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每個人都有機會成為團隊的領導,但不是每個人都具備領導力。如何獲得這種寶貴的能力?Amy Edmondson為我們進行了形象深入的講解,快來進入今天的正文吧!

Leadership/"li: ???p/

n. 領導能力;領導階層


It"s August 5, 2010.A massive collapseat the San José Copper Mine in Northern Chile has left 33 men trapped half a mile -- that"s two Empire State Buildings -- below some of the hardest rock in the world.


No drilling technology in the industry is capable of getting through rock that hard and that deep fast enough to save their lives.


It"s not exactly clear where the refuge is. It"s not even clear if the miners are alive. And it"s not even clear who"s in charge. Yet, within 70 days, all 33 of these men will be brought to the surface alive.This remarkable story is a case study in the power of teaming.


So what"s "teaming"?


Teaming is teamwork on the fly. It"s coordinating and collaborating with people across boundaries of all kinds --expertise, distance, time zone, you name it -- to get work done.


Sports teamsembody the definition of a team. It"s a stable, bounded, reasonably small group of people who areinterdependentin achieving a shared outcome. You can think of teaming as a kind of pickup game in the park, in contrast to the formal, well-practiced team.



adj. 相互依賴的;互助的

Now, which one is going to win in a playoff? The answer is obvious.


So why do I study teaming? It"s because it"s the way more and more of us have to work today.


With 24/7 global fast-paced operations, crazy shifting schedules and ever-narrower expertise, more and more of us have to work with different people all the time to get our work done.We don"t have the luxury of stable teams.

在每天24小時運營的快節奏的全球企業中, 有著瘋狂改變的計劃表,和越發細分的專業,越來越多的時候,我們需要和其他不同的人一起合作,來完成工作。我們無法奢望一個穩定的團隊。

Now, this way of working isn"t easy, but as I said, it"s more and more the way many of us have to work, so we have to understand it.


And I would argue that it"s especially needed for work that"s complex and unpredictable and for solving big problems. Paul Polman, the Unilever CEO, put this really well when he said, "The issues we face today are so big and so challenging, it becomes quite clearwe can"t do it alone, and so there is a certain humility in knowing you have to invite people in."

我認為,對於複雜和不可預測的工作和解決大問題來說,這是特別必要的。聯合利華首席執行官保羅 · 波爾曼說得很好,他說:「我們今天面臨的問題 是如此巨大,如此具有挑戰性,很明顯,我們不能單獨行動,所以在知道你必須邀請人們進來的時候,你會有一種謙遜的態度。」

Issues like food or water scarcity cannot be done by individuals, even by single companies, even by single sectors. So we"re reaching out to team across big teaming, grand-scale teaming.


To understand it better, I studied astart-up-- a smart-city software start-up --


as it teamed up with a real estate developer, some civil engineers, a mayor, an architect, some builders, some tech companies.


Their goal was to build a demo smart city from scratch. OK. Five years into the project, not a whole lot had happened. Six years, still no ground broken. It seemed that teamingacross industry boundarieswas really, really hard.



OK, so ... We had inadvertently discovered what I call"professional culture clash"with this project. You know, software engineers and real estate developers think differently -- really differently: different values, different time frames -- time frames is a big one -- and different jargon, different language.

好的。那麼…… 我們在這一項目中無意間發現了我稱之為「職業文化衝突」的現象。軟體工程師和房地產開發商有著不同的思維——非常不同:不同價值觀,不同的時間框架——時間框架是很重要的一點——以及不同的行話,不同的語言。


n. 衝突,不協調;碰撞聲,鏗鏘聲

And so they don"t always see eye to eye. I think this is a bigger problem than most of us realize. In fact, I think professional culture clash is amajor barrierto building the future that we aspire to build.


And so it becomes a problem that we have to understand, a problem that we have to figure out how to crack.So how do you make sure teaming goes well, especially big teaming?This is the question I"ve been trying to solve for a number of years in many different workplaces with my research.



Now, to begin to get just a glimpse of the answer to this question, let"s go back to Chile. In Chile, we witnessed 10 weeks of teaming by hundreds of individuals from different professions, different companies, different sectors, even different nations.


And as this process unfolded, they had lots of ideas, they tried many things, they experimented, they failed, they experienced devastating daily failure, but they picked up, persevered, and went on forward.


And really, what we witnessed there was they were able to be humble in the face of the very real challenge ahead, curious -- all of these diverse individuals,diverse expertise especially, nationality as well,were quite curious about what each other brings.



And they were willing to take risks to learn fast what might work. And ultimately, 17 days into this remarkable story, ideas came from everywhere.


They came from André Sougarret, who is a brilliant mining engineer who was appointed by the government to lead the rescue. They came from NASA. They came from Chilean Special Forces. They came from volunteers around the world. And while many of us, including myself, watched fromafar, these folks made slow, painful progress through the rock.


Afar/?"fɑ: /

adv. 遙遠地;在遠處

On the 17th day, they broke through to the refuge. It"s just a remarkable moment. And with just a very small incision, they were able to find it through a bunch of experimental techniques.


And then for the next 53 days, that narrow lifeline would be the path where food and medicine and communication would travel, while aboveground, for 53 more days, they continued the teaming to find a way to create a much larger hole and also to design a capsule.

而之後的53天里,這一狹窄的生命通道會成為 食物、藥品與交流的通道,而在地上,在53天里,他們繼續著團隊合作,來找出一個製造更大洞口的方法,並且設計一個艙室。這就是那個艙室。

This is the capsule. And then on the 69th day, over 22 painstaking hours, they managed to pull the miners out one by one.



So how did they overcome professional culture clash? I would say in a word, it"s leadership.


But let me be more specific. When teaming works, you can be sure that some leaders, leaders at all levels, have been crystal clear that they don"t have the answers.


Let"s call this"situational humility."It"s appropriate humility. We don"t know how to do it. You can be sure, as I said before, people were very curious, and this situational humility combined with curiosity creates a sense of psychological safety that allows you take risks with strangers, because let"s face it: it"s hard to speak up, right?

讓我們把這稱為「情境謙虛」。這是適當的謙遜。我們不知道該怎樣做。你可以確定,就像我之前 說的一樣,人們很好奇,而這一情境中的謙虛與好奇心結合起來,創造了一種心理安全感,使得你可以與陌生人一起承擔風險。因為我們要直面它:開口總是很難,對吧?


n. 謙卑,謙遜

It"s hard to ask for help. It"s hard to offer an idea that might be a stupid idea if you don"t know people very well. You need psychological safety to do that. They overcame what I like to call the basic human challenge: it"s hard to learn if you already know. And unfortunately, we"re hardwired to think we know.

尋求幫助絕非易事。如果你並不是很了解別人,你很難說出一個可能愚蠢的想法。你需要心理安全感來這麼做。他們跨越了我稱作基本人類挑戰的東西:如果你已經知道了,就很難繼續學習。 而不幸的是,我們天生就傾向於認為自己知道。


And so we"ve got to remind ourselves -- and we can do it -- to becurious; to be curious about what others bring. And that curiosity can also spawn a kind of generosity of interpretation.


Curious /"kj??r??s/

adj. 好奇的,有求知慾的;古怪的;愛挑剔的

But there"s another barrier, and you all know it. It"s awfully hard to team if you inadvertently see others ascompetitors.


So we have to overcome that one as well, and when we do, the results can be awesome. Abraham Lincoln said once,"I don"t like that man very much. I must get to know him better."Think about that -- I don"t like him, that means I don"t know him well enough. It"s extraordinary.


This is the mindset, I have to say,this is the mindset you need for effective teaming.In our silos, we can get things done. But when we step back and reach out and reach across, miracles can happen. Miners can be rescued, patients can be saved, beautiful films can be created.


To get there, I think there"s no better advice than this: look to your left, look to your right. How quickly can you find the uniquetalents, skills and hopesof your neighbor, and how quickly, in turn, can you convey what you bring?


Because for us to team up to build the future we know we can create that none of us can do alone, that"s the mindset we need.





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