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我們非母語英語學習者遇到的第一個英語單詞中,有一個音節動詞,如make, get, take, go, put ,還有介詞與副詞如in, on, up, down, for, out, over。這些詞單獨時很容易理解,比如說He made a cake or She climbed up the tree他做蛋糕或她爬上樹,都不會有任何困難。對於初學者來說,最大的問題是當它們出現在固定短語組合中時,稱為短語動詞。英語中有很多這樣的動詞,在很多情況下,它們的意義不能從組成部分猜測出來。一個剛開始學英語聽力的人,took off his hat他摘下帽子,這句子應該不難理解它是什麼意思,但是The plane took off飛機起飛的句子可能會有問題,更不太可能知道He took off his teacher 的意思(模仿他的老師)。同樣地,她毫無困難的會理解He put a picture up他把照片掛起來的意思,但她怎麼能理解He put me up(他給了我一張床過夜)?

許多短語動詞有一個以上的意思,如前一段中的take off,使英語學習者的學習變得更加複雜。再舉一個短語動詞put down的例子。下面的每一種用法都有不同的含義:

He finished the book and put it down on the table.他把書寫完,放在桌子上

You』re always putting me down. (criticise / humiliate)你總是讓我失望。(批評/羞辱)

The police quickly put down the riots. (stop / crush) 警察迅速鎮壓了騷亂。(停止/擠壓)

I had to have my dog put down. (kill)我得把我的狗放下來。(殺戮)


get up to (do) - What have you been getting up to lately?做-最近你在幹什麼?

put up with (tolerate)- I can』t put up with his rudeness any more忍受(容忍)——我再也忍受不了他的粗魯了。

go in for (like)- I don』t go in for team sports參加(比如)-我不喜歡團體運動。

come out with (say) - She』s always coming out with the most outrageous remarks說出來——她總是說出最無禮的話來。

go/come down with (to fall sick) - Sorry, I won』t be at work today. I think I』ve come down with the flu.得了重病-對不起,我今天不上班了。我想我得了流行性感冒。

然而,簡單理解短語動詞是不夠的。因為他們在日常會話中是如此普遍,第二語言學習者如果希望在說英語時聽起來自然,就需要知道如何正確使用。正確使用短語動詞不僅是了解其意義的問題,而且還必須學習語法。短語動詞的特殊意義通常決定句子中的組成部分的順序。舉個例子,Could you put up my parents ..and Could you put my parents up .. put up的意思是在晚上給張床。但是,如果put up意思的是顯示或產生,只有一個可能的單詞順序。比如說,He put up a good fight but was finally defeated他打了一場好戰,但最終失敗了,不可能說He put a good fight up...同樣地,你可以說He put the light out 或He put out the light他把燈熄滅了,或者他熄滅了燈,意思是熄滅或關掉。但是當put out 表明為了幫助別人,做一些不方便的事情,只有一個單詞的順序是正確的。那就是Don』t put yourself out,而不是Don』t put out yourself.。




1.It』s up to him.2.He』s not up to it.3.He』s in for it.4.He』s got it in for me.5.I don』t get on with him.6.I don』t take to him.7.He takes after his father.8.He took me in with his story.9.He took it out on me.10.He took me up on my offer.11.He is put out you didn"t come.12.He turned down my suggestion.13.I think he"s gone off me.14.He turned up late again today.


1.It』s up to him.-這是他的決定。

2.He』s not up to it他不能勝任。-他不夠好或者不夠強壯。

3.He』s in for it.他惹麻煩了-他為自己的所作所為而陷入困境。

4.He』s got it in for me 他使我的生活不愉快(他老是纏著我。)

5.I don』t get on with him我跟他相處不好。-我們沒有友好的關係。

.6.I don』t take to him我不喜歡他-我不喜歡他

7.He takes after his father他長得像他父親。

8.He took me in with his story.他用他的故事欺騙了我。

9.He took it out on me他對某事感到憤怒,結果使我受苦。

10.He took me up on my offer他接受了我的提議。

11.He is put out you didn"t come-你沒來,他很生氣。

12.He turned down my suggestion他拒絕了我的建議。

13.I think he"s gone off me我想他不再喜歡我了。

14.He turned up late again today他今天又遲到了。

If you didn』t know what to make of these sentences (i.e. you didn』t understand them), don』t let it get you down (i.e. don』t be despondent); you could just do with (i.e. you need) extra practice!

如果你不知道這些句子是什麼意思(如 you didn』t understand them),不要讓它使你沮喪,多做練習就好。



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