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OPI話題系列:Aircraft Breakdown



先說aircraft breakdown這個題目。它意思是航空器故障。各種大大小小的故障,都可以用這個詞概括,不一定非要到崩潰、癱瘓的地步才叫breakdown。Check Your Aviation English這本書中,舉的例子有autopilot不可用、APU無法啟動、輪艙門關不上等,有的就算不上太嚴重的故障。

1. Say something about aircraft breakdown.

Aircraft breakdown means that one of the systems of the aircraft isout of order. If the problem is not fixed quickly, the aircraft mayexperiencedifficulty in operation. Aircraft breakdown may bring extra workload and pressure to the controller as well as the flight crew.

2. Have you ever encountered aircraft breakdown?

Yes, I have. One day, when I was handling the departing traffic for runway 07R, a China Eastern flightqueing fordeparture suddenly had trouble with its radio system, which transmittedstatic noiseandjammedthe radio frequency. It was very difficult for the pilots and me to make ourselves heard.


3. What should you do when a flightexperiencesaircraft breakdown?

Well, I think it depends on the specific situation. In case of the radio problem I mentioned earlier, I instructed the China Eastern flight to enter and then vacate the runway to hold somewhere to have its radio system fixed. As the channel was jammed, I had to listen very carefully to the transmissions from the pilots and slow down my speech rate in order to make myself understood.


出現故障aircraft breakdown其實是個挺生僻的片語,不太好用。可以考慮:inoperative / unservicable / damagedequipment或system。指飛機時,可以說disabled / subjectaircraft

解決問題,修理故障,可以說sort out / rectifythe problem,havethe system / equipmentfixed


The aircraftsuffered....




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