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Speaking of the quintessence of Japan, Kabuki has to be mentioned. It is rooted in the soil of Japanese culture and occupies an important place in its cultural history. Over the past 400 years, it has been continuously renovated and reformed. The riveting plot attracts a loyal following of fans and worldwide attention because of its fabulous stage design, gorgeous clothing, unique performance and fascinating plots.


According to popular belief, kabuki was originally created as a form of the performance by a sorceress named a Kuo from the Chuyunda society. Noh, raving, sacrifice dance, girl dance were blended together, and she emphasizes the girl"s gracefulness. It is said that Kabuki was originated from a girl dance that the palace maids usually performed at banquets. At that time, in order to pay for the shrine maintenance fees, she toured everywhere. She tried her best to catch the eye of the audience, so created a new kind of dance, which she named it Qing Yong. Because the excellent performance of Kuo, whether at the palace or among civilians, won people"s admiration; the dance was imitated by everyone and passed down generation after generation.


Soon after the invention of dance, Japan entered the Tokugawa shogunate period when the people』s heart are suppressed deeply, therefore they began to indulge in the entertainment life. When they heard about the success of the dance invented by Kuo, female tourists followed one after another and adapted it into a more unrestrained and provocative one. At the Showmanship, there would usually be a group of women in the street performing this dance. The huge display shocked the government, so they forbid it for women to perform because of the kabuki』s immorality. Ruozhong Kabuki, contemporary with Yugo Kabuki, was also popular for some time after the ban on female Kabuki (the so-called Ruozhong refers to underage men). But it was also banned soon after because it involved a lot of pornography. Then Kabuki became the proper performance for grown men and was later named Yaruokabuki. The focus of Kabuki finally began to shift from look-and-dress to a style involving more acting.


Since the beginning of Kabuki』s development, the female form of roles has been extremely popular. The so-called female form refers to the male dancer imitating the female form and posture to perform. This has also happened in Chinese opera groups, where men dress up as women, or women dress up as men. Some people think the popularity of female-form is because at a vocational school, it would be more convenient to have people of the same gender. But in Japan, even nowadays, women do not take a part in Kabuki at all. The question of why there are only female forms and no women has to do with a lot of historical reasons and the pressure on kabuki actors during the course of their development; It is not carefully analyzed.


The female form originated during the geisha period, when those good-looking boys who were still in their adolescence and could not be distinguished between male and female, became popular by dressing up as female. Thus the female form is also a tradition, which was inherited by the later Yaroukabuki. When it comes to the famous kabuki girl, the most classic person is Musume, who is almost known by everyone in Japan. It tells the story of a young girl under a vine tree who seems to be sorrowful about her lost love. She wears a bright red kimonos, a black straw hat and has a wisteria on her shoulder. This vivid and radiant appearance leads to the rapid absorption of the character image by various cultural fields. On the postcard, Musume is a wisteria fairy that can attract peach blossoms. In the film field, Musume is a female ghost full of hatred and resentment towards injustice. In anime, she is the archetype of Jigoku. Later, she denotes as a symbol of the beautiful things people pursue.


Kabuki, which has just begun to develop, is free and open in both creation and interpretation. In order to make kabuki more popular, scriptwriters at that time turned royal enmity and civilian life into kabuki. Kabuki, which was still very well-liked at that time, has evolved into a classical art with high threshold under the restless tide of time. Kabuki, like Beijing Opera in China, is on the verge of decline. The reason for this is that kabuki"s lines are derived from old languages, making them both more obscure and more difficult to understand. Young audiences are losing interest in kabuki, and without any new element, kabuki is moving toward the niche culture. Perhaps it is time for a reformation in this tradition.




翻譯:Dá小姐, 邱珂

校對: Olivia, 簡妮, Selena, Crystal, Iris





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