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Popular streamer has been banned for 30 days


A certain popular streamer who has had content featured on this sub over the past few days has been issued a 30 day ban from their main PUBG account.

EDIT for clarity: Both Shroud and Wadu are banned until 08/08/18 due to "Teaming", not actually exploiting the hacks outlined in the videos.




Logan_Mac598 points

He wasn"t cheating some guy in a flying carpicked him up. He probably knew what he was getting into and I"m pretty sure hedid it as an excuse to get away from PUBG for a while and play more Rainbow 6without his fanbase flipping off


Merlin_Shaw263 points

He said on stream that he was banned forteaming, not cheating.


Chillyhead89 points

Can confirm. He"s been talking about theban for the last 20 minutes. It"ll be interesting to see how this all playsout.


Zarerion66 points

How what plays out? This literally doesn"tchange anything for anyone. If shroud wants he can play on a different account,and if he doesn"t he"ll play other stuff until the ban is lifted. There"s nodiscussion going on. This was just the expected outcome and no one should actsurprised about it.


Chillyhead17 points

How Shroud chooses to deal with this. Maybehe"ll use another account to keep playing, maybe he"ll quit pubg all together.Who knows.


kylegetsspam6 points

How is R6, anyway? I know nothing about it.Is it worth getting into now? Can it be played solo or is it strictlysquad-based? Does it suffer from any of the performance issues PUBG has?


snickers_mc10 points

Really cool game where you can use yourimagination in every round. Can be played solo no prob. If you have a lot ofspare time you can start to play as usual (Standard edition of the game,grinding for Operatives and so on), but if you are a fast learner and wanna getas much fun as possible you should get Gold edition (or any edition with seasonpass included, but DO NOT purchase Starter edition under any circumstances)


CountHerpington4 points

I picked up the Starter edition. Best vidpurchase I made in a long time for me personally. Put in nearly 1500 hours,kept me playing for a long time grinding them Operators lol. It"s definitelynot worth it though unless you like grinding.


XenosisReaper19 points

R6 is basically the exact opposite ofPUBG"s dev history, it"s in a very good state right now and can be played solo(but squad is more reliable if you"re looking to do ranked)

Performance wise I"m pretty sure it wouldrun on a toaster



ValuePrestige10 points

It doesnt run good on a toaster. My toasteris a gtx780 and a ryzen 5 1600 and it runs okayish on low settings

不,烤麵包機並不能運行彩六。我的烤麵包機的顯卡是GTX780,CPU是ryzen5 1600,但是它只能在低設置下勉強能跑。

gravaman16 points

Have you tried emptying the crumb tray?



Albythere516 points

Shroud was just showing his frustration atthe developers. He loves this game as much as anyone but even he thinks thatthe developers are losing the plot.


onlyranchmefries221 points

It has been pretty evident over the pastcouple of weeks that he"s been losing interest in the game. Just recently heactually came out and said it. Doesn"t seem like he has much hope for iteither.


zeaud122 points

He kept it together until his skins wereoff the market but then couldnt hold it in anymore.


Werpogil43 points

To be fair, I think PUBG needs shroud"sskins more than Shroud needs them in terms of money and exposure. So I don"tthink PUBG has much leverage on him for him to not say anything bad about thegame.


Subatomic713 points

Shroud has 30k viewers playing Minecraft.He"s been one of the biggest positive voices for PUBG, but there"s only so longyou can defend something that obviously they have no intent on making better.It"s just been cash grab after cash grab.


PUBG feels like it was created a decade ago


Whenever i play relative new games like: Rainbow 6 Siege, BF5 Alpha, Overwatch and even Dota, i keep getting reminded what a properly coded, made game feels like. Games that actually get consistent FPS regardless on a mid range system without any stutters or server lag.


PUBG feels like i"m fighting input lag every single game on top of server desync and other issues like a bunch of cheaters. I don"t understand why every other game has servers that operate properly and even if there are issues, they are fixed within a few hours with somebody tweeting an apology for the delay. PUBG feels like a slideshow compared to those games if you played them recently.


Lastly, visually PUBG looks like it"s from 2007-2009 era from before MW2 ( that game looked better than PUBG and it was my very first online game i played ). I don"t understand how a visually mediocre game like PUBG can still have so many performance issues and NON-STOP server spikes after 1.5 years of development. I don"t think it will ever be fixed so i"m out. I don"t really want to read this sub anymore either because more than half of it nowdays are depressing complaints and outcries.


Hope you guys have a good one and hope that Bluehole fixes their game someday ( for your sake ) because we all know the concept itself was masterful.




M_Sina548 points

Dropped the game about a month ago, stillchecking the Sub just with a slight hope, but everyday gets smaller.


Tanmayisjeff233 points

lol if u check this sub for hope u willnever get that


McHomer71 points

Yes, and for many legitimate reasons,unfortunately.


imDudekid60 points

Not sure why you were downvoted. It isunfortunate. We all want to love this game. But there really are so many goodreasons to hate it.

-AR suppressors on Sanhok are still crazyloud from 300m out. Yesterday I played a match and heard AR silenced shots rightbeside me. Ran around for minutes looking for the guy. Went back in replay modeand saw he was legit, 250+m away and across a river.

-Ping bases matchmaking is non existent.

-No Elo based matchmaking on new map, andbarely noticeable on old ones.

-early game desync issues are worse thanwhen it was in early access.

-Event Pass is a nightmare in all aspects.

-red zones are still a thing.








fullbeastcreative48 points

When Lo Wang 39485939 kills me with his aimbot and bursts my ear drums with his wav loop, I feel grateful for a chance tohave something in common with far away strangers from foreign lands!

Thank you PUBG for bridging borders andcreating a loving world wide community!


BeFrozen123 points

well, none of these games have 100 peopleto keep track of, thousands entities of loot, giant map (compared to the restyou mentioned). I am not saying they"re excused, but comparing 1000m2 map 12player game made by AAA studio against an indie dev team and 64km2 map with 100people on it is a bit silly don"t you think


scriptkitty133745 points

planetside 2 did the whole "loads ofpeople on one server" thing so much better..


Facefoxa7 points

PlanetSide had all the same problems aspubg..


Gilleland52 points

Bluehole isn"t indie. Why do people keepfucking saying this? Bluehole Studios is the publisher and PUBG Corp (formerlyBluehole Ginno Games) is the developer. They also made an MMO before PUBG, ofsimilar quality.

SOE already had a game on a 64km2 map with2000 players 6 years ago. Bluehole could have licensed that engine instead ofUnreal but we know now that they"re just a bunch of fucking idiots at everylevel of the company.










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