首頁 > 最新 > 南加州大學,希望之城,美國國家癌症研究所







簡介:希望之城國家醫療中心(City of Hope NationalMedical Center)是一所頂尖的美國非盈利研究和治療中心,專註於癌症、糖尿病和其他危及生命的疾病。

被權威新聞雜誌周刊《美國新聞與世界報道》(U.S News & World Report)列為「美國最佳癌症和泌尿科醫院」之一 。

發一則博後招聘廣告,地址在南加州洛杉磯duarte市的希望之城癌症研究中心,實驗室資金充足,研究方向前沿,老闆非常nice,詳細介紹如下,有意者聯繫PI David Chen email。

Job Opening : Postdoc Research Fellow

Institution:Beckman Research Institute – City of Hope

Location: Arcadia/Monrovia/Duarte, CA(30 min to downtown Los Angels, CA)

Principle Investigator:

Chun-Wei David Chen, Ph.D.





https://www.cityofhope.org/research/systems-biology/systems-biology-research-labs/david-chen- lab/david-chen-research-highlights



Established in 1913, City of Hope is a National Cancer Institute (NIH/NCI) designated Comprehensive Cancer Center ranked top 20 in the U.S., and is one of the biggest stem cell/bone marrow transplantation center in the U.S. (US News Best Hospitals).

Dr. Chen』s laboratory in Systems Biology is focused on the epigenetic mechanisms underlying the therapeutic resistance in cancers. This laboratory is skilled in high-throughput CRISPR genetic screens for de novo therapeutic target discovery. They also utilize next-generation sequencing (NGS) for epigenomic and transcriptomic analyses (ChIPseq, ATACseq, RNAseq, etc.), and the patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models for in vivo therapeutic efficacy assessments. In addition, Dr. Chen』s laboratory is involved in cutting-edge technology development including high-density CRISPR protein scan, and precision epigenome editing.

Dr. Chen received his postdoctoral training from Dr. Scott Armstrong in Harvard Medical School. His laboratory in City of Hope currently consists 3 postdocs, 1 computational biologist, and 1 technician. The lab is well funded by a 5-year institutional start-up, an NIH K99/R00 Award, and an ASH Scholar Award. An additional NIH R01 Award (scored top 3%) is expected to start in 2019.


? Ph.D.degreeinbio/medicalsciences(required)

? Mammaliancellculture,cellbiology(required)

? Cancer/leukemia-relatedstudies(preferred)

? Molecularbiology,cloning,biochemistry(preferred)

? Animalmodelstudies(preferred)

? High-throughputsequencingandcomputationalanalysis(preferred)


南加州大學藥學學院 Dr. Zhipeng Lu lab招聘博士後 (信息來源:群友分享)

簡介:南加利福尼亞大學(University of Southern California),又譯南加州大學,簡稱南加大(USC),是美國西海岸最古老的頂尖私立研究型大學,世界著名高等學府,位於美國加利福尼亞州洛杉磯市,1880年由監理會創立,是美國大學協會(AAU)成員、環太平洋大學聯盟成員。


Two postdoctoral positions are available in Dr. Zhipeng Lu lab at USC School of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences.Our research is focused on 「RNA machines」 in living cells.We develop and apply novel technologies to understand the structures and functions of RNA molecules in basic cellular processes, with the ultimate goal of targeting human diseases, including genetic disorders, cancers and viral infections.

We have recently developed a new technology, PARIS (Psoralen Analysis of RNA Interactions and Structures), a crosslinking based method for high throughput mapping of RNA duplexes in living cells at single-molecule level with near base-pair resolution (Lu et al. 2016 Cell). These unique strengths allow direct determination of alternative conformations, long-range and complex structures and RNA-RNA interactions across the transcriptome. This work was featured on the cover of Cell, the cover of Best of Cell 2016, and a video abstract "Get an Eye-full (Eiffel)" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GXibPeUUGQ,

see also https://share.weiyun.com/57CoLCa). Our analysis of noncoding RNAs has led to the identification of structural targets that have been employed in drug screens for treating human genetic diseases (collaboration with Novartis). A more complete description of our science can be found athttp://zhipenglulab.org.

Our work has had a broad impact on the field and has been highlighted in Nature Methods, Nature Chemical Biology, Molecular Cell, and Trends in Biochemical Sciences. As a result, the PI has received numerous awards, including the Damon Runyon-Sohn Fellowship, the Stanford Jump Start Award, the RNA Society Scaringe Award, and the NIH K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award.

Current projects in the lab span the development of new computational and chemical tools for the analysis of RNA structures and interactions, and application of these technologies to important problems in the RNA field. The questions that we are interested in include structural basis of mRNAs and noncoding RNAs in post-transcriptional gene expression, roles of RNA structures and interactions in human diseases, such as neurological disorders and RNA virus infections. We also welcome and support novel and unconventional ideas that are related to the current work in the lab.

Research in the Lu lab is highly interdisciplinary and collaborative. Postdocs are exposed to research questions and techniques in the forefront of various fields centered on RNA. This training environment is exceptionally valuable for individuals who are interested in pursuing careers in academia or scientific leadership positions in the pharmaceutical industry. The PI is fully committed to empowering trainees with the capabilities to fulfill their ambitions.

USC School of Pharmacy is located in Health Sciences Campus, immediately adjacent to the USC Keck School of Medicine, Caltech and UCLA. This rich scientific environment provides unique research training opportunities, such as research seminars given by leaders in science from throughout the U.S. and abroad, opportunities for collaborations, exposure to diverse research programs, and highly sophisticated core facilities.

Candidates should have a Ph.D. and/or an M.D. and less than three years of postdoctoral experience. Candidates should also have significant experimental training in molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, or chemical biology, as evidenced by publications. Experience in computational biology is highly valued. Starting date is flexible from Aug. 2018.

To apply, please send a cover letter discussing your interests in the position, your CV, and contact information for three references tozhipengluchina@gmail.com.




簡介:美國國家癌症研究所(National Cancer Institute, NCI) 是美國癌症研究和資助的主要機構,是美國國立衛生研究院(National Institutes of Health, NIH)所屬的28個研究所中歷史最為悠久的研究所。

現任所長Andrew C. von Eschenbach是NCI第12任所長,麾下4000多名科學家,支配每年47億(2003年)至48.7億美元(2005年)科研基金。

在所長Eschenbach的領導下,NCI 下屬7個分支機構,分別是癌症研究中心、癌症流行病學和遺傳學部、癌症診斷和治療學部、癌症控制和人口科學部、癌症預防學部、癌症生物學中心及院外研究事務部。

NIH NCI的liver cancer program招博後和scientist,各個level都有位置,歡迎大家加入。

internal refer暫時沒有link,需要懂統計 ml 類似data science的活, 主要分析data,各種level都需要。

data太多,如有興趣可以聯繫我,我會轉PI,或者私信我,我給email,自己發也行, 工資待遇比工業差點,比高校好點。





轉發一個招聘信息,來自University of Alabama at Birmingham:

My lab has two position opens in the field of glioma biology. one research assistant(research lll), one research associate (research lV). Both requires cell culture, RNA and protein isolation and detection experience. Compensation based on Experience. If interested please contactxhan@uab.edu




簡介:The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston德克薩斯大學休斯頓健康科學中心成立於1972年,由牙科分校,生物醫學研究所,醫學院,公共衛生學院,護理學院,健康資訊科學學院,哈里斯郡精神中心和布朗基礎學院分子醫學中心合併而成,主要目的是預防人類疾病。



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