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Hakka noodles in prison for Chinese who landed in soup


PATNA: A Chinese man, the first foreign national to be arrested in dry Bihar for violation of prohibition law, follows a special prison-sponsored diet at Beur jail: hakka noodles and boiled vegetables.


Patna police had arrested Wu Tiandong, 34, an employee of a Chinese cellphone manufacturing firm, following the recovery of a sealed bottle of 180ml Nepalese liquor and an empty India-made foreign liquor (IMFL) from his residence under the Gardanibagh police station area on June 17.


「Tiandong』s visa, issued on December 22 last year, expired on June 21, four days after his arrest,」 an officer said. His bail has already been rejected by a lower court in Patna and he might have to spend more weeks inside the jail.


A prison and correctional services officer said Tiandong is being provided with hakka noodles and boiled vegetables. 「The reason for providing him food according to his wish is that he can』t eat spicy Indian food generally served in jail. Apart from noodles and boiled vegetables, he sometimes eats plain rice or bread,」 he said.


Sources said one of his family members met him with an interpreter on a few occasions in the jail. 「It was his interpreter who told us what kind of food Tiandong eats and how to cook them,」 sources said, adding that Tiandong is kept in the vigilance ward which houses only those who are accused in graft cases and arrested by vigilance sleuths.



Shrikant-Pune-4 hours ago

Doing Murder in Bihar is not as serious as keeping a Liquor bottle.


Tappy Bissy-6 hours ago

Beggers but self priclaimed kings. Who on earth will make in India? Its a joke. Foreign techiie arrestd for 180 ml of liquor in a land where people r shot to desth in broad day light, unlicensed guns are manufactured in broad day light & women are raped in broad day light, hafta khori by police & govt is donr in broad day light. Its Time China, the only investor noe should also stay away fron india


Pradeep-7 hours ago

idiots, let this man go free. worst ask him to pay fine.


Deepak-USA-6 hours ago

This act by the police will further strain relations between both countries. Please get him out ASAP. They can do the same when we visit them.


Rajesh Iyer-6 hours ago-Follow

How stupid are we and what image are we portraying to the world? We do not have the guts to take on China in other areas so we arrest a small time idiot who made a mistake of possessing an unopened 180 ml bottle and an empty bottle of liquor? And this guy will be weeks in prison for this crime while the guy responsible for those lynching incidents was released on bail. I salute you my wonderful country!


Same Old-India-6 hours ago-Follow

i express solidarity with this chinese man..the same state where killers and kidnappers are roaming free but a man who drinks gets jailed..


Tejinder-3 hours ago-Follow

Rapes and murders are everyday events in Bihar and the police and courts are patting each others back for achiving this stupidity.. What idiots this state breeds..


insanity unlimited-5 hours ago-Follow

is it a joke ? raid ministers house u will find thousands of ml of alcohol u fools


Arne-3 hours ago-Follow

release him. ridiculous to keep in jail for liquor. India is not Saudi.



Sudesh Kumar-4 hours ago-Follow

Why arrest for pocessing liqour?!!! Shame on Bihar... Release and apologize to him.


Praveen-3 hours ago-Follow

Wrong law. It should not be applicable to foreigners. It will bring Bad image for our country. Consider a case in which indians are put in Chinese jail on such funny rules ?


Milan-5 hours ago-Follow

Are we really in 21st century..? We are degrading our country with such laws and news. No foreigners will think to visit any place like this, result then is low FDI"s and tourism.. Make law strong for rapist, smugglers, murderers etc not for just keeping a bottle or drinking it.


Lisa-7 hours ago-Follow

arrested for liquor...what nonsense....come to Bangalore....one of the best place to live...every 100meters u find a bar or MRP shop...nonsense Governence....screwing freedom of life....


Ajit N-5 hours ago-Follow

The amount of seized liquor was very small, so the cops werer angry and arrested hime. If he had 12 bottles of scotch, they would have taken the bottles and allowed him free. Poor Guy :)


Joey Hane-bangalore-6 hours ago-Follow

Please raid the Bihar law makers residence you will find litres liquor. Fake Nitish Kumar policies. Poor Chinese guy serving in jail for just 180 ml of liquor. It』s a big joke. Boss no prohibition has ever stopped people for buying any restricted stuff. In turn the government has opened black market and liquor mafia.


Tappy Bissy-6 hours ago-Follow

Its time all foreign farms should quit ridiculous India


Sudhanshu-USA-2 hours ago-Follow

its ridiculous to waste police time to enforce such laws when rapists and murders rome free. populism has become a major driver for new stupid laws and subsidies.


Alex Smith-3 hours ago-Follow

What a awesome achievement by Biharis police!!!! Hahaha


Sanjoy Pandey-3 hours ago-Follow

As foreigners they may be warned and a fine imposed, nothing more is required.


Nayak Rasmiranjan-3 hours ago-Follow

Bihar will remain bihar


Sameer-Mumbai-4 hours ago-Follow

Release him asap. It not a crime to have liquor at home.


Manosh Mani-Mumbai, Maharashtra, Ind-4 hours ago-Follow

Why arrest a foreignerror for possession of liquor.what kind of rule is this?


shiv-rajkot-4 hours ago

Horrible law, this prohibition. If it is country wide it is okay. Now, you can drink in Lucknow freely but not in Patna. Prohibition law is only to drink the blood of people by authorities.


ABCD-7 hours ago-Follow

Another Indian Son In Law. I""m sure Chinese will give Indian""s Butter Chicken Dhal Makhni and Nan in there prison


Ark-Chennai, Tamil Nadu-38 mins ago-Follow

No Chinese investment in Bihar for sure....


Rajib Samanta-Location-51 mins ago-Follow

Shame on Bihar and its archaic laws. Laws are created just for popularism and vote. Whether any adult will drink liquor or not is only that individuals decision, what state has to do with it? Are adults school children?


Mamta-1 hour ago-Follow

Will Indians in Chinese Jails be given Indian Spicy chicken tandoori?


Frank Mario Alexander-1 hour ago-Follow

How silly to arrest a man for having in his HOME liquor. He was not caught drinking outside his home and what he does in the confines of his home is strictly his business as long as he don""t create a nuisance outside!! What about the political party officials who enforced this law and have BOTTLES of booze in the homes?? Why are they not raided and put in jail?? What a stupid law and to enforce to show the world what a bunch of idiots we are!!!


Rajnish-1 hour ago-Follow

change this stinky law, atleast for foreign nationals. they should be allowed to show their passport n buy alcohol.


Guy-3rdRockFromTheSun-5 hours ago-Follow

Such an unpleasant news to hear that a foreigner was arrested with a bottle of alcohol. Then we ridicule it with such headlines. Shameful!!

聽聞有個外國人因持有一瓶酒被逮捕,真是個令人不快的消息。然後我們用這樣的標題來嘲諷。可恥! !




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