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萬能高頻動詞 用法手冊-36個


A.問1) vt. May I ask you aquestion?

Ihave something to ask you.

Jackasked me how to start the machine.

Sheasked what time it was.

2) vi. I asked only out of curiosity.

Tomwent to ask about the train.

Ifyou don』t understand, ask.


I』mgoing to the workers to ask their advice.

Heasked Joe to get in touch with them.

Hewas asked to see them off.

C.邀請vt. They asked us over theirdinner.

Theyoften ask him out to sea.

D.習語ask about…詢問、打聽



asksth. of sb.向某人問



Whobroke the window into pieces?

Hefell and broke his leg.

Trynot to break the silence.


Heoften breaks his promise/his word/ the law/ the rule.


break away突然離開

break away from sb.脫離、離開、背棄

break down中斷、粉碎、發生故障、(身體)跨了、(機器)壞了

break forth迸發、爆發、發泄

break in闖進、打斷

break in on sb.打斷某人的談話

break into…闖入、侵佔

break…into pieces打碎

break off折斷、突然中斷


break out爆發

break through…突破


break with sb.與某人斷交

break sb』s heart使某人心碎


A. vt.帶來、拿來(由遠而近)

Bringme the paper, please.

Heforgot to bring his umbrella.

MayI bring her to see you?

Shall I bring the books upstairs?

Afterwe were seated, she brought out dishes.



bring… forward提出


bring…into being實現、使產生

bring…into effect/practice實行、貫徹


bring…to an end/ a stop/ a close使終止、結束

bring… to mind使想起、回憶起




bring…to safety帶到安全地帶


A. vt.抓住、逮住、掛住The nail caught my coat.

Hecaught my hand and held it tightly.

Wecaught ten monkeys in all.

但是vi.掛住His coat caught on anail.

Thekite caught in a tree.

B.趕上、搭上We』ll hurry and catch the 10:30 bus.

C.聽懂Pease repeat it. I didn』t quite catch you.

Doyou catch my meaning?

D.染上He caught a bad flu.

E.(出其不意地)撞上、碰上She caught him smoking.

Someboys were caught stealing flowers from the garden.

F.給撞上、碰上The ship was caught in a hurricane.

Onenight we were caught in a thunderstorm.

Hurry up and don』t get caught in a storm.


catch at sth.想抓住、設法抓住

catch sb. by surprise出其不意抓住

catch/get/seize/take hold of…(突然)抓住、抓牢

catch sb』sattention/eye吸引某人注意

catch sight of…看到、發現

catch the point of…抓住…的要點

catch up趕上

catch up with…趕上…


A. aux. v.


Theydo not believe it. When id they arrivethere?


Ido miss you, Mum. She does sing well.

Dobe on time. So she did come after all.


---MayI come round in the evening? ---Yes,please do.

Iknew he would help us, and he did.


Only then did I realize he had been wrong.

Neverdid he know anything about it.

B.做vt. Can I do anything for you?

Weoften do our homework together.

Theglass is broken. who did it?

Wedid some reading last night.

Shedid most of the talking.

C. vi. (1)表示生活、學習等情況Howdo you do?

They did very well in English but badly inmaths.

How did you do in the exam? How are you doing?

(2)行了、夠了、可以On e piece of bread will do.

Talking with your mouth full won』t do.

(3)做、辦Do as you are told to.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

Let her do as she likes.


do…with…處理What have you done withmy bike?

can do with…將就用I can do with the old bed.

do something about…對…採取措施

do sb. a favor=do a favor for sb.幫某人個忙

do away with…廢除、破除、去掉

do sb. good/harm/wrong= do good/harm/wrongto sb.對某人有益/有害/冤枉某人

do one』s best/ bit/part=do everything/all/whatone can儘力

do …up包紮、扣(紐扣)

do without…沒有…也行、不需要

have something to do with…與…有關

do right/wrong做得對/做錯了


1. vt.期待、預料、等待It』s what we』ve expected.

Is this the letter you have been expecting?

We expect to finish the work by Friday.

Iexpect that they will drop in.

Iexpect you to make more progress.

---Willhe be back tonight? ---I expect so.

Youarrived earlier than we had expected.


as(is/ was/ has been) expected不出所料

They came late again, as was expected.

expect too much of sb.對某人期待過高


A. (1) vt Do you feel any pain when I press here?

Facingthis situation, they felt both joy and fear.

(2)link v. I don』t feel very well today.

Thebusier he is, the happier he feels.

Thedesk feels smooth.

(3)vt.接複合賓語I felt someone go upstairs.

Ifelt a great weight taken off my mind after the exam.

Shefelt their eyes watching her when she came to the stage.

Shefelt herself (to be) right.

Ifelt it my duty to help you.

Hefelt it necessary to talk about his own shortcomings.


Hefelt strongly that we should take some action about the bad practice.

B. vt.摸He felt the pot and itfelt very hot.


feel like doing sth.想要

feel one』s way摸索前進

feel sb』s pulse切脈

feel as if/ as though感覺似乎

She felt as if she were a member of thefamily.

feel quite oneself覺得身體很好


A. vt. (1)發現

Ifound a wallet on the street corner yesterday.

Hefound her in danger.=He found that she was in danger.

Ifound him (to be) a toughguy.=Ifound that he was a tough guy.

This method was found to be practical.=It was found that the methodwas practical.

I findit interesting to read these stories.= I find that it is interesting to =readthese stories.

Ifound a dog killed in the park.= I found that a dog had been killed in thepark.

Ifound a man breaking into a warehouse.= I found that a man was breaking into a warehouse.


Haveyou found the book you have been looking for?



find one』s way to sp.設法趕到;進入

They found their way to the front of the crowd.

Thenews found its way to a lot of people.

find fault with sb.對某人吹毛求疵;挑剔

find oneself…發現自己…、不自覺地…

They found themselves in a difficult situation.

ThenI found myself surrounded by some boys.

Hefound himself walking in the direction to the park.



A. vt.得到、弄來Where did you get these good ideas?

Letme go get the doctor.

Willyou get me a ticket?=Will you get a ticket for me?

Hegot a poor wage. Let』s get something to eat.


get about(消息)傳開

Arumor(謠傳) got aroundthat Fu Biao was ill in hospital.


Iwonder how to get my new ideas across.

get ahead of…領先

get along進展、過活、相處

get away逃掉

get away from…避免、擺脫、離開

get back回來


get behind落後

get …down記下來

get down to (business/ work/ studies)認真做

get to know/ realize/love/like逐漸地了解/愛上

get in進來


get off起飛、下車、出發


get on…上車/船/飛機等;繼續進行;相處


get out傳出

News got out that you were leaving.

get over…克服、擺脫

get rid of…消滅、擺脫、除掉

get round…繞過、迴避

get somewhere有結果/成就

get through…做完、結束;看完、用完

get together聚會、聯歡

get up起床、舉辦

Thestudents are going to get up a concert on May Day.

have got=have有

have got to=have to不得不

10.give vt.

Whois going to give the talk?

Hewas given a good beating last night.





give in屈服、讓步


give in to sb./ sth.屈服於;對…讓步


give oneself up to doing sth.獻身於、專心於

give up放棄、投降


give way to sb.讓步;讓位於

Aswinter gave way to spring, days were getting longer.

given that假定;已知

give sb. a hand幫某人忙

give rise to導致


A. vi.走He has gone back home a newspaper.

Pride goes before a fall.

B. link v. He went hungry for a week.

Hisface went pale when he heard the news.

Thisguy went wild/ crazy/ mad after the loss of his wife.

Don』tever eat the bread. It has gone bad.


go after…設法得到;追求

go along向前發展We』ll learn as we goalong.

go back on one』s word/ promise失信

go back to…追溯到

This custom goes back to Roman times.

go beyond…超過

go down下落;減弱

go up增長;提高

go into…研究;從事

go off爆炸;(電、水等)停掉

go ahead繼續進行;去做吧

go all out全力以赴

go and do sth.= go to do sth.

go down on one』s knees跪下

go in for喜愛;從事

go on發生;持續

go on to do sth.接著做(另一件事情)

go on doing sth.繼續做(同一件事情)

go on with sth. .繼續做(同一件事情,可以有間隔)

go out熄滅;過時

go over sth.瀏覽;複習;審閱

go through…經歷;檢查;

go shopping/ fishing/ skiing/ skating/ begging/ boating/swimming/ fox hunting/ sightseeing/ mountain climbing

go from bad to worse每況愈下

go from door to door

be gone丟了;走了;一去不復返

Gone are thedays when we studied together happily.

have a go試一下

go out of one』s way to do sth.不辭辛勞去做…….

go to hell見鬼去吧

go to sleep睡著

go through with….把…….進行到底

go well with…與……相配/協調

go without…不吃/用……過日子

Sometimes theywent for days without washing their faces.


句型1 have sb./ sth. do sth.

Let』s have themstand facing the wall.

句型2 have sb./ sth. doing

We had the fire burning all night.

I won』t have you talking to your dad like that!

句型3 have sb./ sth. done

I will have my radio fixed. He had his wallet stolen.

句型4 have sth. to do I have a letter to write.

句型5 have to do sth. I have to get up early everyday.


與動詞同行的名詞連用,表示動作:have a talk with…

have a look/glance/ glimpse at

have ameeting/ discussion/ operation/ haircut

have anEnglish lesson

have a swim/wash/ rest/ try/ smoke/ taste/ dream/ walk

have a cold/cough/ headache/ pain

have lunch/ some beer

have a good/pleasant/ tough/ bad/ hard/difficult terrible time

They had a hard time solving the problem.

have fun=have a good time/enjoy oneself

have a word/ a few words with sb.與…談話

have words with sb.與…吵架

have something/ nothing/ a lot to do with…

have sth. on穿著(狀態)

had better (not) do sth.最好;不得不(迫於客觀原因)

have something with sb.隨身攜帶

have a baby生小孩

have a test/ talk/ speech/ lecture/ chat

have had enough of厭倦

have sth. back要回

have one』s own way按照自己的意思辦;我行我素

have sth. to oneself完全由自己使用

Youcan have the house entirely to yourself.


A. vt.幫助They did everything theycould to help us with our lessons.

Thismedicine will help you (to) get better.

Shehelped (to) sweep the floor.

B. vi.有幫助;有用;好用

This medicine won』t help. Thinking will help.


help sb. with sth.幫助做

help sb. out of trouble幫助某人脫離困境

can』t help doing sth.禁不住……

cannot help/ choose but do sth.只好……

help sb. out幫助結局難題;幫助擺脫困境;救出

turn to sb. for help求助於……

be of help有幫助;有用


A. vt.拿著;握著

Holding my hand, he tried to calmed me down.

Hold the line, please.

容納How much water can the tank hold?

擁有;佔有He held the position for years.

舉行Chinese film weeks will be held in otherplaces.





hold…in memory記住

hold on堅持下去;(電話)別掛

hold on to…抓住不放

hold out堅持到底;維持;伸出

Wemust hold out, and the enemy will give up.

Theywere ready to hold out a friendly hand.

hold to sth.緊緊抓住;堅持(路線、道路、看法等)



Thestorm held us up, so we were late for the meeting.

Theirwages were help up or reduced for no reason.


A. vt. (1)保留I』ll keep a seat for you.


He has a large family to keep. He keepssome chicken.

(3)使……處在……狀態Sorry tohave kept you waiting.

Let』s keep the door open but keep the windows closed.

Youmust keep us well informed.

Mr.Xue always keeps us busy.

Close the door to keep the cold out.

Let』skeep the room in order.

B. link v.保持

Wemust keep fit.=We must keep in good health. Keep calm in time of danger.


keep a record of登記;記錄

keep a secret保密

keep watch注意;提防

keep one』s promise/word履行諾言

keep the law/rule遵守法律/法規


keep away不接近;避開


keep birthday/ Christmas慶祝生日/聖誕等

keep body and soul together維持生活


keep sb. doing sth.使…….堅持做

keep silence保持安靜;保持沉默

keep sth. to oneself把……據為己有

keep sb. from doing sth.阻止;使免於;抑制

keep hold of…抓住不放

keep …in mind記住

keep doing sth.繼續做;不斷地做

keep on doing sth.不停地做;反覆地做


keep out of…不參與

keep sb. company與某人做伴;陪伴某人

keep to sth.堅持;固守(習慣等)

keep…under control使得以控制

keep in touch with…與保持聯繫

keep up堅持;繼續

keep up with…跟上

keep watch守望;站崗


A. vt.(1)知道I have known him since childhood.

(2)懂得Do you know Japanese?


be known as…通稱為;以著稱;被認為是

be known for…因而出名

be known to sb.為某人所了解

become well known出名

for all/anything/ everything I know據我所知

It is well known that…眾所周知

know about/ of了解;知道

know…for certain確實知道

know sb. by name僅知道某人的名字(不認識)

know sb. by sight與某人面熟(不熟悉)

know/learn …by heart背誦


know/ tell right from wrong辨別是非

know no limits是無限的

Aman』s life is limited, but service to the people knows no limits.


A. vi.離開;離去When are you leaving?

Heleft in a hurry without telling anyone.

B. vt.(1)留下She asked us to leave our address.


Sorry to have left some questions unanswered.

Heleft the window open.

She left the baby crying bitterly.

Theillness left him rather weak.

(3)剩下We have only three months left.





leave A for B離開A去B

leave hold of…放棄;鬆手

leave nothing to be desired盡善盡美

leave …off停止

leave …out省去;遺漏


leave room for留下……餘地


A. vt.讓She doesn』t let her child play with fire.

B.用於祈使句Let』s go to the Summer Palace, shall we?

LetPeter do the job, will you?



the baby can』t even walk, let alone run.


let…down使……失望;放下I won』t let myself down!

let…go釋放;鬆手Let go of me!






A. vi.看He looked happily at his great grandchildren playing abouthim.

B. link v.看起來He looks cheerful and carefree.


have/take a look a…看一看

have a look of…好像;彷彿

look about四下環顧

look about for…四下尋找

look after…照看;目送

look ahead考慮未來;預做準備

look as if…似乎;好象

look at…看

look away from…轉移目光

look back回頭看

look back on/ upon…回憶;回顧

look down on/ upon…俯視;蔑視

look for…尋找

look forward to doing sth.期待;展望

look in(隨便)看望

Helooked in on Mr. Smith on his way to work.

Hewent to look in at the fish farm.

look into…窺視;調查

look like…看起來像

look on旁觀

look on A as B認為A是B

look out向外看;注意;警戒

look out for…提防

look …over審閱;翻閱

look through…透過……看去;徹底調查;從頭看到底

look up to sb.尊敬/仰望某人

look up仰視;胸懷大志

look sth. up查閱

look sb. in the eye/ face直視某人


A. vt.(1)做;製造Cell phones are made in this factory.


make a study of= study

make use of= use

make an examination of= examine

make an explanation of= explain

make a fool of=fool

make fun of

make repairs

make a suggestion= suggest

make an attempt= attempt

make an answer= answer

makea decision=decide

make preparations for=prepare for

make a guess at=guess

makea speech

make arrangements

(3)使(做);使(成為)He made us work day andnight.

We were made to work day and night.

Praisemake good men better and bad men worse.

Wemade you our monitor.

What made you so frightened?

This machine makes it possible for us to finish the work in a shorttime.

Hemade it a rule to get up at six every morning.(規定)

(4)有條件成為She will make a good housewife.

Coldtea makes an excellent drink in summer.


be made from由……原料製成

be made of由……材料製成

be made out of由……製成

be made up of由……所組成

be made into被製成……

be made to do sth.被迫去做

make for=head for =make towards走向;沖向

make oneself understood/heard使自己被理解/聽到



make a living謀生

make bed鋪床


make ends meet應付開支;維持生活;使收支相抵

make friends with與……交朋友

make one』s way to sp.向……走去

make room/ way for為……讓路

make sure/certain一定要;保證做到;核實

Makesure that you get there in time.

We mustmake certain they will come in time.

make the best/most of盡量利用;充分利用

make up one』s mind決心;決定

to make a long story short長話短說

make sb.』s hair stand on end使……毛骨悚然

make a fire生火


A.更喜歡;寧願vt. He preferred apples tobananas.

I prefer to go by air.

Which do you prefer, rice or bread?

Iwould prefer she do it in another way.(虛擬語氣)

B.習語prefer doing A to (doing) B寧願做A,不願做B

Iprefer watching a football game to playing football.

=Iwould rather watch a football game than play football.

prefer to do A rather than (do) B寧願做A,不願做B

LiuHulan preferred to die rather than give in to the enemies.


A. vt.放He put the book where hefound it.



put an end/a stop to sth.結束;消滅












put sb. at ease使某人放心、安心、寬心

put through…完成;

put A through to B把A接通B(電話)



put up with…忍受

put…into practice把應用到實踐中去

put sb. to bed打發睡覺

put sth. to/into use使得以應用

put…into English把翻譯成英語

put in a word for sb.為某人進言

put sb. in charge使某人負責

put sth. in order使井井有條

put on airs擺架子

put sb. to death/test處死/考驗


A. vi. (1)跑They came running to meet us.

(2)行駛The train was running at 80 milesan hour.

(3)流All the rivers will run into thesea.

Wemustn』t let the water run to waste.

Hisnose is running all day because he has a bad cold.

B. vt.管理;經營They have run six factories.

Heruns the school well.

C. link v.變得The river began to rundry.

Our food supply is running low.

His blood ran cold at the news.

Their money is running short.

The garden was running wild.


run a fever發高燒

run after sb./ sth.追求

run away逃跑

run for…競選

run into…邂逅;偶遇

run on滔滔不絕往下說

run out(某物)用完

run out of…用完(某物)

run short(某物)短缺

run short of…短缺(某物)

run up to…合計為;高達

run a risk冒險

run across…邂逅;偶遇

run ahead of…領先於

run away with…帶……而逃走

run against…邂逅;偶遇;違反

run at…襲擊;沖向

run over溢出;run over….過目;瀏覽

run smooth進展順利

run through…花光;用盡;略談

run up迅速成長;(物價)上漲

run upon…邂逅;偶遇


A. vt. (1)看到;看見

Isaw the accident with my own eyes.

I』venever seen you look so well.

Justnow I saw someone going upstairs.

When we got there, we saw a house being built.

Lastnight I saw a dog killed by a car.

I』mglad to see all of you happy.

Icould see that they need my help.

*The year 1949 saw the founding of thePeople』s Republic ofChina.


Iwent to see a friend of mine last Sunday afternoon.

I』llbe seeing you this evening.

(3)了解;明白Now you see what I mean?

Heasked to look and see if he missed anything.


see sb. home送某人回家

see about sth.負責處理……

I』llsee about the tickets for the concert.

see…for oneself自己看;體驗一下

see into…了解;調查

see much/a lot/nothing/little of…常/很少/從不見到

see sb. off送行

see through…看穿;識破

see sb. through支持某人到底

see to sth.處理;料理There was much to seeto.

He has to see to the luggage.

see to it that…注意做到;務必要

Seeto it that you do not fall when skating.

as far as I can see踞我所知

see sb. out送某人出門

see that因為,從……一點來看


A. vt.(1)寄(信),發(電報)They sent me somepictures.

I have a telegram to send to Bob.

(2)(派人)送Let』s send the radio there to be repaired.

Hesent his regards to you.

(3)派遣He asked to be sent to work in Tibet.

(4)使…….變得The badnews sent him mad/ out of mind.

Thesight of the Red Army sent the enemy running in all directions.


send for去請

send A for B派A去請B

send…forth發出The sun sends forth light and heat.




send sb. away解僱;逐出



A. vi.下落It will be cooler when the sun has set.

B. vt.(1)放置;擺設She set the dish on thetable.

Let』sset the clock by the radio signal.

(2)規定;確定He set a strict rule for himself.

Havethey set the time for the meeting?


Withonly a few words he set us laughing.

Whathe said set me thinking.

Heset all the prisoners free.

Thatset all our doubts at rest.這消除了我們所有的懷疑。


set about doing sth.= set out to do sth.開始做

set an example做出榜樣


Aroom has been set apart for the purpose.




set fire to sth.= set sth. on fire放火燒

set foot in…進入;踏上


set…in order整頓


set off動身


set one』s mind/ heart on…下定決心

set out動身;出發


Heset out his reasons for what he had done.

set sail啟航

set… to work使開始工作

Heset to work at once writing the book.

Heset everyone to work together.


set…upside down顛倒過來


A. vt. (1)拿給人看Show me your ticket, please!

Can you show me a bigger one?

(2)說明;表明Her eyes showed that she was lying.

Show us how to use this machine.

Thatshows how ignorant we are.

(3)表現;顯露He showed courage in face of danger.

(4)放映;展出A new film is being shown at this cinema.

(5)帶領Show them in, please.

I』ll show you into my room.


show off炫耀;表現自己

Thisguy likes showing off.


Idon』t like the way he shows off his knowledge.

show one』s face露面

show oneself出席;顯露出來

Hisanger showed itself in his voice.

show up出現;出席


This only served to show up their weakness.


A. vi.說;發言He spoke with me about his childhood.

He was too hurt to speak to us.

I』venever spoken of these things to anyone before.

Hespoke at the meeting yesterday.

Action speaks louder than words.

Shespoke in broken English.

B. vt.說She speaks good French.

Trust me that I am speaking the truth.


speak for…代表……說話;為……辯護

Ican only speak for myself.

speak out大膽講出來

speak out against…發言反對

Hespoke out against what he thought was unjust.

speak up坦率說出自己的看法;說話大聲些

speak highly/well/highly/ill/badly of…稱讚/非議

generally/strictly/broadly/roughly/franklyspeaking=to speak generally, etc.一般來說,嚴格地講,廣義地講,嚴格地講,老實地說

be spoken of as…被說成為

nothing to speak of…不值一說;沒有說的價值


A. vi. (1)站Come and sit by my side ifyou love me.

(2)立於The house stands between thetwo large trees.

There stood a strange man right behind me.

B. vt. (1)放Stand the ladder against the wall.


If you can』t stand the heat, get out of thekitchen.


stand against…反對

Theyall stood against the war.

stand at attention/ease立正/稍息

stand behind sb.支持

stand by支持;袖手旁觀;準備行動

We』llstand by you through thick and thin.

Youmustn』t stand by and do nothing about it.

stand for…代表,表示;主張

Xoften stands for an unknown number.

Westand for self-reliance(自力更生).

stand on one』s own feet依靠自己

stand out突出;顯著

Hertalent stood out in comparison with the others.

stand aside站開;不參與;靠邊站

stand back向後退

stand still站住;停頓

stand up站起;起立


A. vt. (1)拿Taking a sheet of paper, shebegan to write.

(2)帶(往某處)After that she took us to Rome.


Take a little more bread. Hetook some medicine.

(4)乘坐They took a taxi home.

(5)採取,接受,選擇Hetook a doctor』s degree.

After lots of thinking, she took the job.

(6)測量;照(像);記錄Letme take your blood pressure.

We took a few pictures of the hill.

(7)對待;接受You cannot take this too seriously.

(8)需要How longdoes it take to finish washing these dishes?

(9)攻下They tookthe town by surprise.


take a chance碰碰運氣

take one』s seat坐下;就座

take a turn for the better好轉

take a vote表決

take advantage of利用;佔便宜

take aim at…瞄準


take part in…參加

take A as B當成



take…by surprise突然襲擊

take care當心

take care of…照顧;負責

take charge of…負責

take delight/ pleasure/ interest /pride in…喜歡、以……自豪


take effect生效

take A for B=take A to be B認為A是B

take…for granted視為當然,想必是

Somestudents take it for granted that English is easy to learn.

take hold of…抓住;握住


take…into consideration把……納入考慮範圍內

take it easy別緊張;放開些;放鬆些

take note/notice of…注意;留心

take notes記錄


take office上任;就職

take on…僱傭;呈現

take one』s time從容從事;慢慢來


take pains/trouble to do sth.不辭辛勞地做

take place發生;舉行

take root生根

take shape成型

take the chair主持會議

take the place of…代替

take turns to do sth.= take turns in doingsth.輪流做


take warning from…引以為戒;吸取教訓

be taken ill/sick生病

take a short cut走捷徑


A. vi.談話;講話

Heis talking loudly in the front of the classroom.


talk away不停地講;通過談話消除

talk back (to sb.)還嘴;頂嘴

talk big吹牛

talk sb. into doing sth.勸說干

talk sb. out of doing sth.勸說不幹

talk out說完

talk …over討論

talk to sb.與談話;責備

talk of…談到

talk about…談論;講

talk together商量;談判


A. vt.(1)告訴;講Tell meyour name.

He told us what had happened to him.

I』ll tell you what to do next.

Don』t tell me. Let me guess.

Do as you are told to.

(2)判斷I really can』t tell the differences between them.

I can hardly tell Kate from her twain sister.

=I can hardly tell Kate and her twain sister apart.


tell A and apart= tell A from B區分開A與B

to tell the truth說老實話

tell sb. about/ of sth.向某人講起……

tell the world…公開講;宣揚

tell a lie說謊

tell a white lie說善意的謊言

tell it like it is實話實說

there is no telling…難以預料

There is no telling when he will return.

I』ll tell you what.讓我告訴你真相/怎麼去做。

Never tell me!別瞎扯了!

You are telling me!還要你告訴我(我早知道了)!


A. vi.想,思考Give me some time to think.

He told us to try to think in English.

B. vt.認為;想

Inever thought you could complete the work so soon.

Idon』t think I can get away now.

Where do you think we can get this book?

Sheisn』t as slow as you think she is.

Ithink the book worth reading again.

Thiskind of computer is thought (to be) too hard to operate.

Weall think her a good learner.

Ithought it our duty to offer them some medical care.

Ithink it a great honor to speak here.


think about…考慮

think of…想到;想起;為著想;打算

Thispicture made us think of the days in the army.

Hecouldn』t think of anything to say.

Sheis always thinking of others.

Sheis thinking of going downtown this afternoon.

Whatdo you think of this movie?

think highly/ well/ a lot/ a great deal/ much/poorly/ ill/ badly/ little/ nothing of對評價高/低

think of A as B認為A是B



think twice before…要三思後再……

just think…想想看(表示驚訝)

Justthink of the price!

wouldn』t/couldn』t think of…絕不能考慮/想像(做這樣的事)I couldn』t think of disturbing them at this our of night.

think hard沉思


A. vi.轉彎,轉身,轉動The planetturns round the sun.

Iturned and saw a boy running away.

B. vt. (1)轉向,轉動Please turn your eyes this way.

Nothing can turn us from our purpose.


Thedoctor turned him over and looked at his back.

C. link v.變得Her face turned pale at the news.

Hishair is turning grey.

Theweather suddenly turned cold.

Later he turned doctor.


turn a deaf ear to sth.不聽;不理睬

turn a blind eye to sth.不看;不理睬

Theyturned a deaf ear to the people』s sufferings.

Theyturned a blind eye to our demands.

turn… aside避開;轉變方向


turn back轉過身來;趕回去



turn A into B把A變成B



turn out關上;解僱;證明是,結果是,實際情況是

Theday turned out fine. He turned out tobe a traitor.

Itturned out that he had never been there.

turn one』s back on…對不理睬

turn one』s head使頭暈/昏

turn one』s stomach使作嘔


Iturned over the keys to Mr. Smith.

Heturned over all the tables in anger.

Heturned over one page or two and gave up.

turn to sb. for help/advice求助於

turn to…翻到

turn up露面,出席


Heturned up the dictionary and found the explanation.

turn…upside down/ inside out顛倒,翻過來


A. vi.(1)工作

Hewas forced to work from morning till night.


Soonthe machine worked a gain smoothly.


Hismethod worked.

It』s a good idea, but it won』t work.

Thetreatment works like magic.


work at…干(某活動),研究等

Sheis busy working a new invention.

work away不停地干

work on…從事We』re working on some wood-cuts.



work on…對起作用;激發work with…對……行得通

36. come

A. vi.來She is coming in no time. Here comes the soup.

Hecame running all the way.


He has cometo love the stories by William Shakespeare.

Hehas come to realize the importance of good English.

B. link v. His dream finally came true.


come about發生

come across…偶遇;偶爾發現

come along一道來;一起去;進步;趕快

come at…襲擊

come by…獲得

How did you come by these pictures?

come away脫離;折斷

come back回來;複員;恢復

come down倒下;跌落;傳下來

come down with…患(病)

come (in) first/second得第一/二

come forth出來;湧現

come forward前進;自告奮勇;湧現

come from…出身於;來自

come in/ into sight出現;被看見

come into being/ existence發生;產生;出現

come into effect/ force開始生效;開始實施

come into power/ office上台;掌握政權

come into use開始使用

come off脫落;發生

come on(風雨等)到來;演出;趕快

come out長出來;出版

come out against…起來反對

come out with…講出;泄露(秘密等)

come to= come to oneslef蘇醒過來

come to …總計;談到

Hisearnings comes to $182,000 ayear.

When it comes to football, everyone likes David Beckham.

come a conclusion得出結論;告一段落

come to a stop/ an end停止

come to nothing毫無結果;失敗

come to the point說到要點;抓住關鍵

come up走近;長出;流行

come upon…碰見




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