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論文標題:Small sample sizes reduce the replicability of task-based fMRI studies

作者:Aron K. Barbey et al



《通訊-生物學》發表的一項名為Small sample sizes reduce the replicability of task-based fMRI studies的研究,其中描述了美國伊利諾伊大學厄巴納-香檳分校的Aron Barbey的團隊針對樣本量對腦功能磁共振數據的複製性的影響。



Aron Barbey的團隊的先採集和分析超過200個樣本的多種腦功能磁共振數據。然後,他們從樣本池裡隨機抽取16,25,36,49,64,81,100個樣本組成不同的數據組,然後分別比較每個數據組是否能夠複製從原來的樣本池得出的分析。他們發現,樣本量在30個左右時得出的分析的複製性不大,樣本量甚至要超過100才會有很強的複製性。這也解釋了很多意在複製以前數據的實驗最後變成了對以前研究結果的挑戰的狀況。


因此,Barbey 博士的團隊建議研究機構或實驗室加強合作,把擁有的資源和實驗對象合併,以增加樣本量,樣本的多樣性和實驗數據的複製性。

摘要:Despite a growing body of research suggesting that task-based functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies often suffer from a lack of statistical power due to too-small samples, the proliferation of such underpowered studies continues unabated. Using large independent samples across eleven tasks, we demonstrate the impact of sample size on replicability, assessed at different levels of analysis relevant to fMRI researchers. We find that the degree of replicability for typical sample sizes is modest and that sample sizes much larger than typical (e.g., N = 100) produce results that fall well short of perfectly replicable. Thus, our results join the existing line of work advocating for larger sample sizes. Moreover, because we test sample sizes over a fairly large range and use intuitive metrics of replicability, our hope is that our results are more understandable and convincing to researchers who may have found previous results advocating for larger samples inaccessible.

期刊介紹:Communications Biologyis an open access journal from Nature Research publishing high-quality research, reviews and commentary in all areas of the biological sciences. Research papers published by the journal represent significant advances bringing new biological insight to a specialized area of research.



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