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愛因斯坦曾說 ——



Albert Einstein, the German-born Jewish scientist who once received the Nobel Prize in Physics, had been recognized himself as an advocate for human rights, and once said in an interview 「Being a Jew myself, perhaps I can understand and empathize with how black people feel as victims of discrimination.」 However, the recently exposed English version of his private diaries detailing his tour of Asia in the early 1920s seems to tell a different story as being found to have some racist remarks.


The excerpts were found in "The Travel Diaries of Albert Einstein: The Far East, Palestine, and Spain, 1922–1923," which was published by the Princeton University Press this week and outlined the travel notes of the famous physicist and humanitarian icon during his trip throughout the region.

A page from Einstein"s diary. /Paper.cn Photo

這本日記的第一卷,今年剛剛從德文翻譯成英文,被美國普林斯頓大學出版社出版,英文名「The Travel Diaries of Albert Einstein The Far East, Palestine, and Spain, 1922 - 1923」。然而,該書在問世後不久,就引起了軒然大波。

「在愛因斯坦的日記中,充斥著對其他民族人民的劣勢描述,種族歧視的意味十分明顯」, 《愛因斯坦旅行日記》的編輯Ze』ev Rosenkranz評論道,「許多評論讓人感到十分不適,尤其是對中國的」。

"Many comments in his diary upset us, especially the part he wrote about Chinese people," said Ze』ev Rosenkranz, senior editor and assistant director of the Einstein Papers Project at the California Institute of Technology, in an interview with The Guardian.


What is the content?


Some sentences that are suspected of racism have been quoted by New York Times.

在香港:In Hong Kong

「…stricken people, men and women, who beat stones daily and must heave them for 5 cents a day. The Chinese are severely punished for the fecundity by the insensitive economic machine.」


「The Chinese are incapable of being trained to think logically and that they specifically have no talent for mathematics.」


「I noticed how little difference there is between men and women; I don』t understand what kind of fatal attraction Chinese women possess which enthralls the corresponding men to such an extent that they are incapable of defending themselves against the formidable blessing of offspring.」


在中國大陸:Around Chinese Mainland

「…industrious, filthy, obtuse people.」


「Chinese don』t sit on benches while eating but squat like Europeans do when they relieve themselves out in the leafy woods. All this occurs quietly and demurely. Even the children are spiritless and look obtuse.」


「It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races. For the likes of us, the mere thought is unspeakably dreary.」


在上海:In Shanghai

「(Chinese funeral is) barbaric for our taste」 ,「(the streets are) swarming with pedestrians.」


「In the air there is a stench of never-ending manifold variety.」


「Even those reduced to working like horses never give the impression of conscious suffering. A peculiar herd-like nation, often more like automatons than people.」



在錫蘭(現斯里蘭卡),他說 —— 科倫坡(首都)的居民生活在極端污穢和惡臭的平房中。他們做的很少,需要的也很少。生命的簡單經濟循環。

He described living condition in Colombo, Ceylon (which later became Sri Lanka) 「the simple economic cycle of life」. People there 「do little and need little in great filth and considerable stench at ground level」

在埃及塞得港,他說 —— 那些到船上來賣貨的地中海東部人,就像從地獄湧出來的一樣。

He also called people in Egypt 「as if spewed from hell」 when they came on their ship to sell goods.

日本可能是評論最為正面的國家了,他說 —— 「日本人謙虛樸素、處事得體、總體來說給人印象很好。」


Meanwhile, Einstein had a more favorable impression of the Japanese. But, Einstein also concluded that the intellectual needs of the country did not seem to be as great as their artistic needs.


"In his diary, Einstein described the Japanese, Chinese and Indians as "people of low intelligence," which can be regarded as racist," Rosenkranz indicated.

但是,《愛因斯坦旅行日記》的編輯Ze』ev Rosenkranz也強調,這些話都是在愛因斯坦毫無防備的時候寫的。他從未想要發表這些言論。Rosenkranz added, "They』re more off guard, he didn』t intend them for publication."


How did China"s social media react?


As a great humanitarian icon, Einstein"s remarks contrasted sharply with his public image as an advocate for civil rights in the US during his later years, calling racism "a disease of white people".



「Einstein just gives the objective description as a scientist,」 read the most liked comment on a Weibo post by Haiwainet, the overseas edition of People"s Daily, symbolizing the Internet』s mostly indifferent response.


"Everyone"s opinion is limited by their times," another Weibo user wrote under the Global Times" Weibo post.


也有網友認為時代局限不能作為種族歧視的借口,不能用他的科學家光環掩蓋他道德方面的問題。如果他真的以猶太人受迫害的經歷將心比心,就會明白自己的言論是不合適的。Meanwhile, some netizens said "times" is not an excuse for racist remarks.


DW-TV said on Wednesday that Einstein"s travel diaries show that racism was widespread in Europe at the time and that even a great Jewish scientist would reflect it.In general, Einstein"s conclusions about the Chinese were "regrettable," Rosenkranz said, adding that even Einstein, as a refugee, could not avoid negative comments about others he encountered.



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