG format – no more than 10MB for each sheet.

■ Participants should name their documents in the format of 」registration No. - scheme name - No.1/No.2」.

■ A scheme shall be in bilingual (for Chinese-speaking entrants) or English (for International entrants).

■ A scheme must not include ANY INFORMATION (Name, Organization, School, etc.) that may give away your identity.

■ The cover shall be submitted online to display the rendering for your design; it must be uploaded in the size of 1024×768 pixels, 72 dpi, less than 500 KB.

(Please conform to the above Entry Requirements, any entry that fails to follow these items may be disqualified.)

■ 任何設計、藝術相關學科背景的從業人員、學生、愛好者均可參加,不限國籍和年齡。

■ 組隊參賽,每組不超過2人,團隊所有成員都需要在官網註冊報名,常見問題請關注官網Q&A。

■ 報名填寫參賽表格時,請填寫準確、完整的個人信息,學校、單位等信息請勿填寫縮寫,以免造成混淆。

■ 每人提交作品數最多不超過2份,提交2份作品時,需另外註冊賬號獲取參賽編號。

■ 每個參賽編號只能提交1份作品。

■ This competition is open to designers, students and design enthusiasts of all ages with design and art related background across the world;

■ One team can have a maximum of two participants. Each of team members shall complete the registration form online. FAQs will be published on the website.

■ When filling the registration form, please guarantee the information you provided are accurate and complete, abbreviations or acronyms for your universities or companies can be confusing and are unacceptable.

■ Each team or individual shall submit no more than two entries; if you want to upload two entries, you need to register another account(s) on the website and obtain a new Registration No.

■ One Registration No. only denotes one entry.

■ 2018.07.13 報名啟動

■ 2018.09.17 提交作品截止

■ 2018.09.27 TOP 50公布

■ 2018.10.08 TOP 10公布

■ 2018.10.12 TOP 3及冠軍公布

■ 2018.07.13 Call for Entries

■ 2018.09.17 Submission Deadline

■ 2018.09.27 Release of TOP 50

■ 2018.10.08 Release of TOP 10

■ 2018.10.12 Release of TOP 3 and the Champion

■ 冠軍:

1名,獎金:RMB 30,000(含稅,與三強獎金不疊加),頒發獲獎證書;

■ 三強(除冠軍):

2名,獎金:RMB 10,000(含稅),頒發獲獎證書;

■ 賽事將同步在YoungBirdPlan官網投票選出國際影響力大獎1名,獲獎選手將獲得瑪祖銘立Papilio系列工作椅一把,並頒發獲獎證書;

■ 10強選手(除三強)將獲得瑪祖銘立Papilio系列工作椅一把,並有機會獲得與瑪祖銘立深入合作的10家優質企業採購員的點評,由採購評審選出天「瑪」行空大獎1名,頒發獲獎證書;

■ 入圍50強選手將獲得50強榮譽證書,《YoungBirds》定製刊物一份;

■ 所有獲獎作品將有機會發布在YoungBirdPlan官網及定製刊物《YoungBirds》,以及在瑪祖銘立季刊《術》上進行刊登。

■ First Prize:

1 winner; 30,000 RMB (pre-tax; no overlap with the other Top 3 prizes) and Certificate of Award.

■ Top 3 (except the first prize):

2 winners; 10,000 RMB (pre-tax) and Certificate of Award.

■ People』s Choice Award: 1 winner, a Papilio ergonomic chair by MATSU, Certificate of Award

■ Top 10: 7 winners; a Papilio ergonomic chair by MATSU; professional comments will be made by 10 purchasing officer from top enterprises who have deep cooperation with MATSU Group. One Special Award will be selected.

■ Top 50: 40 winners; Certificate of Participation; YoungBirds Magazine.

■ All winners would be published in YoungBirdPlan official website, YoungBirds Magazine and SHU of MATSU Quarterly Magazine.

■ 點擊原文或登錄官方網站 www.youngbirdplan.com.cn 即可報名;

■ 歡迎關注微信公眾號:youngbirdplan-cn;官方微博@YoungBirdPlan獲得競賽最新資訊;

■ 如有疑問,可以登錄官網查詢競賽Q & A;其它問題或反饋請嚴格按照提供的固定格式發送給我們,詳見競賽Q & A。

■ Please register by logging into our website: www.youngbirdplan.com.cn.

■ For the latest information about this competition, please follow our official WeChat account youngbirdplan-cn or our official Weibo account @YoungBirdPlan;

■ The FAQs will be published on the official website, please read them carefully when you have questions. If you cannot find answer there, please use the form we provided in the Competition Q&A section to send us your questions or feedback.


■ Bene-Pixel:http://t.cn/RdOSbdP

■ Nichetto Studio-Quark: http://t.cn/RdOSeqf

The example of modular office furniture system:

■ Pixel series of Bene: http://t.cn/RdOSbdP

■ Quark series of Nichetto Studio:



瑪祖銘立集團成立於1996年,一直致力於為客戶提供個性化、高品質和極致設計的辦公空間整體解決方案, 旗下產品系列涵蓋:辦公傢具、公共空間傢具、戶外傢具、LED辦公照明、辦公室隔斷、地毯及實驗室設備。

瑪祖銘立自 2001年與德國著名傢具企業Kusch+Co建立合作至今,已與德國高端品牌結成密切的戰略合作夥伴。通過合作,瑪祖銘立進一步深化精良的製造工藝及嚴謹的作業風格,始終保持產品的先進性及品牌的領先性。



Since its inception in 1996, the MATSU Group has been dedicated to providing customers with personalized, high-quality and exquisitely-designed office space solutions. Our wide range of products includes: high quality office furniture, public space furniture, outdoor furniture, LED lighting, office partition systems,carpet and laboratory equipment in an ultimate design, aiming to create an inspiring office lifestyle for our customers.

MATSU has been cooperating with the famous German furniture company Kusch+Co since 2001. In addition, MATSU has developed strategic partnerships with 8 high-end German office furniture companies and built modern production facilities in China to ensure that the sophisticated German craftsmanship and strict manufacturing standards run through our whole manufacturing procedure.

The main focus points of MATSU are design, quality, environmental protection and innovation. This all-around pursuit of innovation and best practice achievements is the basis for our company』s goal, represented in our slogan: At MATSU, we aim to provide an 「inspiring office lifestyle」.

Young Bird Plan

Young Bird Plan成立於2013年,是一家面向全球的高品質設計競賽平台。以目標建造、名師輔導、跨界評委為三大DNA,致力於為青年設計力量的崛起創造一切可能。一方面,秉持著「用競賽改變世界」的理念,矢志為青年設計師提供更多實踐機會;另一方面,不斷對接政界、商界、學界的多角度需求,積極縫合設計師、製造商、開發商、城市運營商、使用者之間的斷層,推動大量關注於城市空間與日常生活的競賽設計項目與產品的完美實現,為中國的城市化發展做出貢獻,是全球具有影響力的設計競賽平台之一。

Young Bird Plan

Young Bird Plan, founded in 2013, is an international platform for high-quality design competitions. We boast three key elements, viz. fabrication, mentor』s guidance and interdisciplinary jury, in order to create endless opportunities for young designers. Since establishment, the platform is committed to providing young designers with more practical opportunities with the concept of 「Competition makes a different world」. On the other hand, we also bridge the gaps between designers and manufacturers, developers, urban operators, users, based on thorough analysis of all players』 needs. As one of the most influential design competition platform around the world, we are committed to propelling the implementation of design projects and products focusing on urban spaces and daily life, making contributions to the development of urbanization in China.






其他更具體的官方規則將發布在Young Bird Plan競賽官網,請仔細閱讀。

In accordance with applicable laws and regulations, by participating in this competition, each Entrant irrevocably agrees to abide by the below statements about the copyrights for all submissions.

1. Statement of Originality

All submissions must be original, and each Entrant shall ensure that his/her entry does not infringe any third party』s rights, including patents, copyrights, trademarks, and so on. Otherwise, the Entrant will be disqualified from the competition, and the organizer will withdraw all the sponsorship money and materials and reserve the right to investigate and affix legal liability of infringement. All damages and losses arising therefrom shall be borne by the Entrant; and all the direct and indirect damages (including but not limited to attorney fees, legal fees, costs of preservation, appraisal costs, notarial fees, and so on) suffered by the organizer shall be compensated by the Entrant.

2. Statement of Consent

By submitting an entry, each Entrant agrees to publicly display the works, and accepts the on-line selection process. And before uploading a submission, each Entrant must confirm that he/she has read and fully understands all of the clauses, and accepts them. The judging panel reserves the right to make a final decision on entry assessment and award list.

The detailed Official Rules of this competition will be published on the Young Bird Plan website soon. Please read them carefully.



關注微信公眾號youngbirdplan-cn及Young Bird Plan官網: www.youngbirdplan.com.cn 獲得最新競賽資訊。如有疑問,可以先登錄Young Bird Plan官網查詢競賽Q&A;其他問題或反饋,請嚴格按照我們提供的固定格式,詳見Q&A。通過Facebook、Twitter、Instagram、Pinterest、微博、企鵝、搜狐關注、今日頭條、豆瓣、知乎等平台搜索關鍵字Young Bird Plan,面向全世界挖掘智慧的靈感!

For the latest info about this competition, please follow our official WeChat account youngbirdplan-cn or visit our website: www.youngbirdplan.com.cn. The FAQs will be published on the website, please read them carefully when you have questions. If you cannot find answer there, please use the form we provided in the Q&A section to send us your questions or feedback. Search for 「Young Bird Plan」 on platforms like Sina Weibo, Douban, Zhihu, Toutiao, Souhu, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest where we』re calling for entries and we offer our readership the latest design news and trends on a daily basis.



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