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The frequency of lethally hot weather is increasing, as is the duration of high-risk heat. These facts are grim reminders of the findings of a report, published late last year, by climatologists from Columbia"s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. The researchers reported that, considering the present climate change trajectory, heat stress could exceed human endurance by the end of the century.


A new global study projects that in coming decades the effects of high humidity in many areas will dramatically increase. At times, they may surpass humans" ability to work or, in some cases, even survive. Health and economies would suffer, especially in regions where people workoutside and have little access to air conditioning. Potentially affected regions include large swaths of the already muggy southeastern United States, the Amazon, western and central Africa, southern areas of the Mideast and Arabian peninsula, northern India and eastern China.

這份研究報告以「濕球溫度」為測量標準,即表示熱度和適度的指數。實驗證明,當濕球溫度達到32℃時,人類面臨戶外活動的最大臨界值。超過32℃,人們將無法在戶外進行正常活動。儘管這類天氣情況在今天仍屬罕見,但該項目的第一作者Ethan Coffel表示,至本世紀末,高溫濕熱天氣的發生頻率將大幅上升。

The report discusses "wetbulb" measurements, an index of the combination of heat and humidity. Lab experiments have shown wet-bulb readings of 32 degrees Celsius are the thres hold beyond which many people would have trouble carrying out normal activities outside. Although it is not frequently occurred nowadays, 「the conditions we』re talking about are projected to occur close to the end of the century,」 said lead author Ethan Coffel.

Map: Ethan Coffel


Although the report"s most grim projections are set in the future, the increasing periods of high heat and humidity are already having dramatic health impacts.


Warming climate is projected to make many now-dry areas dryer, in part by changing precipitation patterns. But by the same token, as global temperatures rise, the atmosphere can hold more water vapor. That means chronically humid areas located along coasts or otherwise hooked into humid-weather patterns may only get more so. And, as many people know, muggy heat is more oppressive than the 「dry」 kind. That is because humans and other mammals cool their bodies by sweating; sweat evaporates off the skin into the air, taking the excess heat with it. It works nicely in the desert. But whenthe air is already crowded with moisture—think muggiest days of summer in the city–evaporation off the skin slows down, and eventually becomes impossible. When this cooling process halts, one"s core body temperature rises beyond the narrow tolerable range. Absent air conditioning, organs strain and then start to fail. The results are lethargy, sickness and, in the worst conditions, death.


「The health dangers associated with extreme heat and humidity remain grossly under appreciated,」 saidcoauthor Radley Horton, a climate scientist at Lamont-Doherty. 「As temperature and humidity rise in the future, more and more regions will experience conditions in which outdoor labor is dangerous, and air conditioning is essential.」


Only a handful of previous studies have looked at the humidity issue in relation to climate change. The new study builds on the earlier research, extending the projections globally using a variety of climate models and taking into account future population growth.





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